Use of The New Thread Button in Encounters

UTR: it's a big deal because lets face it, traveling providers in West Texas aren't exactly a dime a dozen. And one of her quality is even more rare. We would, I think, kind of like to have her continuing to come out here. If that kind of BS passes muster as a review then it's going to make it more difficult for us. Originally Posted by sailorman1980
Very well put..... thank u.
utrlbk1976's Avatar
Preaching to the choir. Try hobbying in Lubbock. I was playing devils advocate a little, but my point was it is resolved. It is not connected to her profile. Shit happens sometimes. And, a guy shouldnt be bashed by other guys for trying to share info he thought was relevant. Guys already get that from some ladies on here. I agree that his issue was much ado about nothing. And it seems to have been handled the wrong way initially. To be honest I haven't been interested enough to follow this step by step. We have girls stop coming all the time because of a few jackasses.
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
I've found that if i drink enough whiskey then none of this concerns me....feel free to follow my lead.

And i like girls who will suck my dick.

And i like girls who will suck my dick. Originally Posted by BBQ-Guy


What a coincidence!

I like to suck dick!!

I got cash Zgirl.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Good lord people- it's very simple. It was not a NCNS so it did not go to COED. It was written as an encounter which it was to a point since it documented the frustrations of both parties trying to meet. When I moderated it (and the gent did not get credit for it) I unlinked it. Some other mod linked it back. When I moved it back I unlinked it again. You guys need to find something else to do honestly.
Good lord people- it's very simple. It was not a NCNS so it did not go to COED. It was written as an encounter which it was to a point since it documented the frustrations of both parties trying to meet. When I moderated it (and the gent did not get credit for it) I unlinked it. Some other mod linked it back. When I moved it back I unlinked it again. You guys need to find something else to do honestly. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
This comment legit cracked me up. Think I might like u a little more now, just cause the sarcasm is something I respect and enjoy.

But how was it not a NCNS?? Or how would it be an encounter? If they NEVER ACTUALLY GOT TOGETHER?! I can't see everything in the review, so maybe I'm missing some info. Based off what I know, ur confusing the shit outta me .

And what else is better than fucking and sucking?? Why we gotta find something else to do?! This is so much fun! (Sometimes.... sometimes it's a lot of drama dumb shit)
busternutzs's Avatar
It was written as an encounter which it was to a point since it documented the frustrations of both parties trying to meet. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
unexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostile).
CK, simply out of curiosity and nothing more.... say u made a mistake or were mistaken for some reason, would u be able to admit to that? Is it something u find easy to do , own being human sometimes and making a mistake ? Or is that not even a possibility when ur a Mod? I'm just curious. I get that ultimately u have the last word, but I'm just curious....

*****I ask that in the nicest, not hostile, not sarcastic, and as humbly as possible. Please don't take that question wrong or as me trying to instigate an argument.
john_deere's Avatar
on the one hand, mods don't have to explain shit to anybody. period.

on the other, getting pissy when asked for an explain doesn't look good either.
on the one hand, mods don't have to explain shit to anybody. period.

on the other, getting pissy when asked for an explain doesn't look good either. Originally Posted by john_deere
Precisely why I've always liked u , even tho we aren't friends no mo , but that's irrelevant. U are always the realist! And fair.
MikeHonchoHimself's Avatar
Soooo.... anytime a fella is denied a meeting because he is unable to provide adequate screening info or any references it constitutes a "No" recommendation? Asking for a friend.
Okay, because this is SUCH A BIG DEAL to you guys. there was no mistake make, because there was no precedent.

However, after Admin review, there now is an official word on this. There were no activities and no meeting, so it should be handled like an NCNS.

So, it is getting moved back to COED and reopened. Y'all can explain to Asian Emily why you want to drag this out...
Three Piece Chicken Dinne's Avatar
NCNS stands for No Call No Show, correct? As in an appointment was set but one party failed to show and didn’t call the other? A failure to get an appointment doesn’t sound like a NCNS to me.