Great guy but a hectic job schedule

NaughtyAughty's Avatar
Wait...ladies don’t like unsolicited dic pics!? I may have to reconsider my game.

Honestly I just don’t think the ladies appreciate the effort and art that goes into the production. So many things to consider, lighting, environment, mood....what is my cock trying to say at the moment? Is it a hope to see you soon dic pic, a sorry for your loss dic pic, or just a hope you’re having a great day dic pic?

Poor cockster is just misunderstood, although I will say if you have to proclaim that you are a great guy, the greatness is just out of reach, but there is still hope that things can be turned around!

Unsolicited tip for whomever may care: Really what has worked for me (surprisingly more than a dic pic with an accompanying, “I want to take you to poundtown on my fucktruck”) is send references, make an appointment, show up, pay. Repeat if desired. Sure, there are times when cancellations and rescheduling is required, but in most cases the ladies I’ve dealt with have been pretty understanding taking to heart as cockster says, this should be fun (assuming respect for time and effort goes both ways). Simple recipe that makes things easy.

Then again, what the fuck do I know, I’m just bored and wasting time, I should get back to work...on the other hand, I have been meaning to experiment with my sepia filter, going for a throwback dic pic motif, dic pic of yore, if you please. Lucky ladies stay tuned! Originally Posted by swwaustin

NOW that's some funny shut right there!!! Hey man I'm a little offended I have yet to have the honor of making your acquaintance! By the sounds of it, we share the same gene pool of sarcasm & witty banter!! I dig your style sir so thanks for making me blow my coffee right out my 👃...
Kimberly Spade's Avatar
My good girlfriend secret encounters (sweet lexXxi dd's) has seen him & did tell me he sends unsolicited dick pics & likes to do it randomly. She also states even though he is a nice guy in person he has no boundaries when texting. She also mentioned he cancelled at short noticed or ncns the past few times when he attempted to see her (time waster).

So when he sent me a pm asking to schedule & would like to text me to schedule I did let him know I do not give out my number due to the fact that I had recently had several other people send me dick pics when I previously had given out my number. He sounded empathetic even though he is known for this. He also told me he would respect my boundaries but then he was really persistent about getting my number. He stated that he would not text me out of the blue or inappropriately even though he likes to brag about his shlong & I rather remain private & not give out my number. So overall it seems like the main complaint is unsolicited dick pics, random texting, ncns even though people state he is a nice guy.

I just rather pass than have the hassle, but hey this is just my opinion.
swwaustin's Avatar
...swwaustin’s stimulating banter. ... Originally Posted by Ez5417
Yes, that’s what any man truly wants identified as stimulating from a lover...his banter.

...By the sounds of it, we share the same gene pool of sarcasm & witty banter... Originally Posted by NaughtyAughty
Those that think I am a wit are usually only half right. Typically I only amuse myself, which really is enough for me, but it’s good to find like minded, good natured, lampoon friendly folks out there.

To stay on message, I still contend that good ol’ cockster is simply a misunderstood artist merely seeking to gain patrons to his chosen medium of expression.
Thanks Austin believe me it will never ever happen again. Just trying to enjoy all the ladies in the community. I didnt ever think sending out a few actually asked for pictures would cause such a stir. But we all learn from mistakes. Ive had a few gals send me punnani pictures which was no big deal to me amongst adults as we all are. So to any beautiful ladies that were offened my actions i truly apologize. One other thing,we as gents get worked up all the time to see a gal then something goes awry with the gal but we just usually let it go and move on, but if we make a date and something comes up because of a work situation and cant make and try and explain it thru a text or phone call its gets misconstrued and we are labeled a ncns. Anyway enough said about that.. Hope to all you lovely ladies soon... Night night Cockster12 out.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
For those of us with artistic talents, what about a dic portrait painting? We could try impressionistic, perhaps cubism or surrealism (and combine it with a guitar). Let’s avoid realism, too much like a pic.

For the record: I have never sent, nor considered sending such photo-images. Who does that?
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
That....and stop sending explicit text and unsolicited dick pics to providers.

