Roger Stone is an Asswipe

winn dixie's Avatar
Tiny, you're giving BP points to YR? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
BP Points? Originally Posted by Tiny
ask YR, he knows what that is. lol. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
yssup has a collection of bp's
lustylad's Avatar
What the fuck is a “smudge?” Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Just look in the mirror, oinkboy.
lustylad's Avatar
I agree with you. The problem is that there is some portion of the population that gets pissed off when they see other people doing well. Psychologists say given a choice between (a) being better off but your neighbors are doing even better, or (b) being worse off but your neighbors are in even poorer shape, a lot of people prefer "b".

Obama expressed this in an interview with Charles Gibson. Gibson threw out a hypothetical, would you raise capital gains tax rates, even if it meant that tax revenues would go down. This could happen for example, if people just decided not to sell anything because the tax is too high. Obama's reply was let's go for it, it would make the system fairer. Well, it also makes everyone worse off. The "wealthy" paying the capital gains tax don't do as well because they hang onto assets they should sell. And everyone else is marginally worse off because the government isn't raising as much tax revenue.

And Yssup is right, a political campaign based on this principal could be very effective. Tie in a hint of not playing fair and living high on the hog while others are unemployed and you've got a winner. Originally Posted by Tiny

First, assup is never right. Second, you mean principle, not principal. And third, you are using a lot of words to say appealing to ENVY is a winning campaign strategy. It's not. Envy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. I don't think it appeals to the average voter. If it did, rich fucks like JFK or Donald Trump or Michael Bloomberg wouldn't have a chance in politics.

The people who are consumed by ENVY are the radical left socialist ideologues. Their disgusting and irrational attitude was on full display in odumbo's answer to Charlie Gibson. (Wasn't that a 2008 debate question?) Tax cuts never pay for themselves, except when we talk about capital gains rates. Cutting them is a win-win and usually a no-brainer.

And yet, odumbo and his band of eat-the-rich, wealth-destroying redistributionists would rather opt for lose-lose proposals. They have a pathological need to satisfy their blood lust against anyone and everyone who is successful and takes a risk to grow our economic pie. They are ideological sluts consumed by envy - "you didn't build that". Not a good look. They need to be stopped at all costs.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
They need to be stopped at all costs. Originally Posted by lustylad
Keep spending your time on this hooker board, lecturing other johns. I'm sure you'll succeed!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't be too hard on junior. He's been in mourning and only just now is returning to the victory celebration.

Thank you Pennsylvania, for delivering the US from EVIL.

Now sit back and watch the bungling Trump organization self obliterate as a result of its own incompetency. The reason Trump can't relate to the working people in Georgia is because he doesn't have a clue who they are. He only knows that they'll like him if he says racist shit, so he says racist shit. But he has no clue because he doesn't consider the working class as people at all.

Easy play to pick that game plan to pieces. Abrams and the Dems are going to do just that unless the GOP gets Trump and his chain of fools TF out of the equation.

Stone and Giuliani. Great one-two punch. Like a shotgun blast to your own foot.
  • Tiny
  • 11-26-2020, 07:44 PM
Keep spending your time on this hooker board, lecturing other johns. I'm sure you'll succeed! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Don't be too hard on junior. He's been in mourning and only just now is returning to the victory celebration.

Thank you Pennsylvania, for delivering the US from EVIL.

Par-tay! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Gentlemen, Arguing with LustyLad about economics is fruitless, as I've learned when posting here about the current account deficit. It wouldn't surprise me if he has a PhD in economics.

On the subject at hand, the capital gains tax, which Obama wanted to raise and Biden wants to raise to ordinary income tax rates on high income earners, he's right. The maximum rate on capital gains under Biden's tax plan would be 43.4% at the federal level, and 56.7% if you live in, say, California. No country in the world taxes capital gains at a rate as high as 43.4%. They recognize it would be a bad idea, as higher capital gains taxes produce lower investment, and governments lose revenues from capital gains taxes when the rate is above about 20%:

These first world countries charge no capital gains tax, and most of the rest have capital gains rates set lower than rates on other income:

South Korea
New Zealand
Hong Kong
lustylad's Avatar
He only knows that they'll like him if he says racist shit, so he says racist shit. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Racist shit like this?? You keep forgetting you ain't black, oinkboy!
Anybody associated with racist one time LOSER president trump is an asshole. That’s a given.

Hope this helps.
lustylad's Avatar

I used to halfway admire Roger Stone, like I halfway admired Hunter S. Thompson. They were both great Libertarians, in one way or another.

