Trump Inquiry Won’t End With Impeachment Report, Schiff Says

Chung Tran's Avatar

I haven't seen a single person that doesn't think Trump will be acquitted. Dems are hoping beyond hope that this will hamper his chance for re-election while Republicans are betting this will help Trump and the current polling suggests that Trump is winning this battle especially in the battle ground states that polling shows disagree with impeachment.

What will also happen beyond people saying Trump did it! Will be Hunter Biden having to testify, Joe Biden may be called, Schiff may be called, the WB will definitely be called and all of these people could be in deep shit. What if an aide to Schiff is called and is asked under penalty of giving false testimony, the aide says YES, Adam Schiff not only knows the name of the WB but he meet with him and discussed strategy?

What if it can in fact be proven that Joe Biden "interfered" in his son being investigated by Ukrainian prosecutors?

I think we already know what's the worst that can be said about Trump because it's already been said and Republicans don't care. What we don't know but might know with a trial is a whole bunch of shit that could affect the Democrats. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
this and this and this and this and... you get the idea.

the impeachment strategy has almost no chance of working well for the Dems.. go for censure, or something else. retreat now, hold a Press Conference, and claim obstruction.. spin a narrative that you are the wounded ones.