Bad kissers

I am sort of with FireKitten. Some naturally know what to do and others no matter how hard they try never get it right. Too many seem to know they got a tongue and suppose to do something with it but other than trying to stuff it down your throat are lost. Then there are those who understand and your tongues seem to play with each other and when you find someone who can do that right it is like magic.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Bad breath aside, the WORST kind of kisser in the ENTIRE WORLD is anyone who has both of their lips on top of yours. Luckily for me, I've only had this happen to me maybe a small few times in life, but II really feel sorry for someone when I see it happening to them.

I'm like, how do those kisses even, what is your goal when you kiss like that!?!

These type of kissers also seem to think you don't need air.

Also, kisses with too much moisture (I won't paint a picture beyond what your mind is thinking at this point). If you've experienced this, you know how awful it is.
pmdelites's Avatar
the kisser may think they are doing the correct thing. the problem might be that their idea of a sexy kiss may not be the receiver's idea of a sexy kiss. "osculatory dissonance" :^} (*)

i consulted w/ a provider the other day - very light kisses in spite of my testing the waters w/ my medium deep kisses w/ lips & tongue. result was that i didnt get much excitement or stimulation out of it.
then i consulted w/ a different provider a few days later. it was kisses from the minute i walked in - medium & deep kisses w/ lots of lips & tongue. result was lots of excitement & stimulation!!!

one thing she lets me do is, either when we are fucking or i'm stimulating her clit and/or vagina-gSpot, when she's just about to cum, i cover her mouth w/ mine w/ some tongue frenching, forcing both of us to breathe thru our noses. it heightens our orgasms.

not all providers nor all clients are into kissing or really good at it. if you meet a non-/not so good-kisser, just move on to other activities. 😘

(* definitely NOT meaning ...
"Noun - osculatory (plural osculatories)

(Christianity) A religious tablet, usually carrying a representation of Christ or the Virgin Mary, which is kissed by the priest during the Mass ("kiss of peace"); it is then passed to others at the mass who also kiss it."
Rodrigos's Avatar
All I need is a good kisser sucking on tongue and lips. If none of that no encounter!
Shep3.0's Avatar
I think it was in movie Pretty Woman. Didn't Julia Robert's character say it was too personal?