Joe claims he has presented a clear message????

pleasurem's Avatar
Biden is a fool!!! All he can say is, Uh, Uh, Uh... any fool that votes for him may get what they deserve!
Will somebody think of the "Poor Boys?"

My favorite part is when Biden criticed Trump for not letting the Mexican Rapists into the country. Why can't Trump allow the rapists into the country?

So Biden is going to put the country into lockdown again. How is crippling the economy going to work?

Biden will implement the Green New Deal (I know he didn't use that term), how's that going to happen during a lockdown and with a country that can't afford the tens of TRILLIONS of dollars to make that happen.

Biden's an old man approaching senility. His economic plan was be disasterous. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Biden proves all the time he isn't very bright and he certainly isn't very realistic. He proved that with his silly statement about Electric Vehicles and Chargers all over the place, lol. I wonder if Joe Biden realizes that charging an electric vehicle takes a whole lot longer than filling your car's tank with Gasoline. The guy is totally unrealistic. Trump is the best person for these fucked up times we currently live in. Biden will never do the right thing. He never has and never will.
adav8s28's Avatar
There have only been 45 people who have ever been POTUS. How does one get fully qualified for that job? By being a lifelong politician and bureaucrat, feeding off the teat of the public sector? If that is truly the case, there is something majorly wrong with our political system, and, more importantly, the bureaucracy layers that have been built over the years. If Trump has the silver spoon from the private sector, Biden has chowing down like a pig on the federal and international gravy train, as being revealed now.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Trump the only POTUS in recent history that is getting us out of conflicts and not started any new ones? That alone got my vote for him. Never mind his action on the trade imbalances (mostly a success), domestic economy (more hit or miss), and reforming outdated draconian federal incarceration for drug-related criminal offenses. He seems to have managed his duties very well, for someone "not qualified". Please don't tell me Hilary Clinton, or Joe Biden could have done better. With HRC, we would have been in new global conflicts with our hands tied behind our back, trying to "nation build", sending more of our own back home in body bags. Joe Biden has all but admitted he is going to be figurehead in his own admin, listening to very un-qualified people on matters like the environment, economy, military affairs, and "social justice". Originally Posted by SecretE
The silver spoon came from Trump's father, not the private sector. Trump's daddy started giving Trump a million dollars when he was three months old.

Trump has totally mismanaged the pandemic. There are 8 million cases and 200,000 deaths. Injecting a disinfectant into the body will not work.

Trump has no health care plan, although he has been talking about one for three plus years.

Trump is bankrupting social security and medicare.

Trumps GDP numbers are not any better than Obama/Biden's GDP numbers.

Trump must go. If Biden flips Mich, Wisc and Penn, Biden will get 270 electoral college votes and Trump goes home.
The silver spoon came from Trump's father, not the private sector. Trump's daddy started giving Trump a million dollars when he was three months old.

Trump has totally mismanaged the pandemic. There are 8 million cases and 200,000 deaths. Injecting a disinfectant into the body will not work.

Trump has no health care plan, although he has been talking about one for three plus years.

Trump is bankrupting social security and medicare.

Trumps GDP numbers are not any better than Obama/Biden's GDP numbers.

Trump must go. If Biden flips Mich, Wisc and Penn, Biden will get 270 electoral college votes and Trump goes home. Originally Posted by adav8s28
The Government isn't in the Business of giving you a Health Care Plan. That's why Companies such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, aetna, Cigna ect. exist. Trump doesn't need a plan anyway, only schemers have plans. When Biden talks about having a Plan it's because he's up to something. I would like to know why anyone would accept any kind of plan from a guy like Biden he's proven he isn't worthy of anyone's trust.
adav8s28's Avatar
More than a few on this forum predicted a rout by Trump during the debates. Did not come close to happening.

In the first debate Trump destroyed himself with his behavior.

Last night's debate was at least a debate. I think Kristen Welker did a fine job of keeping Trump and Biden on task. Who might have "won" the debate is somewhat irrelevant to me. Trump needed a knockout and did not get it. Most analysts agree that few, if any, voters will change their minds as to whom to vote for based on the debate. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Good post Speed Racer. The Trumpster did not get a route. Instead he took a beating on the pandemic and healthcare. Have to like where Biden is with polls for Mich, Penn and Wisc, the only three states Biden needs to flip to get to 270.

