Place your bets here - Electoral College and Senate

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Is your old mental dick BENT A DICK, covert missing OK model - T by a serial starking rap_ing organization to covert fisherman stuff at a T pier and L pier ramp?
  • Tiny
  • 10-09-2020, 06:58 AM
Is your old mental dick BENT A DICK, covert missing OK model - T by a serial starking rap_ing organization to covert fisherman stuff at a T pier and L pier ramp? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Senate will be 50-50. Republicans pick up Alabama but lose Arizona, Colorado, NC, and Maine. Very possible Democrats win in Iowa and Warnock could win in Georgia.

Biden wins the electoral college, possibly in a rout. I think Tiny's estimate of Biden with 335 EVs about right.

Here are some of my predictions from about 2 years ago:

Democratic candidate wins Michigan
Trump wins less EVs in 2020 than he won in 2016
Popular vote margin is greater for the Democratic candidate in
2020 than it was in 2016.
Trump wins Texas but by a far less margin than the 9% he won by
in 2016.
Democrats hold the House but lose some seats.
Republicans hold the Senate but lose some seats.
I'm sure none of you recall...well of course I do, but as they say, "back in the day"

I was trumpeting the thought that trump would win in 2016
my posts were mostly ignored ...a few times laughed at

but no matter....

in the face of the polls, and the punditry, I intuitively "knew" he would win

when there was a two hour wait to vote in a small town like floresville

when obama had thoroughly pushed racism and divided the nation

because the economy was lethargic and obama and the dimocrats were pusihing the idea that the american dream was over

obama's vision was that all that was left was to manage the decline,

the fact was, his actual goal was to diminish American wealth and power because we just had too much you know, just another globalist and leftist idea

Obama called trump crazy and said about bringing back jobs, “Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it," Obama said."He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.”

the wealth of the nation was flowing steadily to silcon valley from other states, either there or to the several counties around washington d c

and hellary and obama's prescription for miners and the oil patch and guys working in manufacturing and the rest of america was "learn to code"

obama's aca had priced small businesses and proprietors out of health insurance where once individual policies designed for catastrophic coverage could be had without tax penalties, the only good thing about the aca was pre existing condition coverage

and then of course there was all of hellary's lies and corruption

yeah trump was going to win

the only surprising thing to me was how close it was and the popular vote outcome

which leads me to the feeling that america isn't the america it was once by an even greater scale than in 2016

its certainly not the America that gave Reagan his landslide against a "liberal"

in 2016 trump won narrowly in key states, and that was even with all the baggage of hellary and the dims

social media is an even bigger destructive force, socialism is a siren's song, alluring the naïve and fools

and thus my feeling is that trump will lose as the America we once learned about and loved is in its death throes

I hope I'm wrong

it may be i'll be surprised and Hispanics will be America's salvation along with an increased number of blacks but I fear not
  • Tiny
  • 10-09-2020, 09:33 AM
Senate will be 50-50. Republicans pick up Alabama but lose Arizona, Colorado, NC, and Maine. Very possible Democrats win in Iowa and Warnock could win in Georgia.

Biden wins the electoral college, possibly in a rout. I think Tiny's estimate of Biden with 335 EVs about right.

Here are some of my predictions from about 2 years ago:

Democratic candidate wins Michigan
Trump wins less EVs in 2020 than he won in 2016
Popular vote margin is greater for the Democratic candidate in
2020 than it was in 2016.
Trump wins Texas but by a far less margin than the 9% he won by
in 2016.
Democrats hold the House but lose some seats.
Republicans hold the Senate but lose some seats. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
At last! A poster with the balls to go out on a limb with firm numbers for the Senate and the Presidency. I was going to be disappointed if you didn't venture a guess, given you're a keen observer of the polls.

Here's what we've got so far. I've had to interpret what several of you said, so if I interpreted wrong please let me know.

