Biden sex assult allegation

  • oeb11
  • 04-15-2020, 04:57 PM
U R not Wrong!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
In the other case, a woman claimed to be sexually assaulted. She had the following fact set.

She filed a complaint.
She was fired.
She told friends specific details.
She told family specific details.
She described the situation precisely.
... Originally Posted by kehaar

And there should be records filed in Joe "Rapey Fingers" Biden's Senate records that were scheduled to be released Dec 31, 2019. But Oopsie, he sealed them all up when he declared his run for El Presidente in April, 2019. What are the odds??
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Time’s up! No! It was Tub-of-shit- in-Chief, aka, the Sacrlet Volcano! Wow! The Trumptard Ass Eaters want us to forget that! Did Biden pay off Stormy Daniels? My goodness, where will the truth lead us? Originally Posted by Solemate62

Nope, Biden, was the one caught on tape bragging about quid-pro-quo by holding back $1B of USA aide unless the Ukrainians fired a prosecutor that was investigating the company that Joe "Hairy Legs" Biden's son was working for. Yeah, that tape. Skip to the 1:15 mark and roll it...

I should point out the a certain fact check sight claims it is untrue. So who ya gonna believe? A pole dancer or your own lieing ears??
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
U R not Wrong! Originally Posted by oeb11
It is 1099% accurate. Ain't no joke. Be on guard - vigilantly.

Deep rabbit hole eyes on "the other" front. The even more darker front. It's creep-icky front. Nearly every bit in the below is well known, maybe tough to let it to blow loose in the wind, yet utterly mind-numbing. I'm posting the 1:17:20 long link. It's got almost 7M views and is entirely controversial, i.e. "conspiracy theories" abound, yet...

Be very careful, not for everyone and super hard to get your mind to accept. But the presenters are normal and sane. Many with obvious ties to what they speak about. Some info will link to stuff you know or heard. I may have only used the phrase "critical thinking" around here about 835 times. Just be careful with knowing it if you didn't know it. Sorry.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-15-2020, 07:46 PM
No one cares at all. I don't care if she had a tape of it. Our current president says that's ok to do anyway. If Biden grabbed her by the pussy that's just part of the game. Why would anyone care anymore hahaha you guys set it up where this stuff just goes away in the wash.
HoeHummer's Avatar
No one cares at all. I don't care if she had a tape of it. Our current president says that's ok to do anyway. If Biden grabbed her by the pussy that's just part of the game. Why would anyone care anymore hahaha you guys set it up where this stuff just goes away in the wash. Originally Posted by Trey
No one cares at all. I don't care if she had a tape of it. Our current president says that's ok to do anyway. If Biden grabbed her by the pussy that's just part of the game. Why would anyone care anymore hahaha you guys set it up where this stuff just goes away in the wash. Originally Posted by Trey
Our current president did not say it was ok to do that.

Our current president did not say he did that.

Our current president said women allow powerful men to do that.

The irony is that 1) He was telling the truth. 2) This is far bigger condemnation of women than men.

Men who are not of the leftist racebaiting fascist thug ilk don't have those priveleges(thank god), and know it.