re: Jada

Zay Siding's Avatar
Therapy would be better seeing as he's stated he hates couples happy and wants to smash the guys face and take his woman. Well that would be tough seeing as he's afraid of a 135lb provider. He should becareful incase these providers figure out who he is and set him up which could be a bad thing. Bugle just get in get off and get going .rinse repeat and leave your heart at safe Originally Posted by Scoot642
I have my one long time regular who I mentioned above. She is safe and nice to me. I think I will only see her and not bother with any new providers. And work on myself otherwise.

Alot of times also I get angry and just throw rants to vent, but wouldn't follow through. Honestly, if I am having a good day, I don't let young couples bother me. If I am having a bad day, I feel angry, But I wouldn't follow through on wanting to attack couples. Instead I just up and leave and go elsewhere. I am just blowing off steam by writing that about wanting to beat up girl's boyfriend.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
C'mon, guys, stop feeding the troll. He's an attention whore who has been banned on other sites. Not likely to happen here, and I agree his insanity (or inanity?) can be amusing, but we're talking psychopath here. Just starve him of the attention he's craving. Originally Posted by Hayduke2010

I have my one long time regular who I mentioned above. She is safe and nice to me. I think I will only see her and not bother with any new providers. And work on myself otherwise.

Alot of times also I get angry and just throw rants to vent, but wouldn't follow through. Honestly, if I am having a good day, I don't let young couples bother me. If I am having a bad day, I feel angry, But I wouldn't follow through on wanting to attack couples. Instead I just up and leave and go elsewhere. I am just blowing off steam by writing that about wanting to beat up girl's boyfriend. Originally Posted by Zay Siding
unlucky us ????
Zay Siding's Avatar
Ok beginning of thread, I state my first time seeing Jada was October 24, 2019.

Anyways I just wanted to add the events that lead to my first seeing her. It began a few days prior.

First I was going thru dry spell of finding a reliable provider. My only regular provider was Saratoga Sky Jen, who was medicore at best (when I later was seeing Jada, she was my backup provider). I had been seeing Violet from Las Vegas (some of you remember her and saw her) and she was great and had a nice cute young body, but she was too unsteady traveling all the way from Nevada (little did we know that Covid would a few months later prevent that). Also I had been shaken up recently Girl #14 Gemma from Castelon who borderline stalked me (I wrote about her on the other site). So I wanted a reliable regular. And as I mentioned several members here recommended Jada and gave me her number.

The second factor was I had for a long time been on the social app tagged and actually met a few girls I hooked up with on there whom i mentioned on my list of girls I have fucked on the other site.

Anyways on October 22, 2019, I had communicated on the tagged app with a 25 year old girl named Brittany from Glens Falls, who said she wanted to hookup for free. But she needed me to send her $40 on paypal just so she had money for gas and dinner, then she would drive down to Schenectady for free outcall. I foolishy sent her the money and she ripped me off. She was nasty too. After sending her the money, she texted me taunting me "ha ha I ripped you off" and then proceeded to call me a retard that no girl will sleep with. Her cruel words really upset me more than the $40 I lost. I found her on facebook and harassed her there, calling her bad names in retaliation for what she did. She just blocked me. I then found Brittany's aunt on facebook and wrote to her what happened (Similar to how I messaged Jada's mother, so you can see a pattern here? hmmm). Her aunt felt really bad saying Brittany does this to guys all the time and tried to confront her for me, but she lied to her aunt saying she didnt even know who I was. So she could do nothing.

Upset over this Brittany on tagged, I took the following day off from work, October 23, 2019 and actually took a drive to Vermont to see fall colors to relax. Highlight of my trip was I stopped in Vermont town called Bellow Falls (right by the VT/NH border) and watched this guy get arrested at a traffic stop. I was standing so close, I actually heard the sound of the handcuffs clicking as the cops cuffed him behind his back.

The following day October 24, 2019, fed up with tagged and the Brittany incident. I go in the bathroom at work and go on tagged live and show my penis to everyone on the app (nudity is strictly banned) and sure enough, I got my tagged account deleted, what I wanted after the stress I endured. But that wasnt enough, so from work I decided to take the plunge and contact Jada, who then texted back and I saw her first time that very night (I needed to get laid to get over this other incident).

