I would beg to differ. See attached member. Stayed he also had a total fail with Foxy. But did not write a review. Maybe because he knew he would get attacked
Like I did from the blue promo gang. Or he felt bad for the provider. So I would bet that most of the guys are in the same mindset. So they will not do a No
Review. She is a total complete but case. I fucked perfect. She took the fucking
Like a girl should. But this 40 year old foxy. Needs to retire.
Originally Posted by Whenever
Oh, I definitely believe all the bad stories about her, because I've had the same negative experiences that are attributed to Foxy with other girls at Blue. It was her overwhelming amount of "No"s that drove me to see her. I'm also saying, though, that her "Yes" reviews aren't entirely fake
Sadly, yes, it seems that "No" reviews (especially from Blue) get attacked, which is a shame, but I don't think that's the only reason that people don't post reviews. There simply isn't much incentive in doing one. Most reviews lack real details and are written with rose colored glasses on, and they attract attention which isn't always the best thing to do
I only reviewed to get Premium, and I probably wont do another review until I lose Premium. I've had several "Yes" and "No" since, but at the very most all I'll do is comment on a thread about it, and sometimes not even that. No one's experience will be exactly the same anyway, and in one day it will be bumped to the 4th page never to be seen again