Put her in jail and do WHAT with her kids?
Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Feed them to the poor?
Feed them to the poor? Originally Posted by sky_wireSounds like quite the Modest Proposal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Modest_Proposal
WIC covers quite a bit more than that. It is supposed to be items mainly for pregnant or breast feeding women, infants, and children under 5 but there is a lot of standard grocery stuff included as well.Well, I know it covers more than just what I mentioned. But I disagree. It has not gotten away from it's original intended purpose. The purpose was to supplement for women, infants, and children. They have finally given the kids more to eat than just cheese. Now they have peanut butter and eggs, and juice, etc. It's taken the system a long time to catch up to the food groups.
I only say this to show an example of how a system slowly expands over time, moving away from its original intended purpose. The list is now quite a bit more expansive than just "stuff for babies". Originally Posted by mansfield
But children should not have to suffer just because it's parents make bad decisions. They didn't ask to be brought into this world. I'd rather they get their government cheese, milk, peanut butter and cereal than to have to hear another child died of starvation.But the problem is that many mothers, since things get taken care of anyway, suffer no consequences for their poor choices. In fact, it's often better for them to have MORE kids to put into the system.
gawd....DAMN! Hope you goofy bastids don't get a permanent crick in your neck from looking down your noses at people.Neck feels great. 1,000's of Enron people lost everything because of a few crooks. I agree on the banking crooks and the politicians who enabled them.
I'm still waiting for the Enron fucktards to pay up...and we won't even get into the shitheels who screwed up the financial sector from 1998-2008. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
But the problem is that many mothers, since things get taken care of anyway, suffer no consequences for their poor choices. Originally Posted by mansfieldGive me a fuckin' break. Just because the government helps feed poor people's children doesn't absolve women from the consequences of having kids early in life. When women have kids early, especially when they can't afford it, 95 times out of 100, their life is fucked up beyond all recognition whether the child is fed or not. Pretending that providing a little help feeding the kid means that they "suffer no consequences" is beyond ridiculous.
Pretending that providing a little help feeding the kid means that they "suffer no consequences" is beyond ridiculous.I personally know of several mothers who factored the available asistance into their decision to have more children.
Once a woman has a child she cannot afford and who the father will not support, she is more often than not done with her education. She cannot afford day care. She is discriminated against in the job market because employers, despite the law, figure (accurately) that she'll have to take off lots because of the kid. She is more likely to be fired because of inadequate or unaffordable day care.At least in one case that I personally know of, all of those things are incorrect. My stepsister experiences exactly the opposite. She has access to better daycare, healthcare, and job placement assistance than my wife and I did when we started out, both working starting career jobs. More by leaps and bounds. She has agencies lined up to help her.
So your stepsister is better off having had the kid(s)? Or would she have been better off going to college, establishing herself in a profession, and waiting until she was in her mid 30's and largely out of debt to have her kids like reasonable people do? Originally Posted by TTHI didn't say she was better off, I said this is how she has decided to live her life. We're not talking about an overabundance of intelligence here.
Oh, please. Getting pregnant on purpose to 'milk' the system is a DUMB way to milk it. Originally Posted by RamboOf course it's dumb. Doesn't mean it isn't done. Apparently you guys think everyone on some kind of government program is an unemployed PhD who just needs a little help getting it back together. There are people who genuinely need help, and there are people who are simply lazy and think they have found that pot at the end of the rainbow. The problem comes when the system either can't, or more often won't, try to weed out those who are abusing it. It's all about "fairness", whatever that means.
I didn't say she was better off, I said this is how she has decided to live her life. We're not talking about an overabundance of intelligence here.At least they all get lots of mandatory Texas History drilled into their brains. That's sure to be a differentiator when looking for a job!
Laziest path wins, and when there is someone standing there holding free stuff, guess which way lazy people choose?
Of course it's dumb. Doesn't mean it isn't done. Apparently you guys think everyone on some kind of government program is an unemployed PhD who just needs a little help getting it back together. There are people who genuinely need help, and there are people who are simply lazy and think they have found that pot at the end of the rainbow. The problem comes when the system either can't, or more often won't, try to weed out those who are abusing it. It's all about "fairness", whatever that means.
Public education is a great example of that. My brother is a high school English teacher. He has a student who is a seriously gifted artist. VERY good. Can barely read, but could make a fortune in the art world. But, it's a low income school and he is not allowed to encourage art and discourage other subjects because that is considered "tracking" and that district says tracking is "racially and economically biased" so you can't find what kids are good at and encourage it, have to make it all fair. If one student made money at art and another can't then that's bias. Of course, the day after graduation it all falls apart when reality hits and these kids wonder why they can't find work. "Can you weld?" "No but I read Canterbury Tales once". Alrighty, french fry machine is over there. Glad you were treated fairly in school.
All of these systems spend so much time worrying about what is fair they can't spend any time worrying what is right. So, you get people who either abuse the system, or are failed by the very system that's supposed to help them. You're not really surprised at any of this are you? You're acting like this is front page news.
Entitlement systems in every country on earth have a percentage of people who abuse them. Why is it bad to suggest that maybe those people should be kept out of that system? Originally Posted by mansfield