So you’re assuming the majority will forego usage of contraceptives, afraid to get prescriptions from their doctors, afraid to go to the pharmacy for condoms, just staying home fucking and cumming their brains out?!...Interesting logic
Originally Posted by ManSlut
It’s the same logic that explains a massive surge in births 9 months after the NYC black out. We could cite many examples of a spike in births after people are confined to their homes
You are assuming these people are actually thinking about family planning or contraceptives while they have nothing to do but stay at home and fuck. No. They just start fucking. Ice storms, snow storms and similar epidemics/pandemics have produced a spike in child births because these people use ChickenLittle logic. I’m willing to bet you can go into any store in Dallas and the toilet paper aisle is empty and the condom section is nearly full but please educate me Manslutt. Clearly I missed something