Don't Fuck With President Kong

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-03-2020, 08:25 AM
That’s hardly an answer there gnadsy. How will Iran retaliates because yous know they will. What started this latest worlds crisis anyhoo? Why is it happening now? Come on, boys! Yous are all good at sleuthing.

I’m elated that they got the bastard but now what?

Elections? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
This is what happens next...

Trump shits, our righties cheer and then wipe.

This is exactly what has gone on around here for three years.

Trump is diverting from impeachment...fairly simple. The ChickenHawks in the Senate have him by the balls. In fact all the GOP Senators have him by the balls.
  • oeb11
  • 01-03-2020, 08:26 AM
Poor DPST Whiny Babaies - whining tht we did not ask DPST "permission" to defend an embassy assaulted by terrorists - and the "Consultedfor permission" would promptly have gone to the press to publicize and prevent action.

They are whining that the iranians are being "bullied" by US and its capitalist lapdog Israel - and that if we pay Iran a bunch of billions of dollar s all will be well.

Yeah - thanks nasty and chucky show - Trump did the right thing in a proportionate response to the assault on our embassy - something the DPST's have made clear they care nothing for the embassy lives of US citizens (Benghazi) - and the Iranian clergy better realize they will get a severe response for terrorist actions against the US.

Nobody wants a war in the ME against anyone - but the Iranians are ttrying their best to provoke with their attacks on shipping and terrorism assaults. Which bother the nasty and chucky DPST show not one bit. They are only concerned with attaining the ability to micro-manage affairs of State via their "oversight" committees. And pissed royally they have not overthrown the Constitution in attempts to do just that.

Fuck those DPST 's./
  • oeb11
  • 01-03-2020, 08:28 AM
ftw- thanks for being a terrorist apologist - and feel free to wear your hijab and pray to your ayatollah while caring nothing for the US victims of Iranian terrorist activities.

Move to tehran and pray for 72 virgins and a white horse - how 'bout!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Apparently WTF plans to just stand and watch his neighbors house get blown up by some middle east azzhat.
Does anyone remember Obama crowing about "I got him" when Bin Laden got killed? Anybody else remember the sweetheart nuclear deal he made with Iran? I do and I also remember the mullahs cackling and couldn't contain their glee when it happened? Carry on with your bad selves and throw more insults and name calling 24/7. The only reason we are in this position is because you chickenshit liberals think you can appease these people when in fact they hate you and are scheming and have many terrorist cells through out Europe and here to further their hateful agenda.
  • oeb11
  • 01-03-2020, 08:47 AM
ftw might sing a different tune when the terrorists he is an apologist for come for his own home.

I am not advocating any such action!
HoeHummer's Avatar

Quit making this about your name callings fetish, young lady.

While I am happys to see a bad guy gets neutralized, I think Trumps impulsivenesses and unwillingness to consult Congress before starting another “forevers war,” is yet another misstep in the worst presidency in your history.

Yous will be apologizing before this is all over, little lady. Trump hAs no problems trading lives to protect his power. And you’re too all’s-in (fucking dim) to admits that.
You don't know a fucking thing about me you transgender motherfucker! will never apoglize to a piece of shit loser like you . Although I never mentioned you, you knew exactly who I was talking about Crawl back in your hole assup and I know it isn't in Canada. As for me I'm going to enjoy the rest of my day. They can ban me because my life doesn't depend on this site, unlike you.
You know damn well this is the only site that will put up with your shit! Does it make you feel important? Apparently. I guarantee you have nothing else going on for you in life. Fuckin loser!
Have a nice day.
HoeHummer's Avatar
You don't know a fucking thing about me you transgender motherfucker! will never apoglize to a piece of shit loser like you . Although I never mentioned you, you knew exactly who I was talking about Crawl back in your hole assup and I know it isn't in Canada. As for me I'm going to enjoy the rest of my day. They can ban me because my life doesn't depend on this site, unlike you. Originally Posted by boomer32514
You know damn well this is the only site that will put up with your shit! Does it make you feel important? Apparently. I guarantee you have nothing else going on for you in life. Fuckin loser!
Have a nice day. Originally Posted by boomer32514
Did I miss somethings? I dont knows who the fuck yous are but I didn’t address yous ever.

Are your ears burning, or is it something else? Give your balls a tug, Sally!

Now yous get to apologize for mistaking a me for someone’s who acknowledges your off-brand existence.
winn dixie's Avatar
You don't know a fucking thing about me you transgender motherfucker! will never apoglize to a piece of shit loser like you . Although I never mentioned you, you knew exactly who I was talking about Crawl back in your hole assup and I know it isn't in Canada. As for me I'm going to enjoy the rest of my day. They can ban me because my life doesn't depend on this site, unlike you. Originally Posted by boomer32514
You know damn well this is the only site that will put up with your shit! Does it make you feel important? Apparently. I guarantee you have nothing else going on for you in life. Fuckin loser!
Have a nice day. Originally Posted by boomer32514
You're welcome here anytime Boomer! We all agree with your post!
Blah blah blah. Last time I will respond. Fuck you and your phony Canadian persona. This will be the last time I respond loser. Playing innocent. You are nothing to me. I am more worried about a pimple on my ass. You stay here all day long. I came on this site because I like women (unlike you). I dropped my comment and figured it was the end of it till you attacked me with your childish insults. So run along now and play with those that are forced to. keep preaching your bs to a captive audience. Nobody can have a civil conversation because of narrow minded idiots like you.
You now think another war in the ME is winning? Originally Posted by WTF
There's nothing you can do about it.

...except be WDF!
bambino's Avatar
You know damn well this is the only site that will put up with your shit! Does it make you feel important? Apparently. I guarantee you have nothing else going on for you in life. Fuckin loser!
Have a nice day. Originally Posted by boomer32514
:wav etowel2:
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Amusing when house and senate elected officials whine, as they are this morning.
1st cic is cic and it's not anyone else's call.
2nd, they were all notified directly (along with the rest of the world) first thing this morning.
3rd, politicians that are whining clearly don't realize how many military families there are, including veterans, that all vote, whose votes they've just lost.