They took mine, and I'm bigger than most. I realize this is the official let's shit on BB thread, but BB has been at this for years, according to many reports. I see you have barely contributed here, are you always negative?
Originally Posted by Capital
Capital - instead of trying to debunk every guy's negative comment, spin every guy's negative comment into a positive, flip a guy's negative comment to make it his fault instead of the girl's fault, and/or other white knight-esque comments, how about you just accept the fact that BB's service is lacking sometimes?
I understand that some guys are extra harsh and the negative comments sometimes are not warranted, but with all the different guys consistently making comments (in this thread and plenty of other threads) that BB's service was lacking, I find it hard to believe that she has done nothing wrong. As I have stated before, I have seen BB/Honey a handful of times and have had mixed results. I think I just caught her on bad days, which i completely understand. I've also had some great times with her, which is why I have seen her multiple times.
I see you post this kind of stuff on other Luxury encounters recently as well (e.g. Jade, Yoko, and other BB threads). The negative comments are warranted in a lot of cases, so just accept it. BB is extremely popular, so I don't think she needs anyone to defend her.