Presidency -

SpeedRacer: Biden wins with 335 electoral votes
Tiny: Biden wins with 335 electoral votes

Senate -

Dilbert: 54.5 Republicans and 43.5 Democrats
HedonistForever: 48.5 Republicans and 51.5 Democrats
Jackie S.: 54 Republicans and 46 Democrats
SpeedRacer: 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats
Tiny: 49 Republicans and 51 Democrats
  • Tiny
  • 10-09-2020, 09:58 AM
I'm sure none of you recall...well of course I do, but as they say, "back in the day"

I was trumpeting the thought that trump would win in 2016
my posts were mostly ignored ...a few times laughed at

but no matter....

in the face of the polls, and the punditry, I intuitively "knew" he would win

when there was a two hour wait to vote in a small town like floresville

when obama had thoroughly pushed racism and divided the nation

because the economy was lethargic and obama and the dimocrats were pusihing the idea that the american dream was over

obama's vision was that all that was left was to manage the decline,

the fact was, his actual goal was to diminish American wealth and power because we just had too much you know, just another globalist and leftist idea

Obama called trump crazy and said about bringing back jobs, “Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it," Obama said."He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.”

the wealth of the nation was flowing steadily to silcon valley from other states, either there or to the several counties around washington d c

and hellary and obama's prescription for miners and the oil patch and guys working in manufacturing and the rest of america was "learn to code"

obama's aca had priced small businesses and proprietors out of health insurance where once individual policies designed for catastrophic coverage could be had without tax penalties, the only good thing about the aca was pre existing condition coverage

and then of course there was all of hellary's lies and corruption

yeah trump was going to win

the only surprising thing to me was how close it was and the popular vote outcome

which leads me to the feeling that america isn't the america it was once by an even greater scale than in 2016

its certainly not the America that gave Reagan his landslide against a "liberal"

in 2016 trump won narrowly in key states, and that was even with all the baggage of hellary and the dims

social media is an even bigger destructive force, socialism is a siren's song, alluring the naïve and fools

and thus my feeling is that trump will lose as the America we once learned about and loved is in its death throes

I hope I'm wrong

it may be i'll be surprised and Hispanics will be America's salvation along with an increased number of blacks but I fear not Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
This has also weighed heavily on my mind. Given the voting histories of the Millenials, Blacks and Hispanics, and Millenials views on capitalism and socialism, is America permanently fucked?

I don't think so. At some point I think Americans will recognize that things aren't working, and elect someone like Ronald Reagan, and the cycle will start all over again. The question is how long before that happens? Hopefully we'll be like the United Kingdom, where the Labour Party mostly dominated from 1964 to 1977 before Margaret Thatcher and Conservatives took control. And not like the Soviet Union where the Communist Party ruled for 70 years, admittedly with a much firmer hand than what we're likely to see from Democratic Socialists in the USA.

I disagree with your view of Trump. The other Republican candidates in 2016 likely would have done at least as well as he did during their first term IMO. And they were a lot less toxic. My favorite candidate was Rand Paul, but he dropped out early. By the time the Texas primary rolled around, it was down to Cruz, Kasich and Trump. On issues that matter most to my pocketbook, Cruz was my favorite candidate. But Kasich was the only candidate who looked like he'd handily beat Hillary. And he had the right pedigree -- he worked with Ronald Reagan to pass legislation that was good for America. So I voted for him.

Trump was a nonstarter because of his ethics and personality. I've gotten into bed in business with two people who are a lot like him -- narcissist promoters who screw everyone around them. And the results were not pretty -- lots of anal bleeding, figuratively speaking. If Kasich had been elected president I think Republicans would be looking at 4 more years in the White House, as well as controlling the Senate and/or House.

If the Republican Party is to do well going forward, it needs to shake off the Trump legacy and unite people instead of dividing them. If it does that, it won't be looking at 40 years in the wilderness before returning to power.
This has also weighed heavily on my mind. Given the voting histories of the Millenials, Blacks and Hispanics, and Millenials views on capitalism and socialism, is America permanently fucked?

I don't think so. At some point I think Americans will recognize that things aren't working, and elect someone like Ronald Reagan, and the cycle will start all over again. The question is how long before that happens? Hopefully we'll be like the United Kingdom, where the Labour Party mostly dominated from 1964 to 1977 before Margaret Thatcher and Conservatives took control. And not like the Soviet Union where the Communist Party ruled for 70 years, admittedly with a much firmer hand than what we're likely to see from Democratic Socialists in the USA.

