• npita
  • 03-11-2010, 09:27 AM
Now I may be more confused than I was when this thread started. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Let me see if I can clarify things a bit. I have several friends who are poviders (as in no provider/client relationship). Since they know I have no agenda, (especially since I no longer hobby), they have no issue with respect to discussing their rates/rate structure. In fact, they do listen to what I say and then factor that in when deciding what to do (which, by the way has always been to raise their rates and insure that the rates make sense). The problem is that you are trying to discuss something on a board where no one has any idea of what your agenda might be AND hobbyists (and providers) are not exactly famous for being altruists. You simply cannot discuss rates on a board without generating a lot of suspicion (and drama).

If the rates do not make sense to you, see someone else. If the rates don't make sense to a lot of hobbyists and those hobbyists do not see her, the provider will (or should) realize that she is doing something wrong. If she can't figure it out and doesn't want (i.e., ask) for input, it's not your problem.
ANONONE's Avatar
The problem is that you are trying to discuss something on a board where no one has any idea of what your agenda might be AND hobbyists (and providers) are not exactly famous for being altruists. Originally Posted by npita
I have no agenda beyond being curious and wanting to discuss/parse the elements of my favorite hobby on a board that is dedicated to such discussions.

Given that folks seem to be reading this and posting it would seem I am not alone.

I get that some folks can't talk about these things in a detached manner or without getting feathers ruffled, and that still more folks feel the topic is hackneyed. I would hope they would glance at the the thread and move on. Let the folks that want to have dialogue exchange it freely and safely.

This is all just philosophical, and if you note, I am doing everything I can as the OP to keep the thread safe by discouraging rudeness, manipulation, drama, and pertinacious obstinacy.

You make some excellent points. I think perhaps it is time we do inject some altruism into our community.

I think having open, frank, and safe discussions about the hobby will make it better. Nothing forces folks that feel differently to read the posts in this thread or respond. To them all I can can politely say is if this is not your cup of tea have no worries; I am sure there is a place down the road with excellent coffee.
Adrielle's Avatar
No, but correct me if I am wrong, you are in the service industry.

Hmmm. . .it sounds like you want it to be both ways. It seems like you want to be treated as a serious business person, but also shroud that business in old ideas of mystique and taboo. Now I may be more confused than I was when this thread started. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Uh, yeah. We're in the service industry. Just because we're in the same industry doesn't mean we run things the same. But I don't provide the same service as a mechanic. The guy selling bootleg DVDs in the gas station parking lot isn't going to necessarily have the same business practices as Bergdorfs.

You're being argumentative, which is not only incretibly irritating, but also the reason why your threads tend to tank. Everyone has different opinions, and yours is not the end all be all of hobby law.

I have no problem having a discussion on topics like this, but you're not exactly being anymore respectful or polite, as I highlighted in a previous post, then anyone else in this thread. There were plenty of fantastic ladies that came in and gave you answers to your questions. It's not necessary to argue with them, especially over how they want to run things, or, even more irritating, semantics that don't really matter. There is a difference between trying to have a discussion on a topic and being argumentative and alienating the people you seek responses from, and your continued nitpicking at things and rehashing the same thing again and again is borderline troll behavior.

Like I said in my previous post, if you have a problem with how a lady runs her business, then don't see her. It's pretty simple and allows for everyone to be happy in the end.

I, like Nikki, and done with this thread. Have a nice evening.
Now I can almost see an arguement for what this thread is about if you were talking about a low volume Provider who uses hotels for her incall. If she is only going to see one client that day, then maybe the higher outcall rate could be equal to the incall. But that would probably be the only time it would make economic sense for the Provider.

However, if she is seeing more than one client, then she is already paying for the room, and has the time and trouble to come to the outcall, hence the higher price. And if she has a fixed incall location, then she is paying for that location whether or not so again she has time and trouble of going to the outcall.

And of course the comfort and safety issues come into play as well. So I understand why outcall is generally more than incall.