Mich + 7.8 Biden
Penn + 5.1 Biden
Wisc + 4.6 Biden

No way Trump makes this up with less that two weeks left. Biden will win and Trump is going home.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I believe that would be called: The Monday Morning Quarterbacking Plan.
But then, Joe-mentia is pretty well experienced in the dark art of plagiarism. I have to disagree with the thread's title a bit, biden is clear on one thing and that is "I have a plan"

but then when asked to talk about it, he talks about things trump has already done or is doing

so he is clear on his message of I have a plan, nevermind that his plan is do what trump did Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
adav8s28's Avatar
The Government isn't in the Business of giving you a Health Care Plan. That's why Companies such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, aetna, Cigna ect. exist. Trump doesn't need a plan anyway, only schemers have plans. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Before the ACA law was passed the aforementioned health care companies would not sell a health insurance policy to someone with a "pre-existing condition" in the INDIVIDUAL market. That is why the ACA was implemented. By the way if you are under age 65 you still get your health insurance from BCBS, Aetna, Cigna etc. It's true with the ACA for families in the income range of family of 4 and income amount is > 24,000 you get some help to pay the premium. Now why is that? Because when you add people who already sick to the risk pool in order for the health insurance company to stay in business, the premium price has to go up. The premium price is not going down by selling insurance to people who are "already sick".

If Trump does not need a plan, then why has he been talking about one the past three years?

Even most republicans agree that people with pre-existing conditions should be allowed to purchase health insurance. Republicans have been trying to replace the ACA (Obamacare) since 2010 and still don't have a plan.

Once you turn age 65 you will be on a single payer sytem run by the government unless you are still working and get a group health insurance policy from your employer.

The health insurance companies don't want to insure someone who has reached the age of 65, in the individual market (if you are retired that is the market you will be in) it's too big of risk.
Before the ACA law was passed the aforementioned health care companies would not sell a health insurance policy to someone with a "pre-existing condition" in the INDIVIDUAL market. That is why the ACA was implemented. By the way if you are under age 65 you still get your health insurance from BCBS, Aetna, Cigna etc. It's true with the ACA for families in the income range of family of 4 and income amount is > 24,000 you get some help to pay the premium. Now why is that? Because when you add people who already sick to the risk pool in order for the health insurance company to stay in business, the premium price has to go up. The premium price is not going down by selling insurance to people who are "already sick".

If Trump does not need a plan, then why has he been talking about one the past three years?

Even most republicans agree that people with pre-existing conditions should be allowed to purchase health insurance. Republicans have been trying to replace the ACA (Obamacare) since 2010 and still don't have a plan.

Once you turn age 65 you will be on a single payer sytem run by the government unless you are still working and get a group health insurance policy from your employer.

The health insurance companies don't want to insure someone who has reached the age of 65, in the individual market (if you are retired that is the market you will be in) it's too big of risk. Originally Posted by adav8s28
It depends on what the Pre Existing condition is. Besides under the ACA a catastrophic pre existing health problem isn't completely covered. It was designed to be flawed so a Liberal President could initiate a Government sponsored Healthcare Program and completely eliminate the private sector all together. That's one reason why Liberals hate Trump, he throws a wrench in all their Socialist Plans.
Firstly, I don't agree with this notion that "Healthcare is a right" because leftists don't understand what "rights" are. They act like "rights" are the thing that the government owes you. No. "Rights" are things you have, that the government is not allowed to take from you.

You have a right to say your piece without the government attacking you for it. You have a right to defend your life and the lives of those you care about. You have the right to not shore up soldiers in your home without your consent. You do NOT have the right to force a healthcare professional to service you without due compensation.

Second, I'm on the radical fringe that thinks that the problem is that insurance companies are a fucking scam, and by virtue of their existence, are why healthcare is unaffordable.

Granted, the technology has gotten better, and the equipment is expensive, but just because an MRI machine costs a few million doesn't mean you need to make the cost back on the first 30 people you put through it.

I feel like insurance has created a perversion of a Costco-esque "member's only" club, only rather than denying people access for not being a member, they simply make the costs astronomical. The costs are astronomical because the insurance companies have already made a deal with the hospital or doctor to pay that astronomical price.

Doctor's visit? That's $200, unless you're a member, then it's only $20 as long as you keep paying the $500/mo.

And it's hard to feel like these docs aren't just in it for the money when they book their appointments in 15 minute intervals. It's like dealing with an attorney these days.

First step is to eliminate health insurance or anything like it. In the immediate aftershock, no one will be able to afford healthcare because the prices are outside the realm of reason. Some people will die. But then once the docs and the hospitals realize that they have no customers because they've priced them all out, they'll start bleeding money and be forced to evaluate their pricing practices. Hospitals will start having to compete against each other over the best ratio of quality of service to cost of service like any other business. This will drive prices down and quality of service up. Eventually, you get to go back to the doc for $20 a visit, but now you're not paying a "member's fee" of $500/mo.
adav8s28's Avatar
It was designed to be flawed so a Liberal President could initiate a Government sponsored Healthcare Program and completely eliminate the private sector all together. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Biden is for keeping group health insurance from the employer and the ACA for the individual market. Biden does not propose a a single payer sytem run by the government for all.
It was designed to be flawed so a Liberal President could initiate a Government sponsored Healthcare Program and completely eliminate the private sector all together. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Biden is for keeping group health insurance from the employer and the ACA for the individual market. Biden does not propose a a single payer sytem run by the government for all. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Everyone in Congress and the White House were so fucking happy to get ACA out, even the ones who acted like they opposed it. ACA was a corporatist moderate plot to simultaneously placate the progressives, (who want single payer government healthcare), and the well employed right, (who had "good" private insurance and didn't want to pay the bill for a bunch of lazy worthless shits), by creating a "compromise" that forces the entire country to subsidize an entire industry or go to jail.

