Interesting. A woman I work with in her mid 30's who had COVID and temporarily lost all sense of taste and smell says now she's not thinking as well as she used to, although I haven't noticed it. That's worrisome, if this actually causes a permanent loss of brain function.
Places like Brazil haven't been so lucky with the variants, because they don't have as good of access to vaccines. Incredibly there are now 500,000 COVID deaths in Brazil, and they're probably undercounting. And there's no end in sight - new cases are close to the March peak.
It's ironic that President Trump's administration ramrodded Operation Warp Speed, which got the vaccines out fast and will probably save us from the worst of the carnage from the variants. But many strong Trump supporters are afraid to get the vaccine.
Originally Posted by Tiny
The "loss of sense of smell" is laughable. I've asked this question before and didn't get an answer: "Is there a scientific test that measures one "sense of smell?" I've never heard of it.
Trump "ramrodded" the vaccine thru? Biased much?
I'm not scared of the vaccine. It's 1) Approved for emergency use 2) not critical to my health risk. Like the flu, I'll take other medicines and treatments if I get it. Have you gotten all your HPV and Hep shots?
I wonder what the US COVID vaccination rate is by race, region, age and income levels. Anybody got any data?
... I am going to be best off by doing "Absolutely NOTHING" right now.
Originally Posted by GaGambler
Exactly. Especially if you are under 40 and have no major conditions.
BTW, India and Brazil can be shithholes. I'm confident population density has something to do with the spread which is why it spread so quickly in the NYC area.