Burisma-Linked Firm’s ‘Misinformation Campaign’ May Have Fueled Ukrainian Prosecutor’s Ouster

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Look...I wanted Bloomberg who would have crushed Trump.

if yous say so

I thought Biden should have bowed out along with Amy, Pete and Tom.

if he'd listened to you ..he wouldn't be the front runner .. Bernie would. bahhaahaaaaaaa

But I'm stuck with Biden....which is better than Warren, Sanders or Trump.

if yous say so

The Hunter Biden conversation will bring Jared Kushner and Trumps sons into the debate if Biden is smart and that should be a wash.

If this Coronavirus is still hanging around, it won't matter, Trump will be toast. Originally Posted by WTF

they've been in the debate since Trump won. your problem is Trump's sons and Kushner have been in real estate for years before Trump was elected.

Hunter Biden suddenly becomes an expert in the energy sector .. about the time Corn Poop was elected VP.


lustylad's Avatar
The Hunter Biden conversation will bring Jared Kushner and Trumps sons into the debate if Biden is smart and that should be a wash. Originally Posted by WTF
Good luck with that! What corrupt foreign corporate boards do Jared and Don Jr. sit on?

As you lib-retards are fond of saying, "we need to have a conversation about...."

Oh wait... about Hunter Biden? Ooops... move along folks, ain't nuttin' to see here!

Who wants to start a company with me selling "Where's Hunter?" tee shirts and bumper stickers? We'll be rich, come November.


Trump had that piece of shit Rudy running around getting our Ambassador fired with nothing but lies.

Your ignorance is beyond belief. Originally Posted by WTF
Talk about continued ignorance that is beyond belief. Ambassadors serve at the direction and pleasure of the POTUS.
lustylad's Avatar
Ambassadors serve at the direction and pleasure of the POTUS. Originally Posted by eccielover

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-08-2020, 03:53 PM
they've been in the debate since Trump won. your problem is Trump's sons and Kushner have been in real estate for years before Trump was elected.

Hunter Biden suddenly becomes an expert in the energy sector .. about the time Corn Poop was elected VP.


Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yea... Kushner was getting loans from the Israelis before that job...not.

Promoted tax cuts to greatly benefit his businesses.

Trumps son charging extra high prices to his father's SS detail.

Daughter signing deals with China...

I think they are all shady unlike you who only looks at the opposition.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-08-2020, 03:56 PM
Talk about continued ignorance that is beyond belief. Ambassadors serve at the direction and pleasure of the POTUS. Originally Posted by eccielover
Yes you ignorant fuck.

It is how this one was fired and for why...Rudy's whisper and smear campaign.

At what point will you research facts instead of parroting right wing lies?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yea... Kushner was getting loans from the Israelis before that job...not.

Promoted tax cuts to greatly benefit his businesses.

Trumps son charging extra high prices to his father's SS detail.

Daughter signing deals with China...

I think they are all shady unlike you who only looks at the opposition. Originally Posted by WTF

he's jewish. why wouldn't he get money from Israeli investors? Ivanka Trump's clothing line is dead. the stuff didn't sell. you know .. the stuff made in China. on the cheap. that was going on before Trump was elected. butt .. yous knew that, right??

Yes you ignorant fuck.

It is how this one was fired and for why...Rudy's whisper and smear campaign.

At what point will you research facts instead of parroting right wing lies? Originally Posted by WTF

why? we have yous to tell us all the real "truth" .. as yous see it, right?

lustylad's Avatar
Yea... Kushner was getting loans from the Israelis before that job...not.

Promoted tax cuts to greatly benefit his businesses.

Trumps son charging extra high prices to his father's SS detail.

Daughter signing deals with China...

I think they are all shady unlike you who only looks at the opposition. Originally Posted by WTF

I have already specifically and directly debunked two of the above.

Why do you keep pushing those lies? You got nothing on Jared or Ivanka. In fact, the opposite of your premise is true - both of them have seen their business interests suffer since trumpy entered politics.

The JFK tax cut enacted in 1964 was a huge success in spurring economic growth for the rest of the 1960s. Was it somehow "shady" because the Kennedy family also benefited from the reduction in rates?

Think before you post, moron.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I have already specifically and directly debunked two of the above.

Why do you keep pushing those lies? You got nothing on Jared or Ivanka.

Think before you post, moron. Originally Posted by lustylad
It doesn't stop your dumbass from doing the same thing.
lustylad's Avatar
It doesn't stop your dumbass from doing the same thing. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Exactly what lie(s) have I promoted that you previously debunked? Be careful. And show me the posts.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-08-2020, 04:52 PM

The JFK tax cut enacted in 1964 was a huge success in spurring economic growth for the rest of the 1960s. Was it somehow "shady" because the Kennedy family also benefited from the reduction in rates?

Think before you post, moron. Originally Posted by lustylad
Keep repeating your lies and making apple to shit for brains comparisons.

Jesus...what were the rates that the JFK tax cuts went from/to?

Much higher than the Trump tax cuts. Next go study the Laffer Curve with an emphasis on decreasing tax revenues when tax rates are lower.

Holy fuck ..no damn wonder you thought we were headed to 4% GDP boost
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-08-2020, 04:53 PM
It doesn't stop your dumbass from doing the same thing. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
lustyladdie has nothing to think with.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-08-2020, 04:57 PM

why? we have yous to tell us all the real "truth" .. as yous see it, right?

BAHHAHHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yea kinda like telling you the earth isn't flat.

That is just not how I see it but how non Trump lovers are able to objectively look at facts and fiction.

Something you sold for a MAGA fucking hat
lustylad's Avatar
...what were the rates that the JFK tax cuts went from/to?

Much higher than the Trump tax cuts. Originally Posted by WTF
You're undercutting your own argument... and you're too stupid to realize it!

If the JFK tax cuts were much steeper, then the benefits to the Kennedy family were much greater, making the JFK tax cuts much more "shady" than the trump cuts, according to your retarded logic.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yea kinda like telling you the earth isn't flat.

That is just not how I see it but how non Trump lovers are able to objectively look at facts and fiction.

Something you sold for a MAGA fucking hat Originally Posted by WTF
the Earth isn't flat?!?!?!
