Think the "vaccine" is safe? Watch this!

tuckahoe's Avatar
Not sure what is conspiracy about a doctor who has owned his own lab for 17 years making a speech?
He offers cheap alternative treatments and has data to back it up. He can't present it all in a half hour. Like he said, he could talk for 3 hours or more.
Not a lot of big bucks to made from his treatments.
I wonder how many actually took the time to listen to the Dr. with a receptive mind?
There is really no reason for anyone to get mad over seeing an alternative.
There is no reason to suppress information, unless you are afraid of it.
Good discussions are healthy and productive.
Some will choose to get a "vaccine" and some will not. I, or no one posting is forcing anything on anyone.
Some will choose to make an appointment with Girl A, some with Miss B, and some with Lady C. You are free to choose whichever one you think suits you best.
Yeah like Trump himself. I understand people's trepidation and nervousness over a vaccine that was released so quickly. That's common sense. However science and logic tells you that the vaccine is safe, and the worst side effects of the vaccine are much better than the worse effects of COVID.

If you want to have opinions that overall hurt society, you are free to do so. But please keep it to yourself.

Moderator please for the love of all that is Holy, delete this thread. Originally Posted by theasnmobster
I have experts in this field in my immediate family and have talked with them at length about this vaccine. While some of what you say is true, you're badly overstating the case.

The fact is that there are serious and lifelong complications observed in mRNA animal trials in the past including a variety of immuno complications, pallsies, and anaphylactic responses. You'll note that animal trials were skipped for SARS-CoV-19.

The vaccine is probably safe. But given the questions about its efficacy and a recipient's status as a carrier after taking the shot(s), a wait and see approach is by no means irresponsible.
harrypatt's Avatar
Took J&J vaccine and safe and healthy. All of the theories are BS without scientific evidence. You do what is best for
Got mine 3 weeks ago and no problems for me.
FDA is very conservative. At any hint of a problem with the data they would not have approved it. They then do post approval surveillance for any problems. They just put a hold on J&J vaccine due to a possible risk of blood clots. They have already administered > 6 million doses. There were a total of 6 patients with blood clots. That is an incidence of less than 1 per million. Nothing is without some risk but the risk of the vaccines appear to be much less than the risk of getting COVID.

Tuck, maybe you should look at other conspiracy theories like the poles shifting, Planet X or extraterrestrial visitors. The vaccines appear safe and effective.
Picksix's Avatar
Tuck, maybe you should look at other conspiracy theories like the poles shifting, Planet X or extraterrestrial visitors. The vaccines appear safe and effective. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Kong vs Godzilla is more believable than this load o crap
Kong vs Godzilla is more believable than this load o crap Originally Posted by Picksix
Did you hear about how the Earth is flat though?
I have experts in this field in my immediate family and have talked with them at length about this vaccine. While some of what you say is true, you're badly overstating the case.

The fact is that there are serious and lifelong complications observed in mRNA animal trials in the past including a variety of immuno complications, pallsies, and anaphylactic responses. You'll note that animal trials were skipped for SARS-CoV-19.

The vaccine is probably safe. But given the questions about its efficacy and a recipient's status as a carrier after taking the shot(s), a wait and see approach is by no means irresponsible. Originally Posted by SometimesScribe
I am in no way saying having a wait and see approach is irresponsible. However, posting BS outright denouncing the vaccine is irresponsible. I am a healthcare provider, and seeing these kind of posts really burns me up.
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
FDA is very conservative. At any hint of a problem with the data they would not have approved it. They then do post approval surveillance for any problems. They just put a hold on J&J vaccine due to a possible risk of blood clots. They have already administered > 6 million doses. There were a total of 6 patients with blood clots. That is an incidence of less than 1 per million. Nothing is without some risk but the risk of the vaccines appear to be much less than the risk of getting COVID.

Tuck, maybe you should look at other conspiracy theories like the poles shifting, Planet X or extraterrestrial visitors. The vaccines appear safe and effective. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
I have to agree with this post, except, I think they changed it to just recommend it to hold off but I think they can still give it? It's been very confusingly all day to be honest... But definitely, if you are a female between 18-38 I would hold off on this vaccine until they can find out how to treat this particular clot..

While, it is only 6 people, it's an odd clot, and it doesn't respond to heparin, and that is concerning... So, I understand, the CDC, wanting to compare links between J& J and Astra Zeneca...

