Are you admitting that you cannot refute the Politifact article?
Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
True facts are difficult for trumptards to handle.
Originally Posted by royamcr
Suck it bitches.. This was an American Reichstag fire and is being used to cast political opposition as insurrection which on the face of it is patently false. We've had leftists set off bombs in the Capitol building in the past, leftists invade the SOTU address, leftists blockade the White house and those weren't insurrections. Why are these particular people insurrectionists? Because they are a threat to Democrat/globalist power.
Maybe you're fine with the whole globalist approach... maybe you think you'll be on their favorites list. Not me. I've traveled enough to realize that as imperfect of a nation as we have, we're a damn site better than the rest of the globe.
What's being done is an attempt to implement a Chinese style social credit system... you think you have trouble mongering now? Just wait until your ability to bank is affected by who you transact with. Anyway, most of you are too stupid and are LIVs anyway, you probably need to be controlled. You'll get the government YOU deserve.