Good lord people- it's very simple. It was not a NCNS so it did not go to COED. It was written as an encounter which it was to a point since it documented the frustrations of both parties trying to meet. When I moderated it (and the gent did not get credit for it) I unlinked it. Some other mod linked it back. When I moved it back I unlinked it again. You guys need to find something else to do honestly.
Originally Posted by CryptKicker
This comment legit cracked me up. Think I might like u a little more now, just cause the sarcasm is something I respect and enjoy.
But how was it not a NCNS?? Or how would it be an encounter? If they NEVER ACTUALLY GOT TOGETHER?! I can't see everything in the review, so maybe I'm missing some info. Based off what I know, ur confusing the shit outta me .
And what else is better than fucking and sucking?? Why we gotta find something else to do?! This is so much fun! (Sometimes.... sometimes it's a lot of drama dumb shit)