Now the thing is Jada said she almost didnt want to see me cuz I was only 32 at the time (I am 34 now) and she usually only sees men over 40 (she is one year older than me). Going back, I wish Jada had followed that age policy and never responded to my text - wow, none of this stuff with Jada would have ever happened or any of my handles or nonsense on both sites. Amazing how different things might have been for all of us.
I meet her a few times .she is very nice . I wish she would answer my text .
BugsySegal's Avatar
Zay got the ban hammer. What name will he come back with?
Should have been, he wrote sick stuff
Just a matter of time thank you mods
BudakaL's Avatar
He’s got to be playing right? Is anyone that F’ed up!
jonboy52's Avatar
He’s got to be playing right? Is anyone that F’ed up! Originally Posted by BudakaL
I don't even know if you can pretend to be that fucked up.
Edits. Needed to add within the Jada timeline which I had bolded. See December 9 and 11, 2019.
Also wanted to add I associate December 2019 with seeing Jada and also I associate the song 'Blinding Lights" by Weekind with seeing Jada, cuz it had just come out and was playing on the radio all the time in December 2019.

8/2019 - I first discover the other site (USASexGuide) and join to post reviews on providers I am seeing.

9/2019 - I make a post on the other site inquiring about any good providers in Schenectady, as I was in the same predicament then as now with looking for good provider. Several members recommend UTR Jada and gave her number.

10/24/2019 - I decide to take their advice and contact Jada. She quickly responds and we meet that very night for outcall to my apartment (first time ever doing an outcall, she stated she cant do incalls). So she takes an uber to my apartment, we engage in CFS and good time. I liked her, thought she was a sweetheart, like rest of you. I offer to give her ride home to be nice, since she only lived 2 miles from me.

11/6/2019 - I see Jada for second time outcall at my apartment, this time I pick her up and bring her back in my car. My first time in my life I have a girl in my car and I feel like I was at top of the world, like I was a teenager with his first girlfriend. We were making out at red lights, etc. We both forgot condoms and she agrees to BBFS. Have great time with her and she acts like a sweetheart.

11/20/2019 - I see Jada for third time outcall to my apartment, gave her ride there and back. Since I was having such a great time seeing her, I increased my time from hh to one hour with her. We did BBFS, then spent the remaining 45 minutes cuddling naked in bed under the covers together. It was at this time, I first developed romantic feelings for her. It was the cuddling rather than the sex that caused this infatuation. Also she told me I could text her between sessions to say hi, which I began doing.

12/4/2019 - I see Jada for fourth time, one hour again, exact same repeat as last time, great time, she is very nice

12/9/2019 - I catfished that guy

12/10/2019 - Jada's phone stopped recieving my messages (she later told me her phone broke). I flip out thinking she blocked me for no reason and go crazy. I am up all night crying and had to call Ellis Hospital Crisis number and talk to social worker to calm down

12/11/2019 - I see girl #16, from Motel 6 on Central Ave for outcall to my apartment. I did this cuz I felt if I saw a different girl for outcall, who I gave rides to in my car, I could stop obsessing on Jada. After being up all night crying cuz I thought Jada blocked me and calling Ellis Mental Health Crisis, I found new girl at Motel 6 on Central Ave to do outcall with. I wanted to add, I had taken the day off from work, called in sick cuz of this. I see the girl from Motel 6 and bring her to my apartment and do outcall, I didnt like her, so I drove her back to the Motel 6 and then after dropping her off, blocked her number and wrote her off. I then was happy I got sex, so I ended up driving to work and showing up midday, told my supervisor I was feeling better from being sick and wanted to work. he was perfectly fine with that.

12/15/2019 - Jada texts me on texting app that her phone broke, so all is good with us

12/17/2019 - I see the movie Aeronauts at Saratoga Springs movie theater featuring an 1800s couple in a romantic balloon ride. Throughout the entire movie, I fantaze, its me and jada on the balloon ride

12/19/2019 - The first time problems began. I am all set to do outcall with Jada and I arrive at her apartment and she does not come out or answer phone. Me being new at the hobby and naive, I dont know the proper ettiquite, so I get out of my car and knock on her door and can see and hear people inside with music. I get upset and drive off. I go see Saratoga Sky Jen instead that night for sex to help me calm down.

12/20/2019 - Upset over Jada still, I write my first bad review on her on other site, just being honest about her blowing me off. Jada then suddenly texts me, claiming her father had a medical emergency the night before and she had to rush to hospital and left her phone at her place, her kids were there alone when I knocked and told not to answer door. At first I believed story, but find it fishy, since she lies so much.

Later that day, Jada found my bad review and went balastic at me. I then finally tell Jada how I feel, that I like her and want to be her boyfriend. I am then up all night crying and again had to call Ellis Hospital Crisis Unit to calm down. I was crying thinking I lost Jada cuz of my posts and finally calm down when Jada agrees to reschedule

I contacted A2 on the other site asking to delete the bad jada reviews I left and he refused. I then attempted to retract the reviews by claiming it was Harley Quinn Jade I was referring to who blew me off and I got her mixed with up Jada cuz of their similar names.

