Real Eye doc, woo hoo... Failed the American board exam so he start his own accreditation so he could pass no problem. Sounds like something Trump would do.
Originally Posted by royamcr
A self certified Eye doctor at that...
Originally Posted by royamcr
Uhh .. NO. media lie.
National Board of Ophthalmology
In 1995, Paul was certified to practice by the American Board of Ophthalmology (ABO).[28] Three years prior in 1992, the ABO had changed its certification program, which previously awarded lifetime certifications, and required ophthalmologists to recertify every 10 years,
while those who had already been given lifetime certification were not required to recertify. Paul felt this was unfair and began an aggressive campaign to have all ophthalmologists recertify every ten years. In 1997 he set up the National Board of Ophthalmology (NBO) to offer an alternative certification system, at a cost substantially lower than that of the ABO.
[29][30][31] Its certification exam, an open book take-home test that Paul helped write, was described by one taker as "probably harder" and "more clinically relevant" than the ABO's exam.
[29] Paul appointed his own family members to the board of directors and registered the Board to an incorrect address.
Named board members were Paul, his wife, and his father-in-law.
[32] The NBO was, itself, never accepted as an accrediting entity by organizations such as the
American Board of Medical Specialties,
[22] and its certification was considered invalid by many hospitals and insurance companies. Paul let his own ABO certification lapse in 2005, which did not affect his practice in Kentucky; the state does not require board certification. By Paul's estimate, about 50 or 60 doctors were certified by the NBO.
[29] The NBO was incorporated in 1999, but Paul allowed it to be dissolved in 2000 when he did not file the required paperwork with the Kentucky Secretary of State's office. He later recreated the board in 2005, but it was again dissolved in 2011.