Elle Banks Warning

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I could explain it to you,
But I could never make you understand. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
All the weekend detectives. 😂. Ummm...it’s fun to speculate but we have no clue. My speculation is he’s an idiot. Real name on his voicemail and bartering for pussy? Guilty!!
Not going to draw lines, but have met Elle twice before and she was nothing but cordial, professional and sweet.
I will throw my two cents in as well - I've met Elle in the past and had no problem with her screening. Certainly nothing like this & I was too new in the hobby to know I needed a burner phone...
She is lying
I never said anything about blacklisting anyone and wouldn’t even know how too.

She is the one that said she is blacklisting me(for nothing other than asking a question(

Girl is straight psycho. You can see it in her replies here.

I never needed a burner phone, never needed to hide, never any reason to worry, but if you are married - if you have a serious job - I’d stay away from someone like her , far far away.
All the weekend detectives. ��. Ummm...it’s fun to speculate but we have no clue. My speculation is he’s an idiot. Real name on his voicemail and bartering for pussy? Guilty!! Originally Posted by Charley3
You are the only one playing detective jack ass. I’ve never had anyone act so unprofessional and rude in my entire life. And threatening. I’ve never needed a burner phone in 40 years of hobbying.

Until I talked to this unhinged psycho. She could have Just said no but she went on on a long Angry and threatening rant “I can harsss you all day”
She said .

Maybe you guys are lying and cheating on someone but I have nothing to hide.

So I have my name on my voicemail ...so what?
what’s the point of her pointing it out to me and using it in a threatening manner and pointing out all this other personal stuff????

That’s beyond unprofessional.
Never in my life have I been spoken to like that by a provider.

You’ve been warned
Yeah I’m sure she’s a real swell gal. But she took my personal information and wielded do it against me in a way that I’ve never had anyone do before. Almost like a blackmailing manner. I would not go anywhere near this girl especially if I was cheating or sneaking.

She is probably threatening to dox me right now.

You business men with good jobs have been warned
Staff edit, Forbidden Topic. dj8.
Saying someone “deserves to be harassed, Threaten to be outed, doxed because they have their name on their voicemail,” is like saying a “woman deserves to be harassed for wearing a short skirt”.
NO. Nobody deserves to be threatened and harassed.

Just saying no.
Was sufficient. I said Ok thanks for the courtesy reply. And that should have been the end of our correspondence.

But nope...She starts ranting and raving and going psycho.

Sorry I don’t use a burner phone because I’m not cheating on my wife like most of you are. My apologies

Sure she’s a swell girl. I’m also warning y’all to be Leary of her screening.
The OP is an idiot.

He comes on here trying to slam a lady who refused to see him in exchange for some vegetables.
And the first responses were warnings about her now using his info against him.
Didn't matter then that she has ALWAYS had a stellar reputation....
Not until she defended herself.

Y'all really do bend with the wind don't you? Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
An idiot?
You blame me for being threatened and harassed.
Fuck you!

So what!?
I asked if you wanted to trade for some vegetables so what. I’ll she had to do was say is no. She didn’t have to go ranting and raving going looking up my job profile pointing up my last name my cats and telling me that I should be very afraid.

Of course her white knights and provider friends have to come to the rescue but their is zero excuse for her type of behavior.

Saying “no thank you” would have been very sufficient.

Way to blame someone and attack someone who is warning about a totally psycho unhinged provider.

I would absolutely not give her any of my information if I were any of you.
I’ve never had such an unpleasant exchange in my life with anybody,

And look at all this.

Go ahead and call her. Lmao

Texting her was the worst decision I ever made in my life
Yeah I almost forgot the part after I was asking her to stop messaging me after 30 to 45 minutes of her telling me how she can harass me all day long. I told her I’m gonna write a bad review if she doesn’t stop. But she continued on for a good 30 to 45 more minutes afterwards. She was obsessed with harassing me.

Yea I wanted to see if she could trade. So what!?
So I don’t have a fake phone!!! So what!?
Quit blaming the victim here.
Nobody deserves to be threatened or harassed!

I would Absolutely not message her if I were any of you.

Have fun
So someone asks to trade broccoli for a massage, so what.
You say “no I only accept roses, I don’t eat broccoli”
That’s it. End of story for everyone else in the universe.

But not elle! She decides to rant and rave about how horrible and awful broccoli is and how mean and terrible I am.
So I point out that “no” was sufficient, I don’t need a lecture from a provider.
But she keeps going and going and going, she won’t stop.

The point of screening is to find out if someone is law enforcement or violent or not.

So Elle Banks, what was the point of letting me know that you know my last name?
What was the point of letting me know that you know how many cats I have?
What was the point of letting me know you know where I work?
Why were you telling me “I should be afraid.”?

I’m sure all the businessman reading this right now are deleting your phone number. Best wishes

All you had to say was no. And then I asked you to quit messaging me and you continue to harass me for 30 minutes. I would recommend nobody text you ever.

I’ve been in this business for 30 years and I’ve never talk to anyone so unprofessional in my life. Your mileage may vary.

Peace ✌️
The last thing I wanna do is affect anyone’s business In a negative way.
I pleaded with her for 20 minutes to stop bothering me but she kept going on.

Not denying I wanted to trade broccoli for massage. I also have roses. A simple no was sufficient.

I don’t make these posts lightly and I don’t enjoy this one bit.

I just feel that businessmen out their should be warned by the way she was talking with me about my personal information in a threatening manner.

Have a great day. I have nothing else to say.
All the best.
Oh and that’s another thing if you are someone that can only except messages at a specific time frame. Don’t expect her to ask respect that. I asked her to stop messaging me and she kept texting for 30 minutes so all that behavior is very unprofessional in this business.