12/22/2019 - I see Jada for our rescheduled outcall. When I pick her, she has it out with me and is yelling at me in a violent manner about how I acted. I almost kicked her right out of my car on Van Vranken Ave because I did not want to be verbally assaulted, but decided to give her chance. She calmed down and we do usual one hour outcall at my apartment. I then ask her to be my girlfriend and she tells me, no. I accept it well and agree to see her as just a client

12/24/2019 - When vaccuming out my car, at carwash, I discover Jada had dropped her debit card in my car underneath my seat. I text her asking what I should do and she is vague and blows me off.

Christmas Day 2019 - Not knowing what to do since she ignored my texts, I drop off her debit card at her mailbox in an envelope. She later tells me that she cancelled that card a long time ago cuz it was missing

I take a break from seeing Jada for a few weeks cuz of this stuff but resume contact in January 2020. Also at this point, all romantic feelings I had for her ended. I just wanted to continue to see her as a client like the rest of you.

1/15/2020 - Final time I see Jada for outcall. She is very nice and forgiving for the earlier stuff and we do the usual one hour, but she insists I use condom and no more BBFS, which I agree to. Calm before the storm with her being nice

1/19/2020 - Jada texts me asking if I can pay her cable bill of $312, agreeing to two free sessions if I say yes. This is my biggest regret and something I wish I had never done, this is what caused the problem with her and all of this drama

1/26/2020 - Jada texts me needing a ride to urgent care cuz she is sick with possible flu. I gladly give her ride to and from and she is very nice and thankful

1/29/2020 - Jada texts me asking for $40 for her tamaful she cant afford. I give her the $40, raising her debt to me to $352

2/5/2020 - We set up our next outcall, but Jada suddenly texts me that her son is sick and she needs to cancel. I instead see Jessica in Mont Pleasant for outcall to my apartment, so I can still get laid that night.

I text Jada about rescheduling and she ghosts me. I become very anxious because I feel she ripped me off and wanted my money back or the two free promised sessions. Then she becomes mean telling me she doesnt want to see me anymore. I dont know what to do. Desperate, I contact her mother explaining the situation. I realize now I was wrong for that, but my autism sometimes causes me to make poor decisions

2/20/2020 - at about 2:45 PM, while I was at work, Jada calls me and violently threatens to smash my windows in retaliation for texting her mother. I tell her never to contact me and block her number. I am terrified and go home from work scared, everytime a car pulled in my apartment complex parking lot that night, I was scared she was true to her threat.

3/9/2020 - In response to several good reviews on Jada, I post bad reviews and out her on this site. I did that cuz I was very mad about losing my hard earned money to her. I realize now I was wrong for the outing her part

3/10/2020 - at about 8 AM, Jada calls me on an unlisted number and threatens to send people to my apartment to physically hurt me (in retaliation for outing her) and then has her boyfriend threaten me also. I was very shook up and had my tax appointment that morning (a week before everything closed by covid). The tax preparer saw how shook up I was, so I told him about the situation (but of course left out that part that she was an escort), and he wrote down the number of adult protective services on my tax envelope, trying to help me. I was reminded this year again when I did my taxes, when I had to bring last years taxes and saw his writing on the envelope.

After that, no communication with Jada whatsoever.
Theres bugleboy again !!!
TO add at the time I was seeing Jada, I was also upset that this other aspergers guy I know named Andrew got a girlfriend before me. I felt unfair cuz one of his friends kind of hooked him up (introduced the two),nobody has ever done that with me. All I get was none of my friends are single from everyone I know.

So when I was seeing Jada in late 2019, I was angry at Andrew for having a girlfriend and trying to outdo him, so I tried to make Jada my girlfriend, I feel my obsession on wanting her as my girlfriend was fueled by me trying to compete with Andrew. I also harassed Andrews girlfriend on facebook.

I sent this message to her on October 22, 2019, the same night that Brittany on tagged ripped me off and two days before I first started seeing Jada (October 24, 2019), Here is the message I sent
______________________________ ______________________________ _____________________________
"Hey i just want to tell you that Andrew is an asshole.
I envy him cuz he got his girlfriend, you were just given to him.
I too have aspergers and have to pay for sex cuz girls wont give themselves to me like you do to Andrew.
ask Andrew who i am and he will tell you

so has Andrew stuck his penis up ur vagina yet. he was a virgin. how was his penis in you.
What kind of noises does he make during sex. what was his reaction the first time he saw ur vagina???"
______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________
Her response shut me up
______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ _______________
"Dude Asperger's or not you have no right to speak like that so you need to shut the fuck up
And I didn't give myself to him, he pursued me"
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