I didn't try to hijack a thread, Staff Edit - Biomed1 I don't get on here much but this was just too much to ignore.
Originally Posted by PrairieFires
...and the thread's been edited so certain information wasn't mentioned...
But thanks for mentioning it again bright eyes. In this case, you are your own worst enemy and the provider's too. Couldn't have just left it alone could you doll?
You don't get on here much...but people talking about you is too much to ignore. Got it. BTW, before people turn into grown ups they are usually a much younger age. As I've said a couple of times already, certain events I previously described occurred a long time ago. More than likely before you met the provider in question...and when most of us were a much younger age. Either way, just cause the provider didn't do something while you were around doesn't mean you "know her better". In fact, it means you don't know sh!t about things she used to do...especially since you weren't there when it happened unless you see the provider in question in the mirror.
Are we to take your word that all the things in your NINE reviews of the provider in question happened as you say they did? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Either way, the thing you were so concerned about was already taken care of. For your own good, stop being such a drama queen.