Cockster12 didn’t like my comments on this thread and called and left me a very ugly voicemail cursing me out from his work phone.

I haven’t met him, thank goodness, and hopefully this thread will serve future ladies when screening him.

Stay safe and happy playing everyone �� Originally Posted by Exotic Yazmin DDD
You know...

I hated to add to this post because it seems alot of you lovely ladies mirrored my own personal experience with this gentleman... I politely declined his request to see me because he WOULD NOT stop sending me vulgur and explicit texts and the oh so DELIGHTFUL D*** photos...

When I politely declined his invitation he changed handles, tried tricking me by using a new p411 account not linked to eccie, used multiple Telephone numbers... It's been 4 long years of harassment... Pure and simple...

Recently, a lovely gentleman, from Tulsa created a very nice thread to thank me for coming to Tulsa... So, very nice of him... BOOM.. There was Cockster12 there to tell people not to see me because I'm crazy and stupid ... I'm like... Whatever? Lol 😂

So, here's the FUNNY thing... FOUR days after his post he texts me to ask me if I will reconsider and see him...If I will give him a FRESH START... He then accused me of being scared of a HANDSOME BLACK MAN with a MONSTER COCK... Smdh...and I'm like ARE YOU freaking kidding me? Now, I'm a racist? I see GENTLEMEN of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions etc... I've been an activist for equal rights my entire life... So, now, at this point I was personally offended...

I politely declined... I told him that if he would not leave me alone I would post his harassing texts on my Twitter (minus any personal info (numbers, name etc)...

Since then, he has left me alone and I very much appreciate that...but it has been a 4 year battle with this guy...

He does have some lovely ladies that adore him and I think that is great.. He is just my type... And i wish him many years of happy hobbying...

Just thought we should clear that up ...

I hope that everyone is doing well and that Sir Cockster12 finds the ladies of his dreams to rock his world!!😊 😘

Your affectionate slave,

Guinevere 😘
PillowChaffer's Avatar
I have a very busy schedule but once I make an appointment, I show up. It's rude to waste someones' time.

Just throwing this out there that transmission of unsolicited lewd pics to someone who has not asked for or consented to them may get you in trouble under Texas law.

It's misdemeanor and could end up costing you a $500 fine and a criminal record. The law was passed in September of 2019. Don't take my word for it. Look it up.

Final thought: Slave you are a stunningly beautiful woman. I give you consent to send me any and all lewd pics of yourself that you may have.

We now return to your regular scheduled program
Im not sure why this Slave lady is making false accusations. But i guess it what it is. Hopefully Shes Ok. I would not mind fucking her brains out. Doubt she can take
  • Mjay
  • 06-20-2020, 05:11 AM
Cockster12 stop fitting the negative stereotypes.Thank GOD for Tim Duncan & David Robinson in San Antonio!
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Im not sure why this Slave lady is making false accusations. But i guess it what it is. Hopefully Shes Ok. I would not mind fucking her brains out. Doubt she can take Originally Posted by Cockster12
Good Morning General Napoleon!!

Hmmm... I guess you forgot about the lovely TWITTER POST that I had to order to get you to STOP CONTACTING ME....

Apparently, ENGLISH, must not be your FIRST language... And that's ok... I try not to judge....I mean it was quite OBVIOUS, when you insulted me on Sir Solemate's thread...

Now, I have over 600 reviews, and I am fairly certain, General Napoleon, that I can handle almost ANY SIZE...even a TINY CANNON like YOUR own.. LOL... And if I actually LIKED YOU... I would give it a whirl... But sadly, I do not...

Give it a whirl Slave you'd love it i promise. Maybe we could break the ice by having a few drinks somewhere first
PillowChaffer's Avatar
Precious_b's Avatar
Just like the French, he's going down in front of our eyes like the aptly named people.

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Give it a whirl Slave you'd love it i promise. Maybe we could break the ice by having a few drinks somewhere first Originally Posted by Cockster12

I always have drinks with NICE GUYS that CHASE me for FOUR YEARS that have absolutely NO CONCEPT of the word "NO"... I bet you also believe that "YOU CAN FLY"....