I was in the medical field for 20 years but I UNDERSTAND and support those that are not comfortable with getting any of the's your body...

I have a disorder that puts me at risk and the best vaccine for me was the J&J vaccine... I got it on Monday 4-12-2021... I will say that I had very few side effects... I was a bit dizzy after the shot, that went away fairly quickly, 4 hours later after a nice lunch with my best friend and running some errands, I was INSANELY tired..

I took a 4 hour nap.... Woke up and ate a light evening snack and rehydrated and took my evening meds and crashed again...

Woke up, 9 hours with a VERY MILD HEADACHE... Took Tylenol, zyrtec and pataday eye drops and had a cup of coffee in case the headache was allergy related due to Oak levels in the air... Headache was gone w/in the hour...

Went to Physical therapy... Had a great day and came home and rested...checked in with the CDC VUSAFE... The pharmacist had me sign up before my shot and the cdc is checking up those of us that have signed up on a daily basis... It's a quick and plainly survey.

I'm not sure if this is helping anyone.. But, that has been my experience, since Monday at 1:00 pm and I was quiet anxious about getting the vaccine.

Most of the fatigue was gone in 24 hours, dizziness within a few hours after shot and the headache within a few hours as well... The only other thing I had was a bit of GI discomfort... But that only lasted a few hours...

No fever, body aches, sore arm, itching at site, nausea, etc for me...

Hope this helps... I'm just one person....

Good luck to everyone on whatever you decide what works best for you and your family...

Your affectionate slave,

Guinevere ❤️
Testify, Guinevere!

And find a reason to make it to Little Rock, please???
I am in no way saying having a wait and see approach is irresponsible. However, posting BS outright denouncing the vaccine is irresponsible. I am a healthcare provider, and seeing these kind of posts really burns me up. Originally Posted by theasnmobster
Ok. I misunderstood your post then. Carry on!
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Testify, Guinevere!

And find a reason to make it to Little Rock, please??? Originally Posted by nemoarcanum
Good Morning Sweetheart 😘

Yes, I will be traveling soon... I'm just trying to get things settled here with my wise... Lots of end of the year things...

One of the reasons I posted was because getting this vaccine was a VERY SCARY and a VERY PERSONAL CHOICE.. I had people that love me very much who were nervous and worried about my safety sending me simlar videos the day before my vaccine..

I did ALL the research... It is what I was trained to do and yes, I would have PREFERRED that this vaccine have more time in development... Absolutely!! Without a doubt!! No question!! 20 years spent studying data and I kept going back and forth but then my one of my close friends caught covid19...

She is younger than I am... And she did not have to be hospitalized but it knocked her on her beautiful tuckus for 6 weeks and she just could not BREATHE... The wheezing was painful to hear..

I put her up in an airbnb until she was well so that her family would not catch it and they would not be exposed and we all helped with foods and medicine....and I and a few others covered her bills because she for damn sure could not work... This virus, if you have symptoms, because not everyone does, can be debilitating, and I decided, for me, too get the vaccine...

So, the only one I could take was the J & J because of the delivery method and I am so sorry to see that they have now had the 7 people with the rare blood clot. There are always risks, with any vaccine or medication, but it is disheartening, Especially, right now...with fear, and all of our lives being in such an upheaval...

I shared my vaccine story, because on Twitter, many of my Twitter friends shared their vaccine experiences WITH ME and it HELPED ME get thru that day on Monday...

If you decide to get the Moderna or pfizer vaccine... I would have a friend go with you... They can't go in with you but they can drive you home, you can go and have lunch afterwards and you can hopefully, turn it into a more positive experience..😊

I would also recommend signing up for the cdc v-safe program, they check on you EVERY DAY.. I receive texts every texts that take 10 secs to complete a quick little survey just to let them know if I'm having any side effects. THE CDC WANTS to make sure we are doing ok!!

I have friends that feel very STRONGLY in BOTH directions..both FOR AND AGAINST... And I JUST ask them to LOVE AND SUPPORT MY DECISION in this TIME and I SUPPORT THEIRS!!😘❤️

Life is too difficult right now for us to be getting upset with each other...☺️

Stay safe and happy...🌸

Your affectionate slave,

Thanks for sharing.