Loose lips sink ships

Bartman1963's Avatar
Well said sir. My last post this thread. God Bless America and all the fine men and women who serve.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, I just got here, and I don't give a damn what you people think of my position. These brave heroes, among the best America has to offer, were killed for what? Why are we in Afghanistan? What does it mean to "win" in Afghanistan? No one knows! Our precious servicemen and women are being set up as cannon fodder so certain companies can continue to profit. It is obscene, and it is treasonous! I think Presidents Bush and Obama should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. These fucking wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere are simply profit centers for the Military Industrial Complex.

Many, many prayers for the families and loved ones of these heroes. This is not America. America is better than this. I hope someday we realize it.
dirty dog's Avatar
Well, I just got here, and I don't give a damn what you people think of my position. These brave heroes, among the best America has to offer, were killed for what? Why are we in Afghanistan? What does it mean to "win" in Afghanistan? No one knows! Our precious servicemen and women are being set up as cannon fodder so certain companies can continue to profit. It is obscene, and it is treasonous! I think Presidents Bush and Obama should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. These fucking wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere are simply profit centers for the Military Industrial Complex.

Many, many prayers for the families and loved ones of these heroes. This is not America. America is better than this. I hope someday we realize it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Before blowing a gasket you might want to read the whole thread again, no one is saying that the war should not be stopped this entire thread has been about barleyhole stating they are dead because Obama and Biden leaked their position, once again making politics out of a story which should have been about brave americans.

But I do agree with you sir.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sorry, DD. Gasket already blown. But thanks. I have no idea if anyone leaked information, but anyone knows that if the Taliban see a big, slow moving American helicopter, they will try to shoot it down. Duh. The problem isn't who knew what or leaked what, it's that the helicopter was there in the first place when there is no reason for it.
Seomon's Avatar
@JD While we do not sit in the same political pew (hell, we don't even sit in the same political church), inuendo and political conspiracy stuff is low indeed, especially with our servicemen and women (my uncle is servicing right now thank you very much). I'd appreciate it if you would not post like this again. This innuendo crap is just TOO much. It was $hit when they did it about Clinton, it was $hit when they did it about both Bush's, and I think it is certainly $hit to do it about Obama and Biden. Call them bumbling idiots or whatever - that I don't mind - but what I do find abhorrent is using our servicemen and women to score like this ESPECIALLY when there isn't a grain of proof or truth to what you're saying. I still loves ya bro, but this type o $hit's gotta stop.

@ COG Good to see your passion again, bro! Nice to see you can get pissed and remain affable.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, it is absolutely ridiculous to ever think that our leaders would be anything less than completely honest and candid with us.

Corruption at the top, in the extremely unlikely event that there is or ever has been such a thing, does not in any way denigrate or demean the heroic service the rank and file servicemen and women perform.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Once again DD lies. I never said that Obama or Biden "leaked" information about a position. A lie by DD. I did say that Obama called far too much attention to them so he could bask in their accomplishments. The news is coming out now that this looked like a set up.

On the story of the B-17 I see a problem with a typo, I meant to type "...they climbed for freedom." instead of "...they climbed to freedom". It does give a incorrect impression.

I will point out that if anyone here spins what someone said to what they really said then that is also on record. Like good old DD. Got caught spinning the story.

I originally posted this thread to express anger and sorrow for the loss of some good people. It is my belief, and many others, that people in power put these people in jeopardy for some good press coverage. Special Ops survive by remaining below the radar. This administration (I didn't see Palin, Bachman, or even Gringrich hanging out with them) used them as props.

The story is out there now. This did appear to be a setup for this helo.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I do have to take time to say that I am impressed by Bartman's knowledge of history. How many people knew the story about Capt. Knox and his B-17, Picklepuss.

I am listening to KCMO 710 right now and they are talking about a story that the helo was drawn into a trap because of the Seals on board. The host of the show is saying that Biden bears a great deal of responsibility for going on and on about the Seals. Not alone anymore unless I am a radio host.
dirty dog's Avatar
Once again DD lies. I never said that Obama or Biden "leaked" information about a position. A lie by DD. I did say that Obama called far too much attention to them so he could bask in their accomplishments. The news is coming out now that this looked like a set up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Really, well lets let the board decide, I am going to post your quote and highlight in red where you connected the whitehouse with leaking information. Then the board can call it like the see it.

