Obama has officially started

Obama was a disgrace. He went full community organizer while he and his Tranny “wife” kick back in their $20 million digs in the all white Martha’s Vineyard. Antifa should loot his house. Originally Posted by bambino
martha's vineyard's white supremacy trick to keep the riffraff at bay is there are no bridges from the mainland to the island

blm and antifa would have to commandeer a ferry boat first before they could loot the joint
winn dixie's Avatar
What has odummer started? His period? Cause we all know moochelle cant have periods! bahahahahahahahahaha
rexdutchman's Avatar
Lets see the message so far , Disband police, take guns a line with muslims

What could go wrong comrade
There are some good dudes in this forum. Most are not (probably me included), but Trump is done and gone. The experiment failed with him. This is not rocket science.

I'm no Biden fan, but Trump has to go IMO. That dumb fucker could not even run a casino. How the hell is he the POTUS? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Much how I feel....either it's going to be 4 more years of the failed experiment or 4 years of typical politician Biden kicking the can down the road. Neither one of these douchebags are going to get anything done. Biden certainly can't be as big of an embarrassment to our country as Trump has.

There's always 2024, people. You all waited decades with no success so what's another 4 years?
Biden will take the guns away like Obama did. If you don't believe me just ask an ignorant racist redneck. There are plenty posting on here if they ain't busy with a lead sniffing cousin
  • oeb11
  • 08-21-2020, 02:54 PM
master Troll baiter

Only a line of nonsense this time!!!!
Biden will take the guns away like Obama did. If you don't believe me just ask an ignorant racist redneck. There are plenty posting on here if they ain't busy with a lead sniffing cousin Originally Posted by Tsmokies
You must be talking about the assault weapons ban. I always thought that was based on looks, just looked evil, not based on whether the gun was automatic or not. So you take the same mechanism, switch the stock and grips out (I know, tough to do but for a hypothetical situation) to make it look like a hunting rifle and it's perfectly legal?

There's never been any need to take any guns away, the politicians are in bed with corporate america and whatever sweet deals they got going feature no need to take the guns, it's all working fine for them as is, no need to change anything. No need to switch to socialism or marxism or some other dastardly boogeyman government type, it's all flowing nicely so no motive to change now.

NRA and the gun lovers keep their hoard of guns and the upper crust keep their usual scams and the gravy train of incoming cash rolling along.

Why does everybody else overthink this equation?
rexdutchman's Avatar
There's never been any need to take any guns away
You really think that's a true statement then just check out the history in Venezuela
Needed step for Control
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2020, 10:09 AM
That's right - sk - You do hate law-abiding legal holders ofweapons in teh US

Legal weapons threaten your Marxist narrative and violent evolutionary takeover of teh US.

Too Damn bad

Harris may try to ban weapons when she is POTUS - if biden is elected as placeholder.

That will precipitate Civil War in middle America.

Feel free to go to Venezuela and cuba - see the wonder of marxism - and stay there!
Dang ob1. Lighten up dude. No body is going to take guns away "again". Ignorant racist rednecks will keep driving up prices of guns n amo though lol.
Obama will have fun fucking w the Putin in chief trump though
  • oeb11
  • 08-24-2020, 03:42 PM
Dang - tx - You don't bslieve Trump about anything he says.

and Now - You don't believe your own candidate and his 'Gun Czar" when they openly say - "we will take your guns"!!

Is ts planning to lead the confiscation committees???

ts - you might meet more than just ' LEAD'ing a confiscation commmittee.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Check out Venezuela s """" Desarma La Violencia """" Program People just like what Hoey / an beto and jeoy been saying If you have any questions ,
Side note -Chavez also changed there constitution to allow "buy backs "

Sadly very true
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2020, 09:23 AM
K harris as POTUS - after packing the SC to 20 members with radical marxist judges - will summarily confiscate all weapons from citizens ( but not illegal MS13 gang bangers) - the police, and military .

After all - the DPST line - if we make nice to china and putin - we will be fine.

See how well that works for comrades KGB Putin and XI! They will exploit harris to take over america - and slit control at the Mississippi river - and leave harris in place as Comrade in Chief of a Marxist terrorist regime - ala Stalin, Mao, PolPot, and Kims's regime in NK.

Bernie - the marxist leader - does love him some USSR rule.

Civil War is coming. From my cold dead hands - with as many cold , dead marxist terrorists in front of me as possible.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I lost all my weapons in a horrific boating accident.
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2020, 10:34 AM
Gun sales are soaring - as are prices.

Get your Ar-15 before the Marxist DPST's try to confiscate them all - and betabeto will do just that.
he will try - and Fail!