Trump Gives permission to wear masks, finally

  • Tiny
  • 07-20-2020, 10:31 PM
you are alive because GEPOTUS (NO .. not Greatest Ever ... GOD EMPEROR!) spared your life. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That fits pretty well with the Portland storm trooper videos you've been posting. Fortunately Trump doesn't have the experience or smarts to create a serious police state. I don't think he's got the inclination either, as I believe cozying up to Kim, Ji and Putin was just a negotiating ploy, not an indication that he wants to be a dictator. But you could be right and I could be wrong.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That fits pretty well with the Portland storm trooper videos you've been posting. Originally Posted by Tiny

storm troopers. interesting. i call them federal officers legally protecting FEDERAL property.

is this what you support?

Portland Police Union Head Slams City Officials: They ‘Have Condoned the Destruction and Chaos’

Portland Police Association president Daryl Turner slammed elected officials at a press conference on Sunday, a day after the union’s offices were set on fire amid continuing riots in the city.

Since the death of George Floyd, an African American man killed during his arrest by Minneapolis police officers, Portland has seen 50 days of protests and riots. Federal law enforcement officers have deployed to the city over the past several weeks, clashing with protesters.

Turner alleged that Oregon officials have allowed the violence to continue unabated.

“The elected officials have condoned the destruction and chaos,” Turner said on Sunday, standing with 20 faith and business leaders from Portland. “They have placed their political agenda ahead [of the] safety and welfare of the community. This must stop.”

Turner continued, “This is no longer about George Floyd, racial equity, social justice reform or the evolution of policing….This is about violence, rioting and destruction. Our city is under siege by rioters.”

Portland mayor Ted Wheeler on Friday accused the Trump administration of fanning the violence by ordering federal law enforcement to crack down on the riots and protests.

“Last week, we were seeing the deescalation of the violence. We were seeing things calm down. But the intervention of federal officers reignited tensions,” Wheeler said in an online press conference with Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell. “I think we would have seen the end of this nightly engagement by now.”

Lovell indicated that federal officers and local police were not coordinating with each other.

“The federal officers have their objectives, and the Portland police has our objectives. We don’t direct federal officers’ actions, and they do not direct ours,” Lovell said.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole
LexusLover's Avatar
When the police start openly voicing their opinions with respect to the violence, and particularly the aggravated assaults upon police officers, and the Democratic candidates stand silent, the voters will quietly proceed to reject the acquiescing candidates.
  • oeb11
  • 07-21-2020, 08:30 AM
Meanwhile Mayor Wheeler will take action to punish those police critical of him and his support of anarchy and violence.

The more police that leave Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland - Great - the Marxist mayors will also drive out citizens who pay taxes and leave only anarchists in burned out buildings celebrating - 'No shelter, No food, no water, no sanitation, - and wonder where their mommies are to make it all 'Right"!!
  • Tiny
  • 07-21-2020, 08:12 PM
storm troopers. interesting. i call them federal officers legally protecting FEDERAL property.

is this what you support? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
With friends like you Trump doesn't need any enemies. This was the video/post in question:

It shows a bunch of federal agents in unmarked camouflage uniforms with gas masks covering their faces beating up on a Navy veteran, a giant of a man, while he stands stoically with his arms stretched out wide like Jesus.

Then here you write something like, "You are alive because the God Emperor Trump spared your life."

This feeds into every stereotype the so called main stream media promotes about Trump supporters. You couldn't have done better if the Chinese Communist Party, angling for a Biden victory, were paying you to post on social media.

And why send these federal agents to Democratic cities that don't want them anyway? The American political system should work such that eventually people in cities get fed up with incompetent Democratic leadership and replace them with Republicans. This has happened in a lot of statehouses in recent years, when people figured out that Republicans are more capable of actually making state governments work for the benefit of the citizenry. But instead send some people who look like storm troopers in to participate in the protests so the local politicians can blame it all on Trump. Your more inventive leftists will blow this totally out of proportion and make analogies with the SS in demonstrations in Germany in the 1930's and say Trump's getting ready to take over like Hitler. And, like I already said, being chummy with Ji, Kim and Putin feeds right into this.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
With friends like you Trump doesn't need any enemies. This was the video/post in question:

It shows a bunch of federal agents in unmarked camouflage uniforms with gas masks covering their faces beating up on a Navy veteran, a giant of a man, while he stands stoically with his arms stretched out wide like Jesus.

Then here you write something like, "You are alive because the God Emperor Trump spared your life."

This feeds into every stereotype the so called main stream media promotes about Trump supporters. You couldn't have done better if the Chinese Communist Party, angling for a Biden victory, were paying you to post on social media.

And why send these federal agents to Democratic cities that don't want them anyway? The American political system should work such that eventually people in cities get fed up with incompetent Democratic leadership and replace them with Republicans. This has happened in a lot of statehouses in recent years, when people figured out that Republicans are more capable of actually making state governments work for the benefit of the citizenry. But instead send some people who look like storm troopers in to participate in the protests so the local politicians can blame it all on Trump. Your more inventive leftists will blow this totally out of proportion and make analogies with the SS in demonstrations in Germany in the 1930's and say Trump's getting ready to take over like Hitler. And, like I already said, being chummy with Ji, Kim and Putin feeds right into this. Originally Posted by Tiny

what? you don't think i haven't already seen this idiot get smacked? of course i have.

you go to one of these riots and get in some agent's face and see what happens. Trump as president CAN send federal officers to protect FEDERAL property ANYWHERE in the USA.

Democrat are blaming it on Trump. as usual they are the problem not Trump.

my opinion of you is getting tinier with every post, tiny.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You’re wrong that it has to be federal property. It does not. The president isn’t only allowed to protect people and property when local and state officials fail to do so, he’s obligated to.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
After months of idiocy, Trump has finally asked his followers to wear masks. Now all that stupidity can come to an end. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Unfortunately for him, he is a little late now. Come November, many people will not forget about how careless he was about this virus. There are things in life that you simply can't take back.

America is a very forgiving country. If he would just own his mistakes and not constantly try to shift blame to others like he always does, he would probably be reelected. His enormous ego does not allow him to do that, so he will never admit when he is wrong.
You’re wrong that it has to be federal property. It does not. The president isn’t only allowed to protect people and property when local and state officials fail to do so, he’s obligated to. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Absolutely false. Provide a citation of the delineated power grant.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Trump Gives permission to wear masks, finally. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Do you always need permission to do something? You could ask your Mom or just think for your own fine self. That could be a thing.
After months of idiocy, Trump has finally asked his followers to wear masks. Now all that stupidity can come to an end. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Where did President Trump give permission to wear a mask? He said it was OK. From what I can tell, he never said it was not OK.

If masks are so effective, you wearing yours should be enough for you.