Every single one of those shitheads was in an insurance company's back pocket, and just ensured themselves a big stock bonus, the fucking roaches. Shit like this is why all politicians deserve the rope.
Would you rather have citizens of the United States fighting a foreign power overseas? Or would you rather have citizens of the United States fighting each other domestically, right here on American soil? We're still fighting. Trump has changed one bad thing for another bad thing. Originally Posted by Lapdog
This domestic conflict was a long time coming. There have been various destructive influences working their ways into the educational and governmental systems unchecked. So, yes, I would rather the conflict be here because, frankly, we have off-loaded the conflict to other nations for way too long, under hyper-jingoistic policies.

Plus, by his inaction, he is responsible for the deaths of 223,000 people so far due to the Corona Virus Originally Posted by Lapdog
Trump has done everything short of violating the original ten amendments of the Bill of Rights, which Biden apparently has no compunction about doing with the ideas he has floated out there. Trump shut down international travel with various countries, well before the Democrats thought it was politically expedient.

AND he has fucked up our previously robust economy that he inherited from President Obama. Biden has my vote. It's time for Trump to be fired. Originally Posted by Lapdog
OMG. Are you trolling?! "previously robust economy that he inherited from President Obama"?!!! LOL. We were limping along at below 2% GDP growth when Obama left office.
Biden is for keeping group health insurance from the employer and the ACA for the individual market. Biden does not propose a a single payer sytem run by the government for all. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Most people get their Heath Insurance from their Employer, that's where mine came from. I pay part of the Premium and my Employer pays part of it. Yeah I understand, People who haves jobs where their employer doesn't provide any type of Healthcare is definitely a financial burden on the employee. But America is a Capitalist Country and Corporations provide goods and services for it's citizens not the Government. The only thing the Government should have a part in is to make sure these Corporation operate in a fair and legal manner.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Every single one of those shitheads was in an insurance company's back pocket, and just ensured themselves a big stock bonus, the fucking roaches. Shit like this is why all politicians deserve the rope. Originally Posted by GastonGlock

Two pints to ponder:
  1. Congress didn't write the ACA. Insurance company lobbyists did
  2. Congress is exempted from the ACA with a double platinum Cadillac plan
Firstly, I don't agree with this notion that "Healthcare is a right" because leftists don't understand what "rights" are. They act like "rights" are the thing that the government owes you. No. "Rights" are things you have, that the government is not allowed to take from you.

You have a right to say your piece without the government attacking you for it. You have a right to defend your life and the lives of those you care about. You have the right to not shore up soldiers in your home without your consent. You do NOT have the right to force a healthcare professional to service you without due compensation.

Second, I'm on the radical fringe that thinks that the problem is that insurance companies are a fucking scam, and by virtue of their existence, are why healthcare is unaffordable.

Granted, the technology has gotten better, and the equipment is expensive, but just because an MRI machine costs a few million doesn't mean you need to make the cost back on the first 30 people you put through it.

I feel like insurance has created a perversion of a Costco-esque "member's only" club, only rather than denying people access for not being a member, they simply make the costs astronomical. The costs are astronomical because the insurance companies have already made a deal with the hospital or doctor to pay that astronomical price.

Doctor's visit? That's $200, unless you're a member, then it's only $20 as long as you keep paying the $500/mo.

And it's hard to feel like these docs aren't just in it for the money when they book their appointments in 15 minute intervals. It's like dealing with an attorney these days.

First step is to eliminate health insurance or anything like it. In the immediate aftershock, no one will be able to afford healthcare because the prices are outside the realm of reason. Some people will die. But then once the docs and the hospitals realize that they have no customers because they've priced them all out, they'll start bleeding money and be forced to evaluate their pricing practices. Hospitals will start having to compete against each other over the best ratio of quality of service to cost of service like any other business. This will drive prices down and quality of service up. Eventually, you get to go back to the doc for $20 a visit, but now you're not paying a "member's fee" of $500/mo. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
I have to agree with that statement. Doctors took an oath and they want to help those in need to the fullest extent of their ability. But by that same token they don't work for free.