But if any of you ladies want to come see me, I am running an outcall special!!
AlyssaWest's Avatar
To be very honest, outcall just downright scares me..I mean the goosebumps at the door are great..but I love to be in control! You have a point about the fee but most of the time...the guy didn't even pay for the room...the company did and I am just a part on the entertainment report! Hehe!
pyramider's Avatar
Plumbers, electricians, providers are in the service industry. If they find their way out to my house then I expect to have to pay a premium. I even tip the pizza delivery guy. Judging by this thread I am way off base.
  • npita
  • 03-11-2010, 09:06 PM
I have no agenda beyond being curious and wanting to discuss/parse the elements of my favorite hobby on a board that is dedicated to such discussions. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Since no one on the board knows you personally, how would anyone know that?
This is all just philosophical,
I'll try to clarify this again, except in a more straight forward way. You can learn a lot more about a provider from her rate structure than her rate structure. What might not make sense to you, might make sense to her, in which case, you're getting a hint that you are not the client she wants. Read between the lines. If you think the outcall rate is out of proportion to the incall rate, it means she doesn't really want to do an outcall, but will if you really want her to do it enough to pay what she's asking. In other words, find a provider who wants to do outcalls and her outcall rate will make sense to you.
chipper's Avatar
Please stay on the original topic. Try to play nice and not be disagreeable.

Now, back to your original program! Why do Ladies have different charges for incall and outcall?
Because they can. :-)
Fine. Back on topic for those who do not know and not the the ones who merely want to hear their own voice:
______________________________ _______

When I was a youngster in this hobby and full of curiosity, I pondered this, too. Quite simply, it takes more time and expense to travel to and from an outcall appointment than it does an incall. More time is required between appointments when doing outcalls.
allofamber's Avatar
The extra $50-$75 goes to the driver

A lot of ladies like the luxury of having a professional driver to pick them up and drop them off...there's a company right here in Houston (limo company) the owner knows about 10 providers... and he allows us to use his cars and drivers, as long as we pay between $50-$75 per appointment....the main reason this is a great way to go, is cause it allows us to drink, and not worry about getting a DWI...no parking required...very professional.... arrive on time, leave on time, because everything is pre-scheduled....no "hey I'll be there in 20 minutes" and you dont see her for 45 minutes....if your appointment starts at 8pm..you'll hear a knock at your door at 7:50pm.......

For me town cars are the way to go.....What I also love it not having to drive my own car..so no one can run my license plate if I do get out at a hotel or residence...there are way to many stalkers out there and a lady needs to protect herself....
The extra $50-$75 goes to the driver

A lot of ladies like the luxury of having a professional driver to pick them up and drop them off...there's a company right here in Houston (limo company) the owner knows about 10 providers... and he allows us to use his cars and drivers, as long as we pay between $50-$75 per appointment....the main reason this is a great way to go, is cause it allows us to drink, and not worry about getting a DWI...no parking required...very professional.... arrive on time, leave on time, because everything is pre-scheduled....no "hey I'll be there in 20 minutes" and you dont see her for 45 minutes....if your appointment starts at 8pm..you'll hear a knock at your door at 7:50pm.......

For me town cars are the way to go.....What I also love it not having to drive my own car..so no one can run my license plate if I do get out at a hotel or residence...there are way to many stalkers out there and a lady needs to protect herself.... Originally Posted by allofamber
KEWL!!! If I do say so myself.
I charge extra for the convenience. I use a private residence as an incall so there is no cost difference besides gasoline and time to me. I charge $40 more for an outcall as a convenience fee.

Most guys prefer incall, they spend their driving time and fuel to come see me. When an outcall is requested, I spend my time and fuel to come to you. It is a convenience to you. When a client requests me to come to them when my usual is the opposite, it seems appropriate in my opinion for him to compensate accordingly. It's roughly the same expense the incall guy accrues for his gasoline and time driving which conveniences me.

In simpler terms, I'm lazy. I charge $40 to get my ass up and in the car to come to you when I could have exercised my laziness and sat at home and waited on someone to ring my doorbell. You pay $40 to sit on your lazy ass and wait on me to ring yours.
You have been doing this for 25 years and still have to ask all these stupid questions? Originally Posted by cpi3000

*shaking my head*
I think he means, you answered some, while asking others.
(Question that is.)

That CPI****
sets me up every-time.

You never know the reason.
It just depends on, who's pimping that day.
mikahranae's Avatar
It really just depends for me. I did an outcall last night for the same rate as my incall because the client was 10 minutes from my home address and it was a shorter drive than going all the way to my incall. In most situations though I do charge extra for outcalls because I feel safer at my incall with my roomie!