vaccine compliance

offshoredrilling's Avatar
You have to argue with the CDC then. On their website they state that the US has been polio free since 1979. Unlike the covid flu shot, when you get the polio vaccine you do not get polio and you do not pass on polio. Originally Posted by big daddio
you believe the CDC. After all this crap, HOW????

some NY county's lie numbers up
Gov Andy lie numbers down
CDC says NY numbers much higher
CDC keeps changing mind
CDC is hiding or not even looking at some numbers
CDC lied some drugs known safe are not
yet CDC pushing as safe, but really have no idea if so
therefor none of can be trusted

Chuckle- keep trying daddio. Look- it's no one's business if you do or do not want to take the vaccine. That's your personal choice. But NO vaccine is 100% effective and they still are called vaccines. I'm certainly no liberal Biden suck up vaccine me guy. But what gets me is that people state their opinion as fact and try to dissuade others with it. Let people decide for themselves and weigh the risks themselves with whatever facts are available. Not the BS that people like you are spewing. Originally Posted by CryptKicker

well said Originally Posted by valkyra

and so far, NONE of the c19 vaccines are approved as safe. If n when they do. Can it be trusted as true ????
Willie Wanker's Avatar
you believe the CDC. After all this crap, HOW????

some NY county's lie numbers up
Gov Andy lie numbers down
CDC says NY numbers much higher
CDC keeps changing mind
CDC is hiding or not even looking at some numbers
CDC lied some drugs known safe are not
yet CDC pushing as safe, but really have no idea if so
therefor none of can be trusted


and so far, NONE of the c19 vaccines are approved as safe. If n when they do. Can it be trusted as true ???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Also the CDC and WHO recommendations often contradict each other. The CDC has flip flopped so many times, and not on small details. But worst of all is that politics has affected how and what the media reports and now concerns and scepticism regarding the vaccine is being silenced by goverent intervention in cooperation with Big tech and the Media. It's unconstitutional and scary that this can be done and no one is doing anything about it.
Why would anyone believe anything at this point.

Come and get your vaccine today! It's patriotic, it's your duty!

What? You don't want it?

Well, we got free stuff. How about a cheeseburger, 🍔 or free lottery tickets, alcohol, spa memberships?

You have antibodies because you previously had Covid-19?
Sorry those antibodies aren't good enough. Trust us we just know they aren't.
You still need to be vaccinated.
We're going to be in your neighborhood on Tuesday.
What time would you like to schedule your vaccination?

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Also the CDC and WHO recommendations often contradict each other. The CDC has flip flopped so many times, and not on small details. But worst of all is that politics has affected how and what the media reports and now concerns and scepticism regarding the vaccine is being silenced by goverent intervention in cooperation with Big tech and the Media. It's unconstitutional and scary that this can be done and no one is doing anything about it.
Why would anyone believe anything at this point.

Come and get your vaccine today! It's patriotic, it's your duty!

What? You don't want it?

Well, we got free stuff. How about a cheeseburger, �� or free lottery tickets, alcohol, spa memberships?

You have antibodies because you previously had Covid-19?
Sorry those antibodies aren't good enough. Trust us we just know they aren't.
You still need to be vaccinated.
We're going to be in your neighborhood on Tuesday.
What time would you like to schedule your vaccination?

�� Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
if its a US Census taker they have come over its easy to tell
They park in driveway part of car over the sidewalk and part still the road.

I just love calling 911, then watch a officer boot n call a tow truck
as of last time posted on that now up to 4 booted n towed in my hood not counting 2 it was not I that called
If ya go out and listen what they say to officer is funny. I'm working for US and have the right to park that way. Officer, ever see a patrol car, firetruck etc park that way unless have to or in need to block driveway and or road. Taker no. Officer then you can't park that way..
Fox has quietly implemented its own version of a vaccine ... › media › fox-vaccine-passport

Hard to understand how anyone would can stomach their lies
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Fox has quietly implemented its own version of a vaccine ... › media › fox-vaccine-passport

Hard to understand how anyone would can stomach their lies Originally Posted by keeponrisin
Voluntary as in if they want to Sir HR of any company is looking out for the company.

btw thanks for link to CNN rather than story your talking about
I normally never look at FOX or CNN

I wonder if FOX has CNN-DS as bad as CNN clearly has FOX-DS but I lazy and will not look. But note local stations rarely has stories on compaction. CNN has more than a few FOX stories errrrr WTF Is that if ya can't beat em slam em ?????

BTW I'm late back as US Census called the cops on me yet again. Officer said they piss ya called 911 on them. I ask you taking me in. NOPE. Should I press charges of harassment. NOPE, your not the only one so its done n filed. Officer is there a way to tell if real or scam NOPE So just keep calling 911
valkyra's Avatar
Fox has quietly implemented its own version of a vaccine ... › media › fox-vaccine-passport

Hard to understand how anyone would can stomach their lies Originally Posted by keeponrisin
LOL i'm laughing but i'm actually terrified
offshoredrilling's Avatar
LOL i'm laughing but i'm actually terrified
WHO WOULD GET THIS. FROM FOX????? Originally Posted by valkyra
Voluntary and for employees and contractors that work at.

Its a HR cover ass thingy. I bet HR of other company's do/doing/did the same

So its really a nothing story by CNN to slam FOX IMHO

CNN miss's Trump and having TDS. SO CNN now has

more on Topic
Why the state, feds have different COVID-19 death stats for New York

^^^ from a local LEFT station

But CNN will not do a story on Gov Andy, Would not look good as Andy's baby brother works at CNN
Point is it is exactly what Fucker Carlson and Handsshitty are railing against.

And who do think is in charge of HR..
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Point is it is exactly what Fucker Carlson and Handsshitty are railing against. Originally Posted by keeponrisin
So FOX is BAD for letting news casters be against what FOX HR is doing in there stories
That they can have a different opinion than FOX HR on vaccines I would think is a good thing.

KEEP talking Sir, you have almost talked me into looking at for the 1st time. I never looked at CNN till I clicked your link other that stories others here linked