Encounter: Seduction, Sex, and Serenity!!1
Ari is a very pretty girl and fun to be with....however the drama and BS one has to go through to meet up with her kills the experience.
A shame , really.
Hey you do you but it doesn't negate the fact she has ripped off multiple men for deposits and over nights. Shes even outed real life info all over her Twitter, pictures and all.
Or she's flaky/drama as hell with many even trying to book.
If all the shit that comes with her most of the time and shes a thief, hey be that needy simp.
am i the only one thinking mwpedro is going to be the next bartek?
I am pretty sure BARTEK is still BARTEK and still seeing her. So I guess I am not gonna be BARTEK lol, plus I am leaving for California in about two weeks, I may see her one more time before I go but that's it. I look at this as a business and never have fallen in love or been a mark like some of you guys. People getting robbed sucks, but here is a great idea that will save you from getting robbed don't pay deposits, especially the whole deposit upfront, you must be fucking crazy. This is a hustle fellas, some ladies are super professional and nice but at the end of the day, it’s still a hustle.
And here we are supposed to write about our experiences, that's what I do. Some of you have 1000's of the post and no reviews, why are you even on this board, you offer no good advice or info for the rest of us. I do not doubt that bad shit has happened to many of you, but be smart don't pay deposits, don't listen to sad stories, and ya TCB can be challenging at times lol, but that is often the case with some other providers as well.
And not for nothing but some of you years back blasted her, put her personal info on here, her name, pictures of her that she would not want to be shared. This happened long before she did what she did. So I guess that's lots of people on both sides that are doing bad shit, huh.
And not for nothing but I see so many of you calling the ladies Whores and shit. Maybe be a little more respectful, what were a bunch of pervy old bastards. And yes I have met some horrible ladies I would refer to as hustling fucking whores, but that is because of how they tried to hustle me or acted like a streetwalker.
It’s crazy that you guys think I am a white knight or in love with her and want to rescue her, lol. I see her like I see many ladies because I enjoy the company of a beautiful woman, have great sex, and have good conversations. In the last month or so I have seen Arianna, Scarlet Fever, BBG, Eliza, Sam, Stella, and some I have not reviewed as they are UTRs. She jas never robbed me, wronged me, or anything along those lines. So thanks for the hate and stupid comments.