Lapdog's Avatar
Oh yeah Trump is a moron. But I do have to ask the million dollar question, has Biden figured out he's actually running for President and not the Senate, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
While his intentions have not been "proven", (that seems to be important to you and the whacko, for some reason), I would say the answer to your burning question is "yes".
Lapdog's Avatar
still can't prove your point. still jabbering too. when will you grow up?

i could make a mommy joke .. butt i won't. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What is it that you want me to prove, whacko? That Trump moved too slowly on this emergency and dismissed it as unimportant even after being advised otherwise by people much more qualified than he? That Trump is an unqualified moron in over his head? That he's a blowhard who insults people needlessly? That he declares bankruptcy and doesn't pay his bills? His past record and history speak for themselves. What do YOU have as proof for me? Can you prove he's not all of these things? I didn't think so. Go ahead. I'm waiting.
While his intentions have not been "proven", (that seems to be important to you and the whacko, for some reason), I would say the answer to your burning question is "yes". Originally Posted by Lapdog
He also told a union Auto worker that he was "Full of Shit" and that he doesn't work for the people. So here's another burning question. If Biden doesn't feel that he works for the people that elected him then who does he work for?
  • oeb11
  • 03-14-2020, 09:08 AM
Biden exists for the glory and aggrandizement of the Fascist DPST Party!!!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Biden exists for the glory and aggrandizement of the Fascist DPST Party!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Yous are so fucking incredibly stupid, oebsy.

Don’t yous get tired of chirping the same dumb shit day in and day out?

Looks like Trump is headed for the graveyard anyway, probably calling his own impending death a hoax,

Hope yous shake his hand soon,

Typhoid Trump!

Just what the dorktor ordered.

Remember, touch every surface you can, oebsy.

And stay out of Canada.
Lapdog's Avatar
He also told a union Auto worker that he was "Full of Shit" and that he doesn't work for the people. So here's another burning question. If Biden doesn't feel that he works for the people that elected him then who does he work for? Originally Posted by Levianon17
I'd say Mr. Biden was pretty accurate in his assessment of the union auto worker. ANYBODY who joins a union is full of shit.
I'd say Mr. Biden was pretty accurate in his assessment of the union auto worker. ANYBODY who joins a union is full of shit. Originally Posted by Lapdog
I think it's safe to assume that Auto worker won't vote for Biden and all the others that were standing around won't either. Biden will be the ultimate Puppet. That's exactly what DNC is looking for in a Candidate. Biden openly admitted he doesn't work for us, so therefore he isn't concerned about the people he is suppose to serve. Fuck Biden, Trump 2020.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I'd say Mr. Biden was pretty accurate in his assessment of the union auto worker. ANYBODY who joins a union is full of shit. Originally Posted by Lapdog
That’s ridiculous. One of my bffs is IBEW local 5 and makes a real nice living. The apprenticeship programs in the trade unions are awesome. No debt (much of the time paid in fact) and a job that pays better than what most college grads make.

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Dear Trumpholians,

At some point you’ve got to break with the lying moron and do what’s best for yous, your families and your community.

Trumps illegitimacy is on fulls display right now.

Too late to repent, Shitholians. Time to react.

He is full of shit. Thank god he closed down Europe, eh?

Trump’s Top Coronavirus Expert: The President Is Full of Shit
By Bess LevinMarch 11, 2020

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, nearly everything the president has said about the coronavirus is wrong.

Something you may have noticed over the last three years is that Donald Trump’s body apparently requires a certain amount of lies per minute to function, in the same way that normal human bodies require oxygen. Oftentimes these lies are dumb and meaningless, like when he claimed Ivanka created 14 million jobs or that he had a shot with Princess Diana. Other times, they’re significantly more dangerous like, say, when every other word out of his mouth re: a pandemic that has killed over 4,000 people bears little resemblance to the truth. While the president is used to his loyal footstools repeating such lies for fear of offending him, on Wednesday, a member of his coronavirus task force apparently had enough.

Speaking to lawmakers on Capitol Hill, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, noted that attempts to downplay how lethal the disease is by comparing it to the flu—which the president did just two days ago—are wildly misguided. “I mean, people always say, ‘Well, the flu does this, the flu does that,’” Fauci said. “The flu has a mortality of 0.1%. This has a mortality of 10 times that. That’s the reason I want to emphasize we have to stay ahead of the game in preventing this.”

