I'm Done With The Kapernick Debates

Lucas McCain's Avatar
You're full of it. What's wrong, not enough stuff going up in Dallas that you have to come to Houston to troll? Attention whore. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Well, I think it is safe to assume that one grumpy old fart certainly did not get enough Jell-o in the nursing home this weekend.

My biggest client is in Houston. I'm here all of the time. I work more in Houston than I actually do in Dallas. Got anything else old man?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Well, I think it is safe to assume that one grumpy old fart certainly did not get enough Jell-o in the nursing home this weekend.

My biggest client is in Houston. I'm here all of the time. I work more in Houston than I actually do in Dallas. Got anything else old man? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

If all you have is this 'old' stuff, you must not have much.

It must be a horrible and sad existence you live with if all the ammo you have is those 'old' comments. It's also a sad existence you live if all you have to do is go from town to town on a hooker board and talk shit.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
If all you have is this 'old' stuff, you must not have much.

It must be a horrible and sad existence you live with if all the ammo you have is those 'old' comments. It's also a sad existence you live if all you have to do is go from town to town on a hooker board and talk shit. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Like your old bosom buddy who faked closing his account all you do is start shit. Just like in this thread...couldn't stick to the topic as usual with post #3....its nice to see someone scrape your ass with fiber glass for a change.

Go Lucas
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
@Wacokid...Yawn. lol Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

if you say so.

Like your old bosom buddy who faked closing his account all you do is start shit. Just like in this thread...couldn't stick to the topic as usual with post #3....its nice to see someone scrape your ass with fiber glass for a change.

Go Lucas Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

if you say so.
winn dixie's Avatar
looks like no nfl team is interested in kapersnitch. soooo sorry

Lucas McCain's Avatar
looks like no nfl team is interested in kapersnitch. soooo sorry

Originally Posted by winn dixie
I doubt he gives a shit. No NFL team will sign him and his personal team probably knows that. Yet we're talking about him on a whore board. Who is winning here? The answer is Kap.
VitaMan's Avatar
He will soon fade away and become irrelevant, just like David Letterman. He achieved the 15 minutes of fame....maybe 20 since he was part of the NFL. Now, for him, any publicity is good publicity.

Comparing him to Jim Brown and Muhammad Ali ? Now there is fake news.
Being talked about on a whore board is not winning.....he is looking for a job.

Talked about on a whore board vs. being unemployed ? Sounds more like a loser.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
He's not looking for a job. If he was, he would have played along with the NFL scheduled workout. Instead, he went 60 miles away from the NFL's planned workout and walks in wearing a Kunta Kinte shirt before his workout. Does that sound like a guy who gives a fuck about a job when he already knows they won't hire him regardless?

He makes millions a year from Nike. I don't blame him for telling the NFL to go fuck themselves with their bullshit staged workout they planned for him. He doesn't need the NFL and the NFL doesn't need him. Both parties will still prosper financially without each other.

As far as how long he will stay relevant, he is not going anywhere. He is a QB who gave up his playing career for a just cause. Nike pays him a shit load of money for a reason... like him or not, he will continue to get paid so I would hardly consider him to be a loser and unemployed.
boardman's Avatar
When Kap had Nike nix the Betsy Ross shoe Rush Limbaugh seized the opportunity by introducing a "Stand Up for Betsy Ross" T shirt. The campaign has been so successful they've already donated something like $4million to the Tunnels to Towers foundation which supports the families of first responders and injured veterans. They've expanded the line to other apparel since and are doing quite well. I wonder if Kap is as proud of the contribution his controversy has made for those victims.

