You have to argue with the CDC then. On their website they state that the US has been polio free since 1979. Unlike the covid flu shot, when you get the polio vaccine you do not get polio and you do not pass on polio. Originally Posted by big daddio

some NY county's lie numbers up
Gov Andy lie numbers down
CDC says NY numbers much higher
CDC keeps changing mind
CDC is hiding or not even looking at some numbers
CDC lied some drugs known safe are not
yet CDC pushing as safe, but really have no idea if so
therefor none of can be trusted
Chuckle- keep trying daddio. Look- it's no one's business if you do or do not want to take the vaccine. That's your personal choice. But NO vaccine is 100% effective and they still are called vaccines. I'm certainly no liberal Biden suck up vaccine me guy. But what gets me is that people state their opinion as fact and try to dissuade others with it. Let people decide for themselves and weigh the risks themselves with whatever facts are available. Not the BS that people like you are spewing. Originally Posted by CryptKicker

well said Originally Posted by valkyrayup
and so far, NONE of the c19 vaccines are approved as safe. If n when they do. Can it be trusted as true ????