Not anymore. Fuck Roger Stone, Pamela Jensen, Sidney Powell, and especially Lin Wood and Ali Alexander. And kudos to Donald Trump, Jr. for calling them on their bullshit.

They're encouraging Republicans to stay home and not vote in the Senate runoffs because they believe Trump was cheated in Georgia. This is called cutting off your nose to spite your face. Originally Posted by Tiny
Hey Tiny - your link isn't working but I believe you are referring to this article:

The original story has been updated. It appears the dim-retards are up to their dirty tricks in Georgia. They set up a website claiming to be linked to "a dormant pro-Trump super PAC with ties to (Roger) Stone". Paul Jensen told the Daily Beast that the super PAC ("Committee for American Sovereignty") is NOT behind the website. The dim-retards are. They're evidently trying to suppress the GOP vote so those idiots Ossoff and Warnock win. Un-fucking-believable.

Trump said today he is planning a rally or two in Georgia between now and Jan. 5 so I would say the dim-retard hopes of suppressing Republican turnout there are a pipedream.

Now you can go back to (halfway) admiring Roger Stone.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Someone is rage whining.

Trump should get on down to Georgia right away! He and his inner circle could fuck up a wet dream.

In fact, they just did.
lustylad's Avatar
On the subject at hand, the capital gains tax, which Obama wanted to raise and Biden wants to raise to ordinary income tax rates on high income earners, he's right. The maximum rate on capital gains under Biden's tax plan would be 43.4% at the federal level, and 56.7% if you live in, say, California. No country in the world taxes capital gains at a rate as high as 43.4%. They recognize it would be a bad idea, as higher capital gains taxes produce lower investment, and governments lose revenues from capital gains taxes when the rate is above about 20%: Originally Posted by Tiny
Those two papers look a bit too scholarly for most people here to read and comprehend. A graph can make the point more easily. Sorry I couldn't find one more up to date. Historically, each time we've reduced capital gain rates, tax revenues to the US Treasury have spiked, while raising rates (as Biden is proposing) produces the exact opposite effect.

  • Tiny
  • 11-26-2020, 10:55 PM
The original story has been updated. It appears the dim-retards are up to their dirty tricks in Georgia. They set up a website claiming to be linked to "a dormant pro-Trump super PAC with ties to (Roger) Stone". Paul Jensen told the Daily Beast that the super PAC ("Committee for American Sovereignty") is NOT behind the website. The dim-retards are. They're evidently trying to suppress the GOP vote so those idiots Ossoff and Warnock win. Un-fucking-believable.

Trump said today he is planning a rally or two in Georgia between now and Jan. 5 so I would say the dim-retard hopes of suppressing Republican turnout there are a pipedream.

Now you can go back to (halfway) admiring Roger Stone. Originally Posted by lustylad
Bastards! This is kind of like telling a little kid his favorite sports star is a trannie. That's how let down I felt. Good to know Roger Stone is still a (halfway) hero.

Yes, I read that about Trump, that he's planning a trip to Georgia on December 5. I hope he has a talk with Lin Wood and Ali Alexander and tells them to get with the program.

Those two papers look a bit too scholarly for most people here to read and comprehend. A graph can make the point more easily. Sorry I couldn't find one more up to date. Historically, each time we've reduced capital gains rates, tax revenues to the US Treasury have spiked, while raising rates has produced the exact opposite effect. Originally Posted by lustylad
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case it's more like several thousand words. Thanks for posting that. While I admire Reagan more than any president in my lifetime, it looks like he should have held the capital gains tax at 20% when he came up with the 28% tax rate on all income.
winn dixie's Avatar

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case it's more like several thousand words. Thanks for posting that. While I admire Reagan more than any president in my lifetime, it looks like he should have held the capital gains tax at 20% when he came up with the 28% tax rate on all income. Originally Posted by Tiny
President Reagan is one of my heroes! He gave that to Tip O'Neil to get the military built back up.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
roger is an odd bird!!!

those other lawyers. apparently they are on a different track, meaning they have a strategy thats a bit different from trumps lawyers. those other cases were prolly smokescreen for the real fireworks.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The reason Trump can't relate to the working people in Georgia is because he doesn't have a clue who they are. He only knows that they'll like him if he says racist shit, so he says racist shit. But he has no clue because he doesn't consider the working class as people at all. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yep. He's just not relatable and Biden is. Of course we know that Biden is a career politician who is probably crooked as fuck, but he still comes across as relatable. To me, Trump just comes across as a spoiled dumb arrogant rich kid prick who had everything handed to him and lives in his own fantasy world. Most people can't relate to that shit which is why he is gone after one term. Well that, and because he is completely incompetent to do his job.