Encounter: Lisa @ Kang Li Spa II

Presj22's Avatar
Seems the renewed interest in amps is due to lack of any good talent by our remaining providers. Originally Posted by Zollner
Maybe some of these providers are getting stimulus money and they're living off it. Sometimes a little bit of money is like striking it rich with the very poor. I know of one provider with a bad habit (most are) that in the last year finally kicked it and hasn't been providing much anymore. Maybe some girls turned their life around.
Dr-epg's Avatar

The thread is about Lisa @ Kang Li Spa II can we get back on track.
rooster's Avatar
The Dr. is...kewl. Very low-key. Kinda like Bruno used ta be (hey, wait a minute!...do ya thinck? Nah....)

Sorry, I know that wasn't on topic...
