Encounter: Chance of a lifetime

It took me a month of texting but I finally managed to see her the other day, and I can agree - she's among the best I've ever seen in every way. Can be hard to get ahold of but as mentioned because her phone is blowing up. She put my number on her "green" list so I'm hoping that makes it easier for future visits, haha.
bikebryan's Avatar
Reminds me of Robin when I lived in the DC area. Very special lady, gave you her complete all with no watching of the clock, and saw MAYBE two or three people per week. If you were lucky you got her voicemail and you might hear back. I managed to see her twice before she retired from the game, but those memories still linger. Yes, her phone was constantly blowing up. If she picked up, you were in, otherwise she could not keep up with all the calls.