"by you have to suspect that the White House put a target on the backs of Seal Team Six when they went out of their way to show off what they did to Obama. If the Defense Department hadn't stepped in old Biden was going to announce their family names.

Now a number of them are killed in Afghanistan. It wouldn't take much more than a scrap of paper or a whispered name for the insurgents to know that members of Seal Team Six would be on that helicopter."

In the 3rd post of the thread Bartman came to the same conclusion as I here is his quote:

"Your implication that the White House is responsible for these brave navy men's deaths because of a security leak is premature"

More than myself came to the same conclusion, if this was not what you meant then you should have written it correctly, arnt you a writer? Your always screaming that we dont read your posts, the reality is and this is probably part of the problem for you is we do read it and you arnt the only one with an education and the ability to comprehend the words "that are coming out your mouth"

By the way and this is only an observation but the way you call me a liar is exactly home someone who used to be on this board did it. hmmmmm.
dirty dog's Avatar
I do have to take time to say that I am impressed by Bartman's knowledge of history. How many people knew the story about Capt. Knox and his B-17, Picklepuss.

I am listening to KCMO 710 right now and they are talking about a story that the helo was drawn into a trap because of the Seals on board. The host of the show is saying that Biden bears a great deal of responsibility for going on and on about the Seals. Not alone anymore unless I am a radio host. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well rabid conservatives tend to feed from the same trough
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yep, read it and I don't see where I SAID or implied that the White House "leaked" (your word) any information. What I said was that the White House by repeatedly talking about the operation may as well have pasted an extra large target on their backs. The White House made it personal for the Taliban and it appears that the Taliban has responded. Service people should not have to pay the price for the stupidity of our elected leaders but they did.

I take you mean "rabid" rather than rapid. Watch those typos you're talking about. How many differents ways are there to say someone is a liar. Please count them. You did get something right. I do try to write correctly with good punctuation and grammar. For this I get made fun of. Wow, that is so damaging to my ego (snicker). What does it reveal about the person making the charge.
Life is all about bettering yourself. Some people think that big muscles are the way and they spend their life trying to pump up. Some people think it is money and that is what they expend their energy on. Maybe a few of you think it has many women you sink your cock into that makes you a man. Ever since I started reading back in the early sixties I wanted to be and sound educated. I always respected people who sound educated and had a way with words. Maybe you wanted to be Warren Beatty (the cock thing) or Arnold Schwarzenegger (you have to stop and rest when writing that name) but I always like Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, and Cornelius Ryan.

You can make fun but events are starting to validate what I originally posted and several investigations are pending.

I give you something else to read. See if you agree
dirty dog's Avatar
You bore me, everyone knows what you are, so my job is done here. BTW just because you sound educated doesn't make you educated.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Jd you wrote what your to scared to say I know your stuck in the 50's and I know your John galt because as most people without common sence you try to hide it behind books that you half ass read, remembered most of it, but understand non of it. Then you pass that dumb shit on to others and hope their ether more bored than you or dumber than you.
People like talk radio because then they don't have to see the person talking bullshit to them. They can just suck it up as truth and not face facts.

And like I always say we don't need the whole army to kick ass just a few of our very best so I guess since I have been saying that for years it's my fault too then that the Taliban knows we have elite soliders. Dumb fuck!!
:c lap:
Jd you wrote what your to scared to say I know your stuck in the 50's and I know your John galt because as most people without common sence you try to hide it behind books that you half ass read, remembered most of it, but understand non of it. Then you pass that dumb shit on to others and hope their ether more bored than you or dumber than you.
People like talk radio because then they don't have to see the person talking bullshit to them. They can just suck it up as truth and not face facts.
.............ENGLISH....PLEASE ......
And like I always say we don't need the whole army to kick ass just a few of our very best so I guess since I have been saying that for years it's my fault too then that the Taliban knows we have elite soliders. Dumb fuck!! Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
,,,,,,,,,,SHIT.. we are so fucked
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
C2B, incoherent as usual. Please read a book. Great idea, give us a book report and astound us with your intelligence and insight in the perilous times. Face C2B we need your leadership, you da man!

We tried reducing the military in the 70s. It didn't turn out very well. Just like the 20s and the 50s. I see bad ideas just don't go away.

Consider what has transpired on this thread don't you feel ashamed C2B for what you're saying. Fire all the military people.