Kap does need the NFL or he wouldn't have pulled these shenanigans. He can't go stand on a stump and get that kind of attention because, other than him once being a QB, no one cares. It absolutely does keep him relevant. That's why Kap is still making money and it's why he has to remain in the public eye as a victim. The guy is 32 years old. He's got maybe one more stunt in him after he rides his current wave unless he finds a new grift or angle. At 34 or 35 no one is going to be clammering for him to get a job as an NFL QB. By then the consensus will be what many of us already understand...The guy is washed up.
VitaMan's Avatar
And what exactly has he been doing to help the downtrodden and oppressed during all his free time ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He's not looking for a job. If he was, he would have played along with the NFL scheduled workout. Instead, he went 60 miles away from the NFL's planned workout and walks in wearing a Kunta Kinte shirt before his workout. Does that sound like a guy who gives a fuck about a job when he already knows they won't hire him regardless?

He makes millions a year from Nike. I don't blame him for telling the NFL to go fuck themselves with their bullshit staged workout they planned for him. He doesn't need the NFL and the NFL doesn't need him. Both parties will still prosper financially without each other.

As far as how long he will stay relevant, he is not going anywhere. He is a QB who gave up his playing career for a just cause. Nike pays him a shit load of money for a reason... like him or not, he will continue to get paid so I would hardly consider him to be a loser and unemployed. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

i agree. maybe not the "just cause" part but certainly in the fact that he didn't take his "interview" seriously. and that's exactly what it was, a job interview. you don't dictate the rules of the interview, the employer does no matter who you are with very few exceptions. and Kap ain't one of them. in fact, he needs to be doing it better than the other guy given his situation.

he doesn't need the money. reports are he grossed about 43 million during his time in the NFL and reports show him with a net worth of 20 million. his settlement with the NFL is confidential but estimates put it about 10 million, while others were grossly high at up to 60-80 million. i think 10-20 tops is more reasonable. and then there is his Nike endorsement deal. who knows what that's worth? too lazy to google it but it alone should be enough to keep him well off for years to come, or as long as Nike can huckster shoe and apparel sales out of him.

assuming this source is close to accurate 20 million should be plenty if well invested and without the big head trappings of the "NFL Rock Star" life style. all reports i've ever read never indicated Kap was unwise with his NFL earnings like so many others are. good for him. while i have zero agreement for his so-called "just cause" i have no problem whatsoever with him making a ton of loot in the NFL or from Nike. and if he manages it well all the better for him. i have no problem with that at all.

by the way, athletes blowing their loot is not a black only thing. there are many examples of white and hispanic players across all the big 4 sports blowing their money. just to name a few ,, Jose Canseco, Lenny Dysktra, Curt Schilling (in fairness to Schilling he made a bad business decision with that video company and broke the golden rule, he went all in and lost). Mike Modano lost a bunch in some failed investment but luckily didn't lose all he had earned. or so i recall.

so it's not just a "black athlete" thing nor always the "Rock Star Life". many players get into business ventures that fail through no fault of their own, or because they simply don't have the background for it. some even get swindled by supposedly credible firms. the ones that let their Uncle Joe or their childhood buddy invest their money get what they deserve when it goes south.

they'd be better off going to fucking Merrill Lynch or Charles Schwab.


bottom line Kap didn't take this interview serious. moving it at the last minute was just a stunt and wearing that Kunta Kinte shirt was bullshit.

a few years back i went on an interview with my current employer, one of the top 5 ginormus banks, and it was on a friday. the recruiter told me that Ginormus bank actually said since it was blue jeans friday i could wear business casual if i wanted. (not jeans). so what do ya think TWK wore? a fucking full on suit and tie. old school all the way. got the gig too. how much the suit played into it doesn't matter. i played the game by the rules.
You didn't wear a t-shirt that said "Kunta Kinte?" Sell out.

Vitaman, the answer is Kap hasn't done much to 'help his community'. He had a FB page that I read consistently about a year ago. He'd thank the occasional artist or athlete that would donate (usually 10K) to "the cause." That money would go to various boy and girl programs.