Reads the story Trumpheads. How’s your President doing? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
HoeHummer, very true and i bet that the real,numbers of folks with this virus will alarm many and expose Trump even more to the fact that...
He’s been lying his head off forever...he can’t handle a crisis like this.
I closely monitor what is going on in my home country the UK. At least I can get the real truth about what’s going on and it’s a good litmus test.
They reckon that the folks with the disease amounts to 5000-10000 conservatively. Already. With a population of 60 million you can forward that notion to the USA. I’ll leave you to work it all out. The CDC numbers on their website is laughable. At least 10000 are being tested per day in the UK. I totally disregard what Trump and his cronies are spouting. I dig for serious relevant news from REAL experts and there’s plenty of good stuff on YouTube but I concentrate on overseas rather than here.. everyone is frightened to death of old bozo brain. You know what he’s like with his hatchet job and revenge. He’s surrounded by YES men. The BBC is a good source and more. The truth, that’s it.
As one expert said the other day “we are not dealing with the flu” hello !
What’s astonishing is that some countries have done a fantastic job of keeping the numbers down..Eg Hong Kong, and Shanghai especially, Thailand too.,
Fascinating stuff when you think about it. The British people are coming together to realize this threat as if they’re at war. They’ve had many struggles, but what have we got here...I divisive figure who thumbs his nose at science and is doing his best to gag the health experts. At the same time, you know he’s going to do his best to try and make a buck out of this at our expense.

I will repeat what I said in post #9 of this thread
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL@ Bliss, pretending the situation in the US is dire.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
HoeHummer, very true and i bet that the real,numbers of folks with this virus will alarm many and expose Trump even more to the fact that...
He’s been lying his head off forever...he can’t handle a crisis like this.
I closely monitor what is going on in my home country the UK. At least I can get the real truth about what’s going on and it’s a good litmus test.
They reckon that the folks with the disease amounts to 5000-10000 conservatively. Already. With a population of 60 million you can forward that notion to the USA. I’ll leave you to work it all out. The CDC numbers on their website is laughable. At least 10000 are being tested per day in the UK. I totally disregard what Trump and his cronies are spouting. I dig for serious relevant news from REAL experts and there’s plenty of good stuff on YouTube but I concentrate on overseas rather than here.. everyone is frightened to death of old bozo brain. You know what he’s like with his hatchet job and revenge. He’s surrounded by YES men. The BBC is a good source and more. The truth, that’s it.
As one expert said the other day “we are not dealing with the flu” hello !
What’s astonishing is that some countries have done a fantastic job of keeping the numbers down..Eg Hong Kong, and Shanghai especially, Thailand too.,
Fascinating stuff when you think about it. The British people are coming together to realize this threat as if they’re at war. They’ve had many struggles, but what have we got here...I divisive figure who thumbs his nose at science and is doing his best to gag the health experts. At the same time, you know he’s going to do his best to try and make a buck out of this at our expense. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

well. where to start with your hot mess of a post?

let's start with geography. i wasn't aware that Hong Kong and Shanghai were countries, i thought they were part of CHINA. am i wrong here? you know that shithole COUNTRY where all this started?

that same China that knew about this in November, tried to cover it up and didn't report the issue to the WHO until Dec 31st? HAPPY NEW YEAR WORLD! FROM CHINA WITH LOVE .. THE WUHAN VIRUS!!

now about your beloved U.K. tell us again why you live in the USA ???

How Britain’s Insanely Risky Coronavirus Experiment Will Affect the U.S.

Jamie Ross

,The Daily BeastMarch 14, 2020

REUTERS LONDON—On Thursday, Boris Johnson delivered the most chilling warning from a British prime minister since Winston Churchill prepared the country for potential destruction during World War Two. “I must level with you,” Johnson said, looking like a man who had just emerged from a doctor’s office after receiving a terrible diagnosis. “Many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time.”

His message was stark, and somehow seemed to hit even harder coming from a man who has built his political career on flippant clownery. The novel coronavirus can no longer be contained in the United Kingdom, he said, and all that can be done now is to mitigate the worst effects of it to give the doctors and nurses in the country’s already creaking national health service a fighting chance to save as many lives as possible.

But the strict containment measures now familiar around the planet—population lockdowns, prohibition of mass gatherings, and travel bans—were notable only by their absences. Johnson’s government has diverged with the rest of the world and decided to take a much less draconian approach, and his scientific advisers have admitted the strategy could see as much as 60 percent of the population catch the coronavirus.

In point of fact, Britain is effectively encouraging a potentially deadly virus to spread to the majority of the people who live here. Remember, the U.K. is one of the only European countries which is still allowed to send flights to the United States under President Donald Trump’s travel ban. That will change, however, come Monday night when a travel ban on the U.K. and Ireland will kick in, according to a Saturday announcement by Vice President Mike Pence.

Europe Shocked by Trump’s Travel Ban: ‘He Needed a Scapegoat’

The logic goes like this: if a large section of the population is exposed to the coronavirus now, it will likely help people develop a level of immunity, and then Britain will be in the best possible position to defend itself from a much worse outbreak of the virus in the future. The strategy reportedly has been shaped by the history of the deadly Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918, which saw a second, much larger spike in deaths months after the first outbreak.

