This woman got triggered by a little hat....

Oh dear! Looks like speedy is flailing again. Maybe I can help him out.

Speedy is trying to compare getting physically attacked for wearing a MAGA hat in public with trumpy's hateful, inciteful rhetoric.

Speedy is arguing there is a direct, empirically demonstrable 1:1 mathematical correlation between the rise in anti-semitic hate crimes over the past two years and trumpy's speeches. Here is a good example of the inflammatory words speedy is objecting to:

"And citizens of America, tonight, as we mark the conclusion of our celebration of black history month, we are reminded of our nation's path toward civil rights and the work that still remains to be done. Recent threats targeting Jewish community centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms."

President Donald J. Trump, SOTU speech on February 28, 2017

Point well taken! I hope this will help the rest of you appreciate speedy's compelling argument. Originally Posted by lustylad
Oh dear! Looks like speedy is flailing again. Maybe I can help him out.

Speedy is trying to compare getting physically attacked for wearing a MAGA hat in public with trumpy's hateful, inciteful rhetoric.

Speedy is arguing there is a direct, empirically demonstrable 1:1 mathematical correlation between the rise in anti-semitic hate crimes over the past two years and trumpy's speeches. Here is a good example of the inflammatory words speedy is objecting to:

"And citizens of America, tonight, as we mark the conclusion of our celebration of black history month, we are reminded of our nation's path toward civil rights and the work that still remains to be done. Recent threats targeting Jewish community centers and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, as well as last week's shooting in Kansas City, remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms."

President Donald J. Trump, SOTU speech on February 28, 2017

Point well taken! I hope this will help the rest of you appreciate speedy's compelling argument. Originally Posted by lustylad
Now lets see if Speedy can come up with a speech where Trump says " Now go out and kick some ass if someone doesn't like my MAGA Hat", lol.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ridiculous. Again you are ignoring attacks by Trump supporters on others. Are they immature? Again, my point is that there are acts of disrespect and violence by both sides. None of it should be tolerated.

I'm not going to argue with you as to whose fault the violence is because I'm sure our opinions will differ. No point in doing so.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Here's another one of your "hate crime" incidents driving your misrepresented statistics. Surely you will find a way to blame this one on Trump as well.

themystic's Avatar
there are likely more fake reports than any actual trump supporters attacking anyone

most trump supporters involved in any fisticuffs are merely try to defend themselves

there are always nuts who attack people due to their own biases, has nothing to do with trump or his supporters

on the other hand, the record is replete with liberal haters attacking trump supporters merely for being trump supporters

which is a big difference- as racists attack people due to their own issues but liberals attack people merely for being trump supporters, a whole new category of oppressed people

there are no recorded instances of which I know, where people are attacked for being an Obama supporter or hellary supporter alone Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
So if I wear a swastika and someone attacks me simply for expressing my views I should be shocked and outraged?
So if I wear a swastika and someone attacks me simply for expressing my views I should be shocked and outraged? Originally Posted by themystic
When anyone attacks you for wearing ANYTHING, you should be outraged...the attacker would be left wing loons...
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
lol. The band of 3 (or 4) attacks. So I'm supposed to believe the statements of people who are in a state of denial about Donald J. Trump. It's just coincidence that Trump in one of his speeches at a rally verbally attacks the media and someone in the crowd physically attacks someone from the media?

People have attacked others simply for wearing a hat. That is wrong. People have attacked others for many other ridiculous reasons -- being Muslim, being black, being female, being gay. That is wrong. I believe Trump's rhetoric is somewhat to blame. The increase in attacks, verbal and physical, on people of these groups since Trump took office has increased so dramatically that it is hard to believe it is just coincidence. I wouldn't expect the majority of participants on this forum to agree with me because, for whatever reasons, most are loyal Trump supporters.
So if I wear a swastika ......expressing my views.... Originally Posted by themystic
if the shoe fits....
lustylad's Avatar
It's just coincidence that Trump in one of his speeches at a rally verbally attacks the media and someone in the crowd physically attacks someone from the media? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Hmmm... so it's just a coincidence that hildebeest calls all Trump supporters "deplorable" and her fans run around attacking anyone wearing a MAGA hat?

By the way, the media verbally attacks Trump 24/7. You have no problem with that, but if he has the temerity to verbally fight back you cry foul!

Can you say "double standard", speedy?
themystic's Avatar
Hmmm... so it's just a coincidence that hildebeest calls all Trump supporters "deplorable" and her fans run around attacking anyone wearing a MAGA hat?

By the way, the media verbally attacks Trump 24/7. You have no problem with that, but if he has the temerity to verbally fight back you cry foul!

Can you say "double standard", speedy? Originally Posted by lustylad
Temerity? No true Trump supporter even knows what that word means Lusty. Maybe the more refined Trump supporter is a little more bourgeoise than I thought

Hmmm... so it's just a coincidence that hildebeest calls all Trump supporters "deplorable" and her fans run around attacking anyone wearing a MAGA hat?

By the way, the media verbally attacks Trump 24/7. You have no problem with that, but if he has the temerity to verbally fight back you cry foul!

Can you say "double standard", speedy? Originally Posted by lustylad
lustylad's Avatar
Temerity? No true Trump supporter even knows what that word means Lusty. Maybe the more refined Trump supporter is a little more bourgeoise than I thought Originally Posted by themystic
Only a poorly educated, vocabulary-challenged Trump hater would consider the use of the word temerity to be a mark of erudition and refinement.

But hey... trumpy loves you too, mystic!

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Hmmm... so it's just a coincidence that hildebeest calls all Trump supporters "deplorable" and her fans run around attacking anyone wearing a MAGA hat?

By the way, the media verbally attacks Trump 24/7. You have no problem with that, but if he has the temerity to verbally fight back you cry foul!

Can you say "double standard", speedy? Originally Posted by lustylad
Where have I ever defended Clinton for calling Trump supporters "deplorable"? That was possibly the most costly mistake of her campaign. And how many attacks have their been on people wearing MAGA hats? A handful from what I can tell. And they make the news.

When Trump makes statements that are either outright lies (Puerto Rico received $91 billion in aid from the U.S,) or at the very least mistakes ("My father was born in Germany". "Mexico will pay for the wall"), then I have no problem with the media reporting on it. We can argue the point, but in my opinion Trump has redefined that art of lying while in office. When he gets called out on it, don't blame the media. However, when on rare occasions the media report "fake news" regarding Trump, that is extremely bad.

And I have no problem with Trump defending himself. I hope he keeps it up. Every time he tweets his ridiculous statements he more than likely loses a few more votes. When he calls Schiff "pencil neck" there go a few votes. When he calls Biden a "low IQ individual" or "weak" there go a few votes. The average Trump supporter loves it. The average voter in this country does not. Hence his approval ratings remain in the low to mid 40s.