At one point, the NFL was going to donate $25 million dollars to be directed by various athletes for the city that they played in. Some people squabbled about it and the NFL cancelled the program.
He's not looking for a job. If he was, he would have played along with the NFL scheduled workout. Instead, he went 60 miles away from the NFL's planned workout and walks in wearing a Kunta Kinte shirt before his workout. Does that sound like a guy who gives a fuck about a job when he already knows they won't hire him regardless?

He makes millions a year from Nike. I don't blame him for telling the NFL to go fuck themselves with their bullshit staged workout they planned for him. He doesn't need the NFL and the NFL doesn't need him. Both parties will still prosper financially without each other.

As far as how long he will stay relevant, he is not going anywhere. He is a QB who gave up his playing career for a just cause. Nike pays him a shit load of money for a reason... like him or not, he will continue to get paid so I would hardly consider him to be a loser and unemployed. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
If he would have signed the waivers, shown up in non-inflammatory Nike gear to the Falcons facility, had a good work out, answered questions that he wouldn't kneel for the anthem and present himself as a good NFL team player....He would have had a backup QB position by the end of the week.

But Kap didn't and he's still unemployed by the NFL. Kap isn't Ali or Jackie Robinson. If he doesn't sign with a team by this summer's training camp he'll just another irrelevant QB on the dustbin of the NFL. Here in Houston I don't see a lot of Kap gear. Actually none.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I agree gnafly. That's why I say he didn't want a job. As TWK posted, you don't dictate the terms of an "interview" whether you agree with those terms or not if you really want a job. And you certainly don't end your workout with a minute and half "fuck you" statement to the media aimed at your potential employers if you sincerely want a job.

Eric Reid can get a job because he is a safety. They are not the face of your franchise like QBs's are. Hell, Rodgers, Mahomes, Brady, Watson, Jackson and Brees could all go take a shit on the 50 yard line during the anthem and they wouldn't have to worry about their employment. Kap does not have their talent though so his ass will never be employed again by the NFL. He's simply just not worth the headache.

Those billionaire owners are not going to let Kap fuck with their bottom line by signing him while they still view him as obviously being defiant and unwilling to conform to what they want... the Kunta Kinte shirt was kind of funny to me though. When I saw that, my 1st thought was why did he even waste his time with this workout (Nike). He might as well have just worn a shirt that had the middle finger up for the NFL.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If he would have signed the waivers, shown up in non-inflammatory Nike gear to the Falcons facility, had a good work out, answered questions that he wouldn't kneel for the anthem and present himself as a good NFL team player....He would have had a backup QB position by the end of the week.

But Kap didn't and he's still unemployed by the NFL. Kap isn't Ali or Jackie Robinson. If he doesn't sign with a team by this summer's training camp he'll just another irrelevant QB on the dustbin of the NFL. Here in Houston I don't see a lot of Kap gear. Actually none. Originally Posted by gnadfly

or he could have just said he'd prefer to stay in the locker room. one fallout from this is the NFL now has a rule, not like the NBA where it's mandatory to stand for the Anthem, but allows players to either stay in the locker room till the Anthem is over, and the clubs cannot hold that against a player or you will get a grievance filed by the NFLPA, or you stand. take yer pick.

if he said that, i doubt there would be any issue a team could have since it's now the rule. but no! fussy pants Kunta Kinte has to obstreperous and uppity about it. on purpose. the real issue here was that the NFL wanted it closed to the media so Kaptard couldn't run his mouth to the press. so at the last minute he makes a circus out of it. like Jerral Jones said. the fucktard never wanted a spot on a roster, he wanted a media scrum to run his uppity mouth. i'd even bet Kaptard and his "peeps" planned it this way from the start. they knew the NFL wanted it closed, in fact they counted on it. they got the publicity they wanted, then used it to stage a media event.

NFL: Players can stay in locker room for national anthem, but all must stand if on field


as far as compromises go, i have no problem with this. respect the Anthem and the flag, or stay in the locker room. works for me.