Encounter: Sara rose again (on a downward spiral)

bambino's Avatar
2-3weeks ago...... lol. It was killing people in China in early November. 10,000-20,000 people traveling everyday between US and China all of Nov, Dec, and January..... it's been here a lot longer than 2-3 weeks. Originally Posted by meatinherseat
Probably, the first reported case in the US was 1/21/2020. I doubt mongers in the Burgh are monitoring virus outbreaks in China.
2-3weeks ago...... lol. It was killing people in China in early November. 10,000-20,000 people traveling everyday between US and China all of Nov, Dec, and January..... it's been here a lot longer than 2-3 weeks. Originally Posted by meatinherseat
No shit genius. Our understanding of the virus has changed a bit since Nov.
TheRiddler's Avatar
But..."She's a super model", "another fantastic time with ATF Sara Rose," She really cares about all you Johns. A fools wages come to roost... None of these whores are worth your "praise" or hard earned cash, but hey to each their own.
bambino's Avatar
But..."She's a super model", "another fantastic time with ATF Sara Rose," She really cares about all you Johns. A fools wages come to roost... None of these whores are worth your "praise" or hard earned cash, but hey to each their own. Originally Posted by TheRiddler
I think Sarah cared about SumSum.
Hobbying now exposes us to a new risk. And the risk is not just a trip to the health dept and a course of antibiotics. Even HIV is now a "manageable" disease - not so (yet) for this coronavirus!

And there is no necessity to impugn the motivation of providers - it is well known that after contracting the infection, you can be asymptomatic for up to 2 weeks - and what makes the virus so communicable - you are still contagious during this asymptomatic period!
bkfantasy's Avatar
But..."She's a super model", "another fantastic time with ATF Sara Rose," She really cares about all you Johns. A fools wages come to roost... None of these whores are worth your "praise" or hard earned cash, but hey to each their own. Originally Posted by TheRiddler
Man, you really hate this girl. I've never seen her... I can't be bothered to chase someone who doesn't return a text or goes dark on a bunch of guys. I've never seen so many wildly conflicting reviews about the same provider.
Is this the same Sara?
https://pittsburgh.skipthegames.com/...l/813140779112 Originally Posted by meatinherseat
Negative...different girl
rmg_35's Avatar
Man, you really hate this girl. I've never seen her... I can't be bothered to chase someone who doesn't return a text or goes dark on a bunch of guys. I've never seen so many wildly conflicting reviews about the same provider. Originally Posted by bkfantasy
She was really good before she hit this board. Easy to schedule... service was better.
berryberry's Avatar
I think Sarah cared about SumSum. Originally Posted by bambino
berryberry's Avatar
She was really good before she hit this board. Easy to schedule... service was better. Originally Posted by rmg_35

travelnman0129's Avatar
She was really good before she hit this board. Easy to schedule... service was better. Originally Posted by rmg_35
TheRiddler's Avatar
Man, you really hate this girl. I've never seen her... I can't be bothered to chase someone who doesn't return a text or goes dark on a bunch of guys. I've never seen so many wildly conflicting reviews about the same provider. Originally Posted by bkfantasy
Why do you construe Truth as hate? I don't hate I just stick to the facts.
TheRiddler's Avatar
...And there is no necessity to impugn the motivation of providers - it is well known that after contracting the infection, you can be asymptomatic for up to 2 weeks - and what makes the virus so communicable - you are still contagious during this asymptomatic period! Originally Posted by Don Stephens
Maybe you missed this part of the review:

"She knew she was feeling "sick" before the encounter happen"

There is simply no excuse, no none period. But hey then again she's an "ATF" at least she confessed right? I'm sure there have been numerous whores that have done a session regardless of "not feeling" well, or worse, and didn't even say anything. So you can give this "super model" a pass on this one if you want and live with the consequences.
I agree with your point Riddler. I was trying to make a general comment, not one specific to SaraRose