Yer an idiot burger. I've been tryin to stay out of any shit with you. And you have generally been cool of late. But there ain't no fuckin issue to "fix" with this gal. And she doesn't deserve a dope like you makin people who can't think for themselves wonder if there is something "bad" goin on.W k to the rescue
I know Nik better than almost anyone on here. Let me repeat...there ain't no fukkin "issue." If burger knows anything, it is something about her private life that needs to stay private cuz IT DOES NOT AFFECT OR ENDANGER ANYONE ON HERE OR IN THIS HOBBY.
Respect that.
And ignore this bullshit.
. Originally Posted by rooster
W k to the rescue
No insults u know the rules
I wouldn’t touch her without ten condoms on
Nah still wouldn’t good review though Originally Posted by Missburger
Not at all never ever spoke to her on my lifeIt is sooooo great havin you prove my point. "Never spoke to her." In other words, you don't know shit. But you imply that you do. Which she does not deserve one bit.
Not my type at all Originally Posted by Missburger
It is sooooo great havin you prove my point. "Never spoke to her." In other words, you don't know shit. But you imply that you do. Which she does not deserve one bit.Bs wk
And how great is it that I can't "insult" you but you can say this tenuous bullshit about a gal who has treated more guys well in this hobby than maybe any other known on here? THAT is insulting AF, in it's own special way. Soooo...
. Originally Posted by rooster
It is absolutely amazing how stupid you are. It is almost enjoyable.I d c dumb ass
You already got warned/pointed/maybe banned for bringing up off board shit about me before.....
And you do it AGAIN?
Wait for it....
. Originally Posted by rooster