That was sarcasm eccieuser, directed at no one in particular.
There's a belief out there that most people who died of Covid actually died from something else, like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diesease, or, most significantly, old age. The Covid just accelerated the process a little. Also deaths that are called Covid are really pneumonia. So I was just taking that reasoning one small step further, and saying they all died of cardiac arrest.
Admittedly, you're not going to see as many years of life lost because of Covid, which mostly kills older people, as something like the Spanish flu. Still there are a lot of years lost to the disease. I read recently some researchers were estimating Covid would knock close to year off of the average life expectancy of males alive in Sweden today.
Another fallacy, some believe Covid is no worse than the flu, and that only maybe 10,000 or 20,000 people have died from it. The hospitals have been calling deaths from other causes Covid-related to make more money. I don't understand this reasoning at all. If you compare the total number of deaths in the USA this year to past years, it's obvious that a lot of people have died because of Covid, and the estimates we're reading for Covid deaths aren't terribly far off.
Originally Posted by Tiny
Tiny - the basic universal immediate cause of death is 'cardiac arrest" - that is the criteria physicians use to pronounce death in almost all cases. ( some brain deaths excepted).
And Wuhan virus infection can cause cardiac arrest - and exacerbate other underlying disease processes to cardiac arrest - particularly in high-risk patients.
Your post is a bit simplistic in making your point.
Realisticaly - with the financial incentives for hospitals to attribute deaths to wuhan virus, and the fact that we do not have reliable false positive or false negative numbers on any of the many tests sold in america - the numbers are so conflicted with variables as to be meaningless - IMHO.
Basically - Good sir - you are arguing semantics of medical terminology. With very shaky data that would not pass muster of any good statistician.
Unless, perhaps, 9500 would like to prove a point and volunteer to become an organ donor.
As far as the push to get a vaccine out - Clinton would never have risen from her gin bottle to accomplish anything.
Regardless - be careful about demanding a vaccine out before it meets safety and efficacy standards,
Thalidomide is an example - it was never released in the US because the FDA refuse approval - and its teratogenic effects were seen in other countries - a FACT widely unknown.
what happens if the vaccines have major and severe complications in a high percentage of recipients???? Blame FDA - that is what happens, and the Vaccine Injury Fund will be overwhelmed.
yes, - we all want out from under the autocratic lockdown ASAP - and get our economy back . We went about this backward from the start - should have sheltered the at risk and let all others go their way with no restrictions. That is retrospect - which is always 20/20. Still - the DPST autocrats do relish their exercise of control.
9500, the j''s , and the rest of the DPST crew is welcome to scream their indoctrinated narrative now.