Mother of cop killer gets arrested in hospital

texassapper's Avatar
I'm sure your usual childish name calling will be coming shortly. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Says the guy calling cops, Pigs. That's some next level genius. lol...

Did you run out of talking points, Son? No ability to reason for yourself?
Little Monster's Avatar
Says the guy calling cops, Pigs. That's some next level genius. lol...

Did you run out of talking points, Son? No ability to reason for yourself? Originally Posted by texassapper
Not an insult to call a spade a spade. Can you please give me an example of one good "talking point" you've ever had since you been on here.
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2021, 12:42 PM
Will LM put money wehre teh 'mouth' is- and teh political indoctrination - and pay teh 'bail, court costs, and lawyer fees to 'liberate' his beloved murderers of Police in chicago????

Doubtful - Hypocritical communist DPST as always.

Types inflammatory 'baiting' words - nothing more.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Not an insult to call a spade a spade. Can you please give me an example of one good "talking point" you've ever had since you been on here. Originally Posted by Little Monster

Can you show me the last argument you made with research that backed up that argument? I'm sure you must have done it at least once in the past though I can't remember you every providing any research on anything.

You are always calling for it, show us you have done it more than once if at all.
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2021, 01:07 PM
communist DPSTs see themselves as above submitting any documentation or verification for their narrative discourses and nonsense.

it is their Marx-given Right - to rule over the proletariat as nomenklatura - No questions permitted.
Little Monster's Avatar
Can you show me the last argument you made with research that backed up that argument? I'm sure you must have done it at least once in the past though I can't remember you every providing any research on anything.

You are always calling for it, show us you have done it more than once if at all. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Of course you don't remember. Cause you only pay attention to what you want to and ignore anything that inconvenience's your arguments.

So I didn't provide research here...

Or in this thread...

Or in this thread...

This ain't even close to the tip of the iceberg. Research and facts get thrown in your face and all you and your fellow fascist-conservatives can do is cry "fake news".

Do you want me to keep going?
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2021, 02:03 PM
Denial, deflection. Obstruction

Communist DPST nonsense without a shred of factual support
Thank u - valued poster.
texassapper's Avatar
Not an insult to call a spade a spade. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Careful, lefty, you'll get called a RAYCISS and have to leave the basement to apologize.

Can you please give me an example of one good "talking point" you've ever had since you been on here. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Ignorant fool, I can think for myself... I understand your reliance on others to do your thinking for you, but just because it is true for you does not make it so for others.
Little Monster's Avatar
Careful, lefty, you'll get called a RAYCISS and have to leave the basement to apologize.

Ignorant fool, I can think for myself... I understand your reliance on others to do your thinking for you, but just because it is true for you does not make it so for others. Originally Posted by texassapper
Perpetual name calling, just because one does not agree with you is one of the most obvious signs of a person who can't think for himself. You should get out more.
texassapper's Avatar
Perpetual name calling, just because one does not agree with you is one of the most obvious signs of a person who can't think for himself. You should get out more. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I'm sorry, Son, did your delicate feelings get hurt? I'll remember that next time you call the cops Pigs, eh? Is that a sign you can't think for yourself?

You should at least try being a little original in your insults... (Get out more) lol. You're not too quick witted are you?
Little Monster's Avatar
I'm sorry, Son, did your delicate feelings get hurt? I'll remember that next time you call the cops Pigs, eh? Is that a sign you can't think for yourself?

You should at least try being a little original in your insults... (Get out more) lol. You're not too quick witted are you? Originally Posted by texassapper
Yeah man my feelings are crushed. Calling a pig a pig is not name calling. And you call words like "douche" & "asshole" original??

You don't think much before you post do you....what am I talking about you're conservative you don't think anything through.

Keep trying.
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2021, 03:33 PM
Baiting, contemptible - Advocate for police Deaths - and revelling in such horror.
texassapper's Avatar
Yeah man my feelings are crushed. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I thought so. Look I don't feel that way about you so maybe take your little erection upstairs and see if your mother will take care of that for you.
Calling a pig a pig is not name calling. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I'm surprised you can even type that in all seriousness. You're jus not very bright are you?
And you call words like "douche" & "asshole" original?? Originally Posted by Little Monster
I prefer the old standards... what can I say, I am a Conservative after all. I mean if they fit, why not use them?
You don't think much before you post do you Originally Posted by Little Monster
I don't have to when replying to you.
1: It doesn't take much thought to reply to your drivel
2: You're not worth more of an effort
3: Most of it will go over your head anyway
....what am I talking about you're conservative you don't think anything through. Originally Posted by Little Monster
That's conservatives for you... using the tried and true rather than change for the sake of change.
Keep trying. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I will, as I wrote, it doesn't take much effort to counter the arguments of a nitwit like you.
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2021, 05:02 PM
And? George Floyd had kids, Ronell Foster had kids, Patrick Warren Sr. Had kids, as well as hundreds of other unarmed people who were wrongfully murdered by the Pigs. Originally Posted by Little Monster

Whataboutism - is no excuse for the depraved indifference to human life exhibited by LM.
Typical of Communist revolutionaries - teh murder of millions matters not - compared to the imposition of their beloved marxist dictatorships.

Poster should ask the local police to take him off any and all response calls.
Little Monster's Avatar
I thought so. Look I don't feel that way about you so maybe take your little erection upstairs and see if your mother will take care of that for you.

wooooo now's he's breaking out the "yo momma reply" getting a little desperate are. No surprise here.

I'm surprised you can even type that in all seriousness. You're jus not very bright are you?

I'm bright enough to do research before I open my mouth unlike you, I'm bright enough to to get my point across without the childish name calling. Clearly you cannot say the same.

I prefer the old standards... what can I say, I am a Conservative after all. I mean if they fit, why not use them?

No You're just not capable of having an Adult conversation. You prove that everytime you post

I don't have to when replying to you.
1: It doesn't take much thought to reply to your drivel
2: You're not worth more of an effort
3: Most of it will go over your head anyway

And you think you're a challenge? Sorry but acting like a child throwing tantrums does not make you smart nor does it win you debates. I don't expect you to understand that, it will just sail over your head like everything else does.

That's conservatives for you... using the tried and true rather than change for the sake of change.
I will, as I wrote, it doesn't take much effort to counter the arguments of a nitwit like you. Originally Posted by texassapper
Nah, you're just incapable of responding with anything over a 6th grade level. If you were you would give at least one response without acting like one.