Saratoga Sky is an asshole

Plenty of other ways to have a “friend” like that my man. It sounds more like you’re desperate for any attention whatsoever....from whores, errrr, I mean providers, people in public, or even here....don’t waste your time, oh, and leave her number, I’m always around to give her a ride, in trade of course. Nothing wrong with a little road head! Originally Posted by Semperparata
No not leaving her number as I agreed not to out any providers no matter how bad they hurt me. Made that mistake once and promised never to do it again and sticking by my word.
Oh and btw everything I say about Saratoga Sky is true
She really does cry on Facebook she’s all alone and ignores everyone who offers to be there for her, unless they give her money
Even her ex boyfriend said that about her (surprinsgly I became friends with him thru her)
They used to date but broke up a while back but are still good friends.
He says she cheated on him so many times and treated him like garbage, he used to care about her emotionally but now is just as fed up as me.
Oh and she had to nerve to lie to me calling him a woman beater who abused her. I told him and he said how untrue that was and I believe him over her, he’s overall a nice guy.
Kinda funny how I became friends with her ex over her.
if your looking for a number, I might be wrong but look at the reviews by Handyandy1800 and the bottom one says Sky.

idk. just a hunch
if your looking for a number, I might be wrong but look at the reviews by Handyandy1800 and the bottom one says Sky.

idk. just a hunch Originally Posted by Schlitz
That’s an old number
She’s changed it

Plus she sucks in the bedroom, so not worth anyone’s time.
Even her ex boyfriend (whom I mentioned in the above post) agreed with me and said he has been with tons of girls better at sex than her (so have I - just cuz I have been stuck single doesn’t mean I “haven’t been around”)
Next Best Thing's Avatar
You can fix her Andy.

Clean her up, have her put on a few pounds, maybe get her to read a book (trashy romance novels are ok at first).

Poor girl obviously needs a self-improvement campaign STAT.

She's taking out her low self esteem on you.
You can fix her Andy.

Clean her up, have her put on a few pounds, maybe get her to read a book (trashy romance novels are ok at first).

Poor girl obviously needs a self-improvement campaign STAT.

She's taking out her low self esteem on you. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Idk why you keep thinking I should not give up on Saratoga Sky
What do you think I should be a couple with her?
No way in hell, that would NEVER happen

Besides I already see 4 other providers whom I am happy with.
See this link
I listed three of the four providers I see here and you will notice Saratoga Skye is excluded.

I have seen these 4 regular providers of mine since February and it has worked out.
Granted I would rather have a girlfriend, but this will do for now.
And I’m angry about my past
I was forced to be raised religious and told to be like the guy in this video

I mean come on, this guy is a pussy. He never has his first kiss until his wedding day and went on 20/20 national tv broadcasting it. I knew the guy in the video as a kid/teenager and he was the nerdiest Christian altar boy, the kind of kid in highschool, you would all stuff in a locker or duct tape to the flagpole. And I was told to be like him or friends with him, this is why I’m so rebellious and enjoy being a male slut, to rebel against those pesky evangelical Christians.
I posted the link so you can all point and laugh at him.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
When she comes back from whatever rock she's hiding under at the moment I'll reach out to her.

I will definitely let you know how it goes.

In the meantime, best of luck in finding a whore that will go along with what you're up to.
Maybe buy her a steak and a set of boobies. That would make her feel good about you and hold your hand.
Wait I got her number here

It’s 867-5309

Get it . Jenny 867-5309
Come on gotta have a sense of humor here

Jenny (867-5309)
Tommy Tutone -1981

A little before my time but I love 80s music much better than that hip hop garbage from today