Black Violence Matters ..

  • oeb11
  • 06-19-2020, 08:25 AM
I remember being slapped by a woman in undergrad and it still makes me laugh. I took her keys from her and told her to have a friend pick her up or just spend the night and sleep it off because she was drunk and so was I. So this crazy drunk bitch slaps me.

I walked outside with her keys and threw them as far as I could and told her by the time you find them, you'll sober up a bit and you are free to go do whatever. I'll never hit a woman so that was a better alternative to me.

Anyway, she came by the next day all apologetic and my roommates could not keep a straight face. They made me start laughing too and she could not leave fast enough. What sucked is that I had a class with her. Saying I just received the death stare in that class from her the rest of that semester is an understatement. That crazy bitch probably still hates me and my former roommates.

I was slapped a few times in undergrad by drunk chicks. The fucked up thing is most of the time it was because a friend was getting slapped and I thought he would punch her and I would step in and then those drunk chicks would start slapping me. I was just like huh? I just saved you from a one punch hitter quitter nap from him and you are slapping me now? LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

LM may have saved the drunk woman's life, and perhaps the lives of other innocents - in doing the Right Thing. DWI Kills.

if , when sober, the drunks cannot understand they were done a favor - Then, except for the risk to the lives of innocents - they did not deserve to be prevented from driving drunk.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Struther martin - an author I am not familiar with .
Will do some looking.

Thank you - gentleman - for the suggestion. Originally Posted by oeb11

What we have here, is a failure to communicate - Cool Hand Luke
My quote was from Judge Roy Bean, I think
Gnad's was from Rooster Cogburn, I think

Great character actor.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
LM may have saved the drunk woman's life, and perhaps the lives of other innocents - in doing the Right Thing. DWI Kills.

if , when sober, the drunks cannot understand they were done a favor - Then, except for the risk to the lives of innocents - they did not deserve to be prevented from driving drunk. Originally Posted by oeb11
She could not even walk in a straight line. I was probably legally drunk myself and even then I knew she was way off.

When she came over to apologize the next day, she did thank me while apologizing. But my goofball former roommates started to make me laugh as soon as she mentioned maybe hanging out again. They witnessed everything when she slapped me. I was just like Ummmmm. No thanks. I wasn't trying to get in the habit of getting slapped and throwing her keys as far as I could every Friday night after she had too many drinks.

She really could not even walk right and I doubt she would have even made it out of my neighborhood before she hit something or someone. I took her keys from her for a reason. I'm surprised she even found the keys. I was aiming for a few houses down for the roof. I guess I missed and hit the bushes. LOL
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
meanwhile in Chicago ...

2 teenage boys shot to death after asking man how tall he was while buying candy

une 28, 2020, 5:26 AM CDT

2 teenage boys shot to death after asking man how tall he was while buying candyTwo teenage boys were shot to death after asking the suspect how tall he was when they were buying candy from a store.

The incident occurred at approximately 5 p.m. on Saturday June 20 after three teenage boys went to a store in South Chicago to buy some candy and ended up having a brief encounter with 19-year-old Laroy Battle inside the establishment.

“The victims were walking into the store, they saw Battle, he was standing in line while at the store and the victims commented that Battle, he was quite tall, and they asked him how tall he was and hoped to be that tall someday,” said Deputy Chief of Detectives Brendan Deenihan “Unfortunately, we will never even see the full growth of these poor children.”

The three teenage boys then left the store and proceeded to walk home together when police say that Battle approached them and began shooting.

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PHOTO: The Chicago Police Department announced that Jasean Francis, 17, and Charles Riley, 16, were shot and killed after allegedly asking the suspect, 19-year-old Laroy Battle, shown here, how tall he was while they were buying candy on June 20, 2020. (Chicago Police Department)

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Jasean Francis, 17, was shot in the back, chest and left hand. Charles Riley, 16, was shot in the back and left leg. The third teen, who was not identified, managed to escape the gunfire. Both of the boys who were shot were taken to University of Chicago Hospital and later died from the injuries they suffered during the shooting.

“The security cameras from the area were able to show the offender discarding a gun in the garbage can and then Battle was eventually found hiding out in a motel … He was arrested without incident.” Deenihan announced in the press conference.

Police also said that they recovered nine shell casings from the scene of the crime.