Sir Patrick Vallance, England’s chief scientific adviser, said the government was looking “to build up some kind of herd immunity so more people are immune to this disease and we reduce the transmission.” The strategy is based on science—but the entire British population is now effectively taking part in a mass untested experiment, and one which could result in the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

Sixty percent of the British population is just under 40 million people. Even if Britain experiences a low mortality rate from the virus, that would lead to an expected 300,000 deaths. If the mortality rate is higher, such as in Italy, it’s not unthinkable that the number of deaths rises over a million.

While the strategy has its supporters in the scientific community, many have reacted with sheer horror. Anthony Costello, a pediatrician and former World Health Organization director, wrote that it’s not even clear yet that catching the coronavirus will result in immunity. Costello urged the U.K. to change course, asking: “Is it ethical to adopt a policy that threatens immediate casualties on the basis of an uncertain future benefit?”

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the current director-general of the World Health Organization, has also urged countries to continue with containment measures. “The idea that countries should shift from containment to mitigation is wrong and dangerous,” he said. “We urge all countries to take a comprehensive approach tailored to their circumstances—with containment as the central pillar.”

Other scientists have said Johnson appears to have missed the point when it comes to containment, saying that if the spread of the disease is delayed for enough time, an effective therapy or treatment could be developed and make the virus much easier to defeat, without risking as many lives.

‘I Could Easily Kill Them’: Terrified Doctors Sound Alarm on Coronavirus

Johnson’s gamble also has been questioned by his political allies. Jeremy Hunt, the former health secretary who remains a high-profile lawmaker in Johnson’s own Conservative party, described the prime minister’s approach as “surprising and concerning” and warned that it could lead to Britain’s outbreak becoming worse than Italy’s within a matter of weeks.

And it’s not just British lives at risk from the strategy. Flights from Britain were, mystifyingly, still free to cross the pond to the U.S. despite Trump’s decision to ban journeys from the rest of Europe. Trump previously said he decided to exclude the U.K. because it was “doing a good job” on battling the virus, but admitted Friday that he now may have to add it to the list. On Saturday, he included the U.K. in the ban.

Following days of criticism, Johnson has indicated that he may tweak his strategy. His government has banned hundreds of local elections and the London mayoral election for a year, and British media reported Friday night that mass gatherings could be banned from next weekend.

But these tentative moves come as governments around the world declare emergencies, close borders, shut schools, impose strict entry and quarantine requirements, and carry out mass testing on their populations.

Johnson has chosen a wildly different course from governments around the world. The question now is if his mass experiment will define his legacy as an ingenious pioneer, or as the mad professor who foolishly gambled with the lives of millions.

U.K. Abandons Effort to Contain Virus as 10,000 May Be Infected

‘Playing Roulette’

The decision to move to “delay” the outbreak follows growing pressure on Johnson to take a more aggressive approach to fighting the disease. Medical experts called on the government to ramp up its response, which has mainly focused on telling people to wash their hands regularly, while shunning moves to cancel public events or close schools.

“The government is playing roulette with the public,” Richard Horton, editor of the respected British medical journal The Lancet, said on Twitter this week. Officials have been too slow to implement measures to delay the spread of the virus, including canceling events and “social distancing,” he said.

That view was echoed by David Nabarro, the World Health Organization’s special envoy on the Covid-19 coronavirus, who told BBC Radio on Thursday that Horton “is right to point out that really urgent action is needed.” He added, though, that it’s not his role to dictate “particular steps” any government must take.

have good day, mate!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
well, as long as the travel ban to/from UK takes effect monday, trump really should not have exempted UK from the travel ban for a short period of time. UK still has open borders policy with the EU for a year.
LexusLover's Avatar
HoeHummer, very true and i bet that the real,numbers of folks with this virus will alarm many and expose Trump even more to the fact that...
He’s been lying his head off forever...he can’t handle a crisis like this. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
What's the "crisis"? 50 deaths in three months? Interesting!

2020 firearm deaths

Approximately 8,000 in 2020!

Flu season 2019-2020 .... 22,000 to 55,000.

It was a "crisis" when the Russians "were running the country"!

So the House passed Articles of Impeachment. That crisis as been replaced with a Chinese Virus as the NEW POLITICAL WHINING.
LexusLover's Avatar
well, as long as the travel ban to/from UK takes effect monday, trump really should not have exempted UK from the travel ban for a short period of time. UK still has open borders policy with the EU for a year. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
It is a generally accepted process to at least pick up the phone and make a call to the country's leader and discuss any "bans" on travel or other matters of international importance .... like corruption in a government to whom we are giving billions of dollars, etc.

Today, as before, it's important to make sure the room and phone line are secure before making such a call so as to not provide an opportunity for some LOON to interpret the phone call based upon their wishful thinking and become a lying snitch.