Bloomberg Just wow

  • oeb11
  • 09-24-2020, 08:48 AM
The result is a black preponderance of felons relieved of their sentences - by a pseudo charitable Bloomie billionaire - who is flagrantly out buying votes out of hatred of Don Trump.

it impresses on teh OBLM adherents that they are immune from and not affected by the Rule of law and order - and can do whatever they want with complete immunity of consequences.

Guess what - when OBLM /antiFa rioters keep it up - People affected by their destruction will fight back - as did Kyle Rittenhausen.

What America needs is a large pile of dead rioters - wherever they choose to violate the law.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well laws and lefties like Bloomie boy yup right there is the bigger issues
ITS THERE LIBERAL PRIVILEGE , IE Mass delusions of utopia
Bloomberg is paying off felony fines in Florida so they can vote !!

The non racists dim-wits are paying Black and Latins fines in exchange for voting ,,,,,,,

Just how far will they go

Oh no violation of Florida law 104.061 felony oh no MR Bill

This should be good GO Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Bloomberg is paying off felony fines in Florida so they can vote !!

The non racists dim-wits are paying Black and Latins fines in exchange for voting ,,,,,,,

Just how far will they go

Oh no violation of Florida law 104.061 felony oh no MR Bill

This should be good GO Originally Posted by rexdutchman
As if there was any doubt that the "fines" are just a backdoor poll tax to keep certain people from voting.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The result is a black preponderance of felons relieved of their sentences - by a pseudo charitable Bloomie billionaire - who is flagrantly out buying votes out of hatred of Don Trump.

it impresses on teh OBLM adherents that they are immune from and not affected by the Rule of law and order - and can do whatever they want with complete immunity of consequences.

Guess what - when OBLM /antiFa rioters keep it up - People affected by their destruction will fight back - as did Kyle Rittenhausen.

What America needs is a large pile of dead rioters - wherever they choose to violate the law. Originally Posted by oeb11
I think you have confirmed what we all only suspected about you.

You want to kill those who oppose you. You have outed yourself again.

What’s TEH point?
  • oeb11
  • 09-25-2020, 09:19 AM
As if there was any doubt that the "fines" are just a backdoor poll tax to keep certain people from voting. Originally Posted by p@ssw0rd

That is a very good point - when propaganda fails - use violence and force.

i expect to see OBLM and Antfa at all west coast polling stations - with Ak-47's from China - to enforce the DPST vote.

And then they will set fire to the west Coast again, - just to enforce marxism on a devastated people and economy.

YR/mm/ts all agree on the means and outcome.

"No Mo Debates? No Mo Debates!!