Tipping Point

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Firstly Wackey stick to what I actually said. I agree that police kill more than blacks. What I actually said is disproportionately blacks. I also said police shouldn’t be killing people for resisting arrest. You didn’t address any example I gave that could have not resulted in the death of the person. Instead you found some crazy example that you think buttresses your argument but it actually doesn’t. Use of deadly force shouldn’t occur when there’s multiple cops and one individual who is unarmed. Nevertheless it does. And like I said, in the civilized countries, police don’t have anything close to the number of police involved shootings or killings. Even less when the person is unarmed.

Reallocating funds from police departments don’t eliminate them just like cutting funds to any other department. Saying it just won’t make it true. Militarized police departments and police funding is a very recent phenomenon. Rethinking staffing, cutting desk jobs, having police live where they work, recruiting better cops, requiring more education, all could go long ways in creating better police forces. Reallocating resources would likely result in police forces being more efficient. It’s a false narrative to claim less money means they’ll be gone altogether. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

if blacks stopped being disproportionately criminal maybe this wouldn't happen as much, yeah?

13/90 is false. you know this stat don't ya? it's the crime stats for blacks. but it's wrong. it's really 6/57.

which makes it worse. 6 percent of the population commits 57 percent of crimes.

who is that 6 percent? the percent of black males in the population.

so why is that? evil whitey? or just thug life which is glorified by rap crap music. and other areas of black culture?

cops shouldn't have to kill suspects. but the use of deadly force is necessary when suspects will not submit to the rule of law.

more efficient? or useless?

so what do you think of little Devon being gunned down by evil white cops? did you watch?

it's for your own good.
Arguing at length as to why someone’s argument is stupid only serves to legitimize the stupid argument in the first place. So why go back snd forth. I’ll say this though. Since we would be starting from far different facts and points of view scribbling some lines on ECCIE would be insufficient. If you believe that BLM wants the US torn apart and whites hung and no police at all, you’re clearly getting your understanding from the likes of Breitbart Hanity Watters or even worse OANN. Or you’re scouring the internet for some manifesto that no one marching for equity and equality has ever read and believing that forms some kinda guiding principle. The 10s of Thousands marching for Black Lives want this country to treat Blacks with fairness, equality and respect which sadly it doesn’t, in practice even if the laws claim that it should. If you believe otherwise nothing I say will make you understand so there’s no point wasting time trying to open your eyes.

Antifa isn’t an organization. No matter how much Barr, Trump or Cruz try to create a boogeyman, it ain’t real. Do some guys show up to engage Whites with their nazi and confederate flags yep, they do. But they are not a terrorist organization in any way or form. Hell the KKK and other right wing organizations go around public spewing hate in the name of White Rights and White Power but no one has any issue with them. In fact, a few years ago didn’t they march in Charlottesville chanting about white power and not being replaced by Jews. Didn’t one of them run over people on a street. That’s actual violence aimed at our citizens.

Even Steve Scalise spoke to their organization a few years back and took their money. When the govt says those are domestic terror groups then Antifa can be equally grouped in with them.

As for this vast anarchy gripping the country. I don’t see any where I live. Don’t see any where my parents are. Or my friends. Bet there’s none where you are either. So the country is pretty damn safe as far as I can see. Now if Fox Breitbart and OANN have you believing that anarchists are on the next street over from you just about to overrun the govt you’re more gullible than I presumed. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Blacks are treated so poorly in Dallas that the Police Chief, The Mayor, The Sheriff and the District Attorney are all black.

I guess that is institutional racism?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Disband Antifa and BLM. Two Marxist organizations being propped up by the Democrats and the MSM. Originally Posted by gnadfly

and funded by the soros machine
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And also the LSMFT Originally Posted by matchingmole

matchingmole's Avatar
and funded by the soros machine Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

The Soros machine? lol

Did the Soros machine pay Donald Trump's mom to drop him on his head when he was a child?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And also the LSMFT Originally Posted by matchingmole
what??? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Acronym Definition
LSMFTLucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco (advertising slogan)
LSMFTLoose Straps Means Floppy TitsLSMFTLet's Stop, My Finger's Tired
LSMFTLoose Suspenders Mean Falling Trousers
LSMFTLow Self esteem Means Friction and Trouble
LSMFTLord Save Me from Trump (political slogan) <<< LOL
LSMFTLiposclerosing Myxofibrous Tumor
LSMFTLord Save Me from TrumanLSMFTLaboratory Sector for Making Folks Tiny (Fantastic Voyage)

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
if antifa is not an organization, then who is funding them?, who is training them?, who is providing pallets of bricks, pallets of frozen bottled water, shields, bats, fireworks, mace, acid shakes, etc? who's directing them with military precision?

i'd say they're organized. you can't be this blind not to see there is organization behind their actions.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And also the LSMFT Originally Posted by matchingmole

try again.

The Soros machine? lol

Did the Soros machine pay Donald Trump's mom to drop him on his head when he was a child? Originally Posted by matchingmole

leave his mother out of this.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Soros bots !!!
The Soros machine? lol

Did the Soros machine pay Donald Trump's mom to drop him on his head when he was a child? Originally Posted by matchingmole
No, but how much does he pay you to suck his cock?