2020 elections Biden hits back at reporter asking if he took a cognitive test: ‘Are you a junkie?’

How do you know Trump thinks he’s behind? How do you know this? The fact is, you don’t. Originally Posted by bambino
This is a ploy the MSM uses. "Trump said this"...but you never see a full quote. "Trump should have done this..." pure speculation by the MSM. "Unnamed sources say "Trump is planning...""but no sources names...hell you even get unnamed sources quoting unnamed sources.

And the most often used one "What Trump is really thinking..."

If you go to realclearpolitics and read the headlines you can see these "journalistic tricks" daily. Most of the media tried to police itself. Now they play along.
  • oeb11
  • 08-08-2020, 09:22 AM
Biden is not mentally competent - the DNC is using him as a figurehead to lure "modeate Libdems" - an oxymoron- and hope biden carries a radical marxist VP to the Oval office

Biden won't be ini office for more than six months if elected.

it would be interesting to watch the repulican minority in tht situation - their bet move would be to oppose the 25th amendment and vote against biden's removal - keep the incompetent in place and hope the raicals can't do too much damage to the Nation.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Approximately 10% of those polled in each poll did not have a preference as to whom they would vote for.... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
My calculator says that 2/3rds of voters is 6 times more than 10% of voters. Maybe I got a stuck key somewhere. Yea, that's the ticket. A stuck key.
You will have to add Indepedent voters to your list of "air heads" since they are the ones who will determine the victor in the election. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Independent voters don't count. This country is so politically divided between Conservative Republicans and Liberal Democrats that a true Independent doesn't even really exist anymore.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Biden is not mentally competent - the DNC is using him as a figurehead to lure "modeate Libdems" - an oxymoron- and hope biden carries a radical marxist VP to the Oval office

Biden won't be ini office for more than six months if elected.

it would be interesting to watch the repulican minority in tht situation - their bet move would be to oppose the 25th amendment and vote against biden's removal - keep the incompetent in place and hope the raicals can't do too much damage to the Nation. Originally Posted by oeb11
LOLLING! He’ll need six months just to change the drapes!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
My calculator says that 2/3rds of voters is 6 times more than 10% of voters. Maybe I got a stuck key somewhere. Yea, that's the ticket. A stuck key. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
2/3rds of WHAT voters? I assume math was not one of your strong subjects in school.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Maybe you didn't mean there were 2/3rds of all voters that were undecided. Went with the fuzzy number of "a large number of voters who did not make up their minds", of which 2/3rds went Trump. Welp, I do not believe there are a large undecided voters this round. Might be a large "undeclared" or "unpublished" or "none ya dang business" voters though. But I'm sure the polling professionals got a solid handle on that. Maybe even more better than 2016?

Though just like in 2016, the Demonicrat's strategy is to select a candidate that they believe people will just 'hold their nose' to vote for, add a preponderance of sheer idiots and hope the Orange Man Bad mantra carries the day. Rinse/Repeat, huh? The Demonicrats are bifurcated badly and offer a dementia addled racist to be point person. Well... it's a strategy I guess. Not so sure it's what people at their dinner table are looking for as the policies that Joe-mentia Biden has vomited out to date are not.

2/3rds of WHAT voters? I assume math was not one of your strong subjects in school. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You are certainly welcome to your opinion. My opinion is that in 2016 there were a large number of voters who did not make up their minds as to whom to vote for until the very last moment and exit polls and follow-up polls showed that the majority, about 2/3s, ultimately decided on Trump over Clinton. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Maybe you didn't mean there were 2/3rds of all voters that were undecided. Went with the fuzzy number of "a large number of voters who did not make up their minds", of which 2/3rds went Trump. Welp, I do not believe there are a large undecided voters this round. Might be a large "undeclared" or "unpublished" or "none ya dang business" voters though. But I'm sure the polling professionals got a solid handle on that. Maybe even more better than 2016?

Though just like in 2016, the Demonicrat's strategy is to select a candidate that they believe people will just 'hold their nose' to vote for, add a preponderance of sheer idiots and hope the Orange Man Bad mantra carries the day. Rinse/Repeat, huh? The Demonicrats are bifurcated badly and offer a dementia addled racist to be point person. Well... it's a strategy I guess. Not so sure it's what people at their dinner table are looking for as the policies that Joe-mentia Biden has vomited out to date are not. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
What I meant was 2/3rds of 10%. And there is a strong possibility that that staistice might reverse itself in 2020.

Biden, leading Trump by eight points, also has a big advantage with undecided voters: Reuters/Ipsos poll


What you say about holding your nose and voting for a candidate applied to Trump in 2016 as well as Clinton. Same could apply in 2020.
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2020, 11:34 AM
"Dementia Addled Racist - defines Biden well.

Deluded, Denial, Deflection - desscribes the DPST acolytes of marxism well also.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yupper we are living Idiocracy the movie """ vote for terry crew """""
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well. looks like little Zedly Williams at that meanie Eric Trump for twittering one of her daddy Robin's old comedy bits about sleepy Joe ..

Zelda Williams slams Eric Trump for resurfacing late dad Robin's riff on Joe Biden: 'Look up what he said about your Dad'



in the interest of fairness let's post what Robin said about Trump in 2012


  • oeb11
  • 08-10-2020, 03:27 PM
TWK - thank you - and for the fairness in posting.

a prayer for the late, great Robin Williams.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
TWK - thank you - and for the fairness in posting.

a prayer for the late, great Robin Williams. Originally Posted by oeb11

yes he was...

nano nano!!!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
To be fair, that sounds like something Trump would do. Trump is very good at making funny insults. Originally Posted by Lou Spowells
The problem here is that it wasn't funny. It didn't really make sense. I don't know whether a television reporter might have to take a drug test or not to do their job, but I imagine that they probably do periodically. I've no idea what point he was trying to make.