I disagree with your view of Trump. The other Republican candidates in 2016 likely would have done at least as well as he did during their first terms IMO. And they were a lot less toxic. My favorite candidate was Rand Paul, but he dropped out early. By the time the Texas primary rolled around, it was down to Cruz, Kasich and Trump. On issues that matter most to my pocketbook, Cruz was my favorite candidate. But Kasich was the only candidate who looked like he'd handily beat Hillary. And he had the right pedigree -- he worked with Ronald Reagan to pass legislation that was good for America. So I voted for him.

Trump was a nonstarter because of his ethics and personality. I've gotten into bed in business with two people who are a lot like him -- narcissist promoters who screw everyone around them. And the results were not pretty -- lots of anal bleeding, figuratively speaking. If Kasich had been elected president I think Republicans would be looking at 4 more years in the White House, as well as controlling the Senate and/or House.

If the Republican Party is to do well going forward, it needs to shake off the Trump legacy and unite people instead of dividing them. If it does that, it won't be looking at 40 years in the wilderness before returning to power. Originally Posted by Tiny
Excellent Tiny.

I voted for Kasich 4 years ago because I did not like the 2 choices provided by the major parties. I would vote for him again now if he was running. Again, I am not really thrilled with the choices provided by the 2 major parties.

I never dreamed Trump would sleaze out and win 4 years ago and I really do not want to see that happen again. So this year my vote goes to Joe
  • Tiny
  • 10-09-2020, 10:19 AM
Excellent Tiny.

I voted for Kasich 4 years ago because I did not like the 2 choices provided by the major parties. I would vote for him again now if he was running. Again, I am not really thrilled with the choices provided by the 2 major parties.

I never dreamed Trump would sleaze out and win 4 years ago and I really do not want to see that happen again. So this year my vote goes to Joe Originally Posted by Jam3768
Jam, Do you mean Gary Johnson? Or you voted for Kasich in the primaries and skipped the general election, because of the poor choices we had in the general?

If Biden wins the election and the Republicans maintain control of the Senate I'll be a happy camper. My dream would be that he "triangulates" like Bill Clinton did in his second term when he had to work with a Republican Congress, and the country continues on the right path. But I fear that's not going to happen. Kamala Harris looks to be the future of the Democratic Party, not the Joe Biden who served as Senator.
I wrote in his name in the general election.
  • Tiny
  • 10-09-2020, 10:24 AM
I wrote in his name in the general election. Originally Posted by Jam3768
Got it, thanks
texassapper's Avatar
The other Republican candidates in 2016 likely would have done at least as well as he did during their first terms IMO. Originally Posted by Tiny
None of the others would have been able to win the general election. I went Cruz in the primary too, but I knew Trump was going to be the nominee when I saw the turnout for the primary. It looked like a damn general election! The closest I could compare it to was the opening of the first Star Wars prequel, before we knew that Lucas ruined it.

I highly doubt that any of the others would have withstood the criminal conspiracy perpetrated by the FBI, Hillary, Obama, Biden, and the media with regards to the Russian Collusion hoax.

You'd think being lied to by everyone for 3+ years might upset folks. I mean under oath they say there's no evidence of collusion, then Dems get on Camera and claim there's tone.

But apparently not. The Average American voter is a turnip.

The only hope to keep the Republic intact is a Trump win. If Biden wins open warfare is on the table. Our neighborhood is organizing a defense network... all via Whatsapp/text. Guns are flying off the shelves ammo is scarce. The wisdom of the masses says expect a fight.

If Trump wins it's just going to be pantifa/BLMtards that burn down their own neighborhoods... so who gives two shits about them.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
you got spanked again. lol

murkowski is not running this year. she will in 2 years. Palin is interested in challenging her. lol. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Mea culpa. I was writing too quickly after reading an article about Collins. And I think I was just goong for the Graham punchline.

I'll take that one.

I'm betting trump will take down more than enough of the gop to give the intelligent rationale Dems at least a 55 in the Senate. 300 range in the electoral college. The idiot in chief n Putin will still claim victory though. Real Americans are not real stupid
HedonistForever's Avatar
I had just finished watching Bret Baier's analysis the key Senate races when I decided to answer the question. This is what I saw.

texassapper's Avatar
Real Americans are not real stupid Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Which makes me ask where you immigrated from?