Amy Winehouse, dead at 27

Hey I see DD is back from vacation paradise...hope it was a good one.

First off, especially if one has spent much time in the hobby world, this is a very sad,
but unfortunately not usual situation (and no I'm not saying all providers have this problem!)

I lost a very close provider friend years ago under similiar circumstances. No one can help those with these type of addicitions until the person themselve chooses to right their ship. It was a very difficult lesson for me to learn, but after seeing her pass (and with a beautiful 3 month baby) I learn, like many have said here...there is no way you can "will them" into recovery.

Now with that said, should anyone be surprise with this death....NO!

Should anyone put the blame on things going on in her personal life has being
a reason....NO

But, and it took me losing someone very close to me to understand, this a very sad and tragic story at a number of different levels.

For those of you who are pontificating about placing your own moral sense of self must live in a very small world (boy
I really wanted to say a whole lot more than that).

And thinking someone who has fame and money should somehow be held at a different level of accountability, no way. Money is a
terrible enabler to someone who falls to an addicition...not some magical cure.

And B4 I get jumped upon....I am not saying she was this helpless victim. She was the one that made the poor choices to turn to drugs.
She was the one, who continue to not seek re-hab (despite her resources). She was the one who would not listen to her love ones who
I am sure tried there best to turn her life around.

I am not saying...poor Amy, by any means. But to view this as anything short of a sad story to me would make you nothing more...errrr best stop there, as I'll probably get points by starting to point fingers and espress my real thoughts about those of you riding your high horses.
There is so much more I would love to add to this thread...but I am not going to beat a dead horse.
Opinions are like assholes...Everyone has one...and a lot of them stink.
Opinions are like assholes...Everyone has one...and a lot of them stink. Originally Posted by topnotchmassage

Yes, they do.
Yea, and some assholes stink more than others
Yea, and some assholes stink more than others Originally Posted by vkmaster
Yes, they do.
dirty dog's Avatar
Yes, VK I am back, we found a nice home and put a deposit down, will hear this week if we get the house. So I expect that I will be living there 6 months out of the year. We had an awsome time, did some diving, some fishing, some drinking and some f....... lol. I thnk everyone should go to the Islands at least one in their life.

Now back to the topic, I am not excusing the actions of addicts and alcoholics, lord knows Winehouse had multiple opporunities, but as VK says money sometimes makes the problem worse. Celebrity does not make the human being stronger mentally and emotionally, it may in fact make them weaker because in many cases those whose income depend on the celebrity tend to look the other way rather than try to help the person. Again, I was not a big fan of Winehouse, and I am not asking for sympothy, but compasion for another human being does not cost anything and makes you feel better on the inside. I am not wanting to beat a dead horse either, so I will leave it at that.
Yep! We have found something that we agreed upon

Hey DD....regarding the possible house purchase, and excuse the pun...but you lucky dog!!!!
Everyone does have their own opinions. That's what makes this board go around. Sometimes you have to choose which opinions you want to defend and how vigorously. Not all battles are worth fighting.

Spoken like a reader of Sun Tzu and wise.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We are all one family. When one suffers, we all do. Addiction is a disease, as is mental illness, as is diabetes, as is hepatitis, as is the flu, etc. Why anyone would criticize someone for having a cold, or heart disease, or cancer is beyond me. Fame and money do not patch up all the areas where one may feel deficient, and sometimes only makes them worse. I can't say I'm sad she's dead, because I know she is in a better place, but her personal hell while on this plane must have been terrible. Regardless of the money and fame.

Rock on, Amy! You're with friends now.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
She died doing what she loved.
We are all one family. When one suffers, we all do. Addiction is a disease, as is mental illness, as is diabetes, as is hepatitis, as is the flu, etc. Why anyone would criticize someone for having a cold, or heart disease, or cancer is beyond me. Fame and money do not patch up all the areas where one may feel deficient, and sometimes only makes them worse. I can't say I'm sad she's dead, because I know she is in a better place, but her personal hell while on this plane must have been terrible. Regardless of the money and fame.

Rock on, Amy! You're with friends now. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
dirty dog's Avatar
We are all one family. When one suffers, we all do. Addiction is a disease, as is mental illness, as is diabetes, as is hepatitis, as is the flu, etc. Why anyone would criticize someone for having a cold, or heart disease, or cancer is beyond me. Fame and money do not patch up all the areas where one may feel deficient, and sometimes only makes them worse. I can't say I'm sad she's dead, because I know she is in a better place, but her personal hell while on this plane must have been terrible. Regardless of the money and fame.

Rock on, Amy! You're with friends now. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

+1 very well said COG, you are wise beyond your .......... err I mean you are wise because of the years.
We are all one family. When one suffers, we all do. Addiction is a disease, as is mental illness, as is diabetes, as is hepatitis, as is the flu, etc. Why anyone would criticize someone for having a cold, or heart disease, or cancer is beyond me. Fame and money do not patch up all the areas where one may feel deficient, and sometimes only makes them worse. I can't say I'm sad she's dead, because I know she is in a better place, but her personal hell while on this plane must have been terrible. Regardless of the money and fame.

Rock on, Amy! You're with friends now. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well said COG.

Under control, it's considered recreational and fun.
When they overindulge, it becomes an illness.
The difference is that people CHOOSE to use drugs, alcohol, etc.
They DO NOT choose to be ill with cancer, heart disease, flu,
diabetes, or to be mentally ill.