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A prayer vigil to honor the two teenagers was held on Friday night near the scene of the shooting.

butt no riots ...

"He was a kid," said Jasean Francis' aunt Latonya Pettit, according to ABC News’ Chicago station WLS. "Liked video games, snacks. That was his thing. He would walk into this hospital gift shop daily and purchase snacks."

"He was nice to seniors on the block," said another of Francis’ aunts, Keena Hoyle. "The nurses looked forward to him coming over there daily. They brought over to the family roses. They watched him grow up as a child."

Authorities are still trying to understand the motive behind the shootings.

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PHOTO: The Chicago Police Department announced that Jasean Francis, 17, and his friend, Charles Riley, 16, were shot and killed after allegedly asking the suspect, 19-year-old Laroy Battle, how tall he was while they were buying candy on June 20, 2020. (ABC News/WLS

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“There was no altercation,” said Deenihan. “There was nothing that would have set off Battle to be angry at these kids. He is about 6’3”, 6’4”, and they literally just asked him how tall he was because he is extremely tall.”

Battle was denied bond and has been charged with two counts of first degree murder. Police said he had a previous conviction for aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, for which he received probation.

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“Justice was very swift in this case because we got help from the community,” Deenihan declared during his public statement to the press. “The offender was identified quickly because the community called the detectives and they told them that was Battle in the video. That is how this case broke. The private security camera footage provided to CPD was incredibly valuable in this case. The fact that detectives can now retrieve this footage quickly and then request the help of the community to identify these [kinds of] offenders is invaluable.”

“This is just one example of how Chicago can help improve the public safety by working together to remove these very dangerous offenders from the streets,” said Deenihan.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
battle... nice last name to have. has prior conviction. nice guy that.

I guess he must've been offended by the 2 kids asking about his height.

shake your head moment... what the fuck was he thinking.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
battle... nice last name to have. has prior conviction. nice guy that.

I guess he must've been offended by the 2 kids asking about his height.

shake your head moment... what the fuck was he thinking. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

he didn't. unless he's mental which is possible. and thank GOD and Saint TEBOW those nasty racist "white" cops didn't murder this fine young man!

now we'll get the chance to see what this retard intrarace KILLER gives as a defense. perhaps his court appointed attorney will claim "White Privilege" made him "snap" so he took it out on these poor black kids.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I didn't catch this on the Lame Stream Media. Did I just miss it or did the censors bounce it?

1 min CAUTION; may contain coarse language interspersed with actual facts and reality

A different factual and reality based approach to the topic was covered by AG Bill Barr in his recent interview with NPR paraphrased below:

In the US last year there were approximately
  • 8,000 black deaths due to violence
  • Mostly male
  • 85% were black on black violence
  • 10 blacks were killed by police (no breakdown by race of officer)
    • Of those, 6 (60%) were actively attacking the police at the time
  • 5 years prior, 38 blacks were killed by police
    • The rate has been steadily falling since
  • oeb11
  • 06-30-2020, 01:35 PM
Thank You WYID - Unfortunately - FACTS - never get in the way of a good DPST crisis oportunity to foment riots, looting, arson - and blame trump For It.

Now they want to tear down Mt. Rushmore because some OBLM puke's "sensibilities are offended".

Show me in the Copnstitution where anyone has a right to _"Never be Offended"!!!!

Not the OBLM Marxists give one shit about the Constitution - or anyone else but their own selves.

Send the pukes to liberia and let them live with "No racism"!

BTW - I wonder if sistine chapel is out on the front lines of the protests. Molotov cocktail in hand???
BTW - I wonder if sistine chapel is out on the front lines of the protests. Molotov cocktail in hand??? Originally Posted by oeb11
I hope so. That punk can't even troll eccie right. The cocktail would go off in his hand and engulf him in flames.
texassapper's Avatar
Facts?! Ain't nobody got time for Fcuking Facts man! This is the revolution... or at least a fire sale of Nikes and flatscreens!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Fact and Truth don't mater to the Maxrist media
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Facts?! Ain't nobody got time for Fcuking Facts man! This is the revolution... or at least a fire sale of Nikes and flatscreens!! Originally Posted by texassapper

Well then, there are other relevant facts that matter in that case, like choosing the right round for the right occasion. I mean, nobody wants to wear a tie when shorts and sandals are the dress of the day.