Trump proves Atlantic story is fake news

You are correct. Money talks in cases like this.

I had bone spurs and was drafted and served. Bone spurs are not normally debilitating over a long period of time. Pain flares up and then quickly goes away over the period of a few days. I still have bone spurs since they don't simply go away and haven't had a flare-up in many decades.

My opinion -- Trump did not want to serve in the armed forces and got his doctor to sign off on his "condition", whether real or not. I doubt that many people who were classified "1Y" were ever re-examined and had their draft status changed.

I do find it rather hypocritical that Trump says he's done more for the military than almost any other POTUS yet declined to serve his country in the armed forces. But there are many more important issues on which to focus. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
He probably didn't want to serve. Bone Spurs was obviously a convenient excuse. His deferment and how he got it is also a convenient excuse for the Democrats to gripe. Bill Clinton got deferments. Mohammed Ali flat out dodged the draft and his funeral was a gala event, just because he was a World Champion Boxer. There's way too much negativity in this Country that's why our society is deteriorating. I see it continuing year by year until we're finished.
HoeHummer's Avatar
So you’re saying AMERICAs military are losers?
You are correct. Money talks in cases like this.

I had bone spurs and was drafted and served. Bone spurs are not normally debilitating over a long period of time. Pain flares up and then quickly goes away over the period of a few days. I still have bone spurs since they don't simply go away and haven't had a flare-up in many decades.

My opinion -- Trump did not want to serve in the armed forces and got his doctor to sign off on his "condition", whether real or not. I doubt that many people who were classified "1Y" were ever re-examined and had their draft status changed.

I do find it rather hypocritical that Trump says he's done more for the military than almost any other POTUS yet declined to serve his country in the armed forces. But there are many more important issues on which to focus. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I have heard bone spurs come in different intensities and as such, they are subject to the professional opinion of an actual medical doctor.

Having never had them, I wouldn't know how bad it could be bgut I doubt it would be fun to hike 20 miles in the jungle with one hundred pounds on your back if you had bone spurs - better to be a assistant cook like Assup.
Originally Posted by HoeHummer
That will never be me - my lunch right now:

spinach, carrots, hummus, unsweetened iced tea, blueberries and 6 ounces of lean turkey

I'll never be a fat loser!

As always, a reminder I do not hate self supporting fat fucks.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are correct. Money talks in cases like this.

I had bone spurs and was drafted and served. Bone spurs are not normally debilitating over a long period of time. Pain flares up and then quickly goes away over the period of a few days. I still have bone spurs since they don't simply go away and haven't had a flare-up in many decades.

My opinion -- Trump did not want to serve in the armed forces and got his doctor to sign off on his "condition", whether real or not. I doubt that many people who were classified "1Y" were ever re-examined and had their draft status changed.

I do find it rather hypocritical that Trump says he's done more for the military than almost any other POTUS yet declined to serve his country in the armed forces. But there are many more important issues on which to focus.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

You'd best find a different argument. Hidin' Biden had FIVE deferments to avoid Vietnam. The supercilious lefties are being mendacious hypocrites when they cast stones at Trump given dem candidate Hidin' Biden's failure to serve during a war that he avoided with great alacrity. Plus, Team Obama-Hidin' Biden abandoned four Americans in Benghazi because they were too chicken shit to provide security for Americans they had sent into harm's way. RE: the OP -- the Atlantic was already repudiated before it published its lies.

Bolton, a prominent Trump critic, months ago in his memoir The Room Where It Happened. On the canceled trip to Aisne-Marne, Bolton writes:

"On Saturday, I went to the U.S. Ambassador’s residence, where Trump was staying, to brief him for his bilateral with [French President Emmanuel Macron]. The weather was bad and [former Chief of Staff John Kelly] and I spoke about whether to travel as planned to the Chateau-Thierry Belleau Woods monuments and nearby American Cemeteries, where many U.S. World War I were buried. Marine One’s crew were saying that bad visibility could make it imprudent to chopper to the cemetery. The ceiling was not too low for Marines to fly in combat, but flying POTUS was obviously something very different. If a motorcade were necessary, it could take between ninety and a hundred and twenty minutes each way, along roads that were not exactly freeways, posing an unacceptable risk that we could not get the President out of France quickly enough in case of an emergency. It was a straightforward decision to cancel the visit but very hard for a Marine like Kelly to recommend, having originally been the one to suggest Belleau Wood (an iconic battle in Marine Corps history). Trump agreed, and it was decided that others would drive to the cemetery instead."

Bolton continued:

"The press turned canceling the military visit into a story that Trump was afraid of the rain and took glee in pointing out that other world leaders traveled around during the day. Of course, none of them were President of the United States, but the press didn’t understand that rules for US presidents are different from the rules for 190 other leaders who don’t command the world’s greatest military forces."
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I do find it rather hypocritical that Trump says he's done more for the military than almost any other POTUS yet declined to serve his country in the armed forces.
I don’t. A President is in a much better position to do good things for the military than a random enlisted man.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Lets see 2 years later some anonymous person some where said something And ANYONE BELIEVES THIS BS FAKE CAZY STORY ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, Oh OKAY
matchingmole's Avatar
I B Hankering's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole
There's your "sucker" when you Photoshop the "willie" out of the picture.
lustylad's Avatar
There's your "sucker" when you Photoshop the dick out of the picture. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Huh? Did you photoshop out Dick or Willie?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Huh? Did you photoshop out Dick or Willie?

Originally Posted by lustylad
I posted the correction, LOL.
So you’re saying AMERICAs military are losers? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You're a loser.
Wtf n lol? The only thang trump can proof is he is the lier in chief with bone spurs
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar