Any of you guys date a spa girl before?
You two are the trolls, brown-nosing each other. Go read another thread if u don't like this one
I’ve wondered sometimes about the life stories of some of these ladies. Like, am I getting a handy right now from someone who was a Particle Physicist in China? I getting a handy right now from someone who was a Particle Physicist in China?
Originally Posted by CoverMe
Schrödinger’s cock is both limp and hard.
Truth is, a f.s. woman can make up to $505,000 a year(working 360 days a year, 10 clients daily) depending on client traffic. So, if she kept her expenses conservative, conceivably she could be a millionaire within 2 years. So, true dat on da bank think balletloverboy is home alone jacking on his
little white girlie tights as he enjoys putting us all down?
Such a looser think balletloverboy is home alone jacking on his
little white girlie tights as he enjoys putting us all down?
Such a looser
Originally Posted by Bacontoast
+1 ....
I’m thinking..
Yeh MrTex.. only L1.. but maybe a “Plié” on so guy’s ballet barre
Go to Youtube and search "hot & sexy flexible girl practicing ballet"
Ballerinas have some of the best bodies, Mick Jagger--one of the world's richest musicians, is currently dating one
(Also, there's Misty Copeland)
I was lit on ice listening to the '80's band Loverboy when I came up with that user name, youtube girl looked much better that night long ago
Ohhhh, now I understand your profile name. I would still like to see a review from you. Have you dated a spa girl or even been to a spa?
This thread has outlived its usefulness.
I have been invited to dinner by four different women I met at spas. In each case they would not let me pay for dinner. However, I am a natural born skeptic so I went and enjoyed the free dinner (and free sex more on that later), but I expected there was a motive. I was right. There was a motive, but I wasn't offended. In fact I kind of respect the hustle. I am not the guy to fall for it, but all they can do is ask, and I have the right to say no. The first girl told me she wanted to open her own spa. She knows the business and just needs a partner to help her with the rent, and asked if I wanted to do business. I told her thanks, but no. The 2nd was a gorgeous woman that I saw quite a bit. She asked me to go to dinner her treat. After dinner she invited me back to her place and we had fun in her bed. She even asked me out three more times and I never once paid the bill. She wouldn't hear of it. Each time I drove her back to her place, and we would have sex. But I still knew eventually she would ask for something. Sure enough on the fourth date she casually mentions that she wishes she could open her own spa at dinner. Then back at her place after we finished having sex she cuddles with me, and then says we make great partners. Would I like to buy a spa with her? I told her I am no business man. The third girl treated me to dinner, but the whole time I could tell something was wrong. I asked what is wrong through a translation app since her English was very limited. She spoke into my phone and the translation came back, "You are very kind man." "My heart is heavy." "I am sorry" "Can you take me back home?" I think she was going to ask me to help her open a spa, but she felt guilty and decided against it. The fourth woman was a mamasan. She invited me to dinner on Valentine's day about three years ago. In her case she was just feeling lonely. She is in a relationship, but her man was in another city that week taking care of business. She just wanted company on Valentine's day. The funny part was since it was last minute and a holiday all the restaurants she wanted to go to were fully reserved. We ended up having to eat at Jim's. She said sorry I couldn't take you to a better restaurant, and I jokingly said that is ok I will still put out for you since I am a cheap date. She laughed and said dinner is free but extras are extra. I laugh-shrugged and said hey can't blame a guy for trying. She laughed and we had dinner.
Thanks, Galindal. Yours is truly the voice of experience. Even though I’ve never dated an AMP girl OTC, your experiences are pretty much what I thought would happen if I did. God bless ‘em for going for the American Dream, but I’m not The Dreammaker.
Schrödinger’s cock is both limp and hard.
Originally Posted by Aviator1
You a funny boy! Smart, too. I’m sure that’s helped you get laid here and there along the way. Good on ya!
Had a session today. Went to lunch afterwards, after lunch back to her place for hours of adult fun...was just one of those days where all the planets aligned. If I was single I would scoop her up...