Weekly Biden Report Card

Afghanistan Won’t Be the Last Biden Crisis
This debacle revealed grave structural weaknesses in his administration.

Even Democrats and their media allies now acknowledge that the Biden administration’s handling of Afghanistan has been a debacle. The horrifying, heartbreaking pictures are impossible for Americans, our allies or our enemies to forget.
Afghanistan Won’t Be the Last Biden Crisis
This debacle revealed grave structural weaknesses in his administration. Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
I think it's going to come down to whether Congressional Republicans maintain a constant media drumbeat and call for hearings into this disaster as soon as possible. Since this is August recess, the Demwits are hoping things will calm down and Americans will lose interest.
Hard2Kill's Avatar
Unless your in the top 1% as far as wealth or getting government benefits you're on the menu. To bad there are so many people in this country that just dont get it. Both parties are doing nothing for anyone else.
Says he was instructed on which reporters he was allowed to call on.


It's truly frightening that half of America voted for this demented moron, but hey "Free Stuff!". As much as I would love to see this corrupt imbecile impeached, Kamala would be an even bigger disaster.
Unless your in the top 1% as far as wealth or getting government benefits you're on the menu. To bad there are so many people in this country that just dont get it. Both parties are doing nothing for anyone else. Originally Posted by Hard2Kill
Until the people realize this and start resisting, the beatings will continue until the morale improves.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Says he was instructed on which reporters he was allowed to call on.


It's truly frightening that half of America voted for this demented moron, but hey "Free Stuff!". As much as I would love to see this corrupt imbecile impeached, Kamala would be an even bigger disaster. Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Until the people realize this and start resisting, the beatings will continue until the morale improves. Originally Posted by sexman333
in a primary vote for the new person unless its the person your party wants as he/she will pay for their own campaign

example Christopher Carl Collin, GOP wanted him. GOP wanted him as partly he stated I will pay for my own run for the New York's 27th congressional district. GOP hated David Bellavia. Always made it hard for him to even get on a primary ballot. So David Bellavia was the right choice, but we got stuck with Chris that went down in flames

the GOP pick is not always bad, but most times is, nor the person that will pay their way. When its both its the wrong choice.

many times which ever party. the party's pick is the wrong pick
primary's important in both the major party's

Unless a DEM city like ROC. where the primary is the election. That never works out well. I bet true also if a city is GOP and the primary is the election. Will not go well

In the GOP primary voters trying to fight party. Sadly it seems in my view DEM voters march in tune with the DEM

at primary election time we would all get choices at election time. IF more voters say FUCK YOU to their own party at the primary

term limits would also help. try and move up or get the fuck out.
I guess America is finding out what happens when you vote against someone instead of for someone! Last time this happened is when Jimmy Carter became President. Guess history does repeat itself. What a shame!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I guess America is finding out what happens when you vote against someone instead of for someone! Last time this happened is when Jimmy Carter became President. Guess history does repeat itself. What a shame!! Originally Posted by Chris Tucker
I guess America is finding out what happens when you vote against someone instead of for someone! Last time this happened is when Jimmy Carter became President. Guess history does repeat itself. What a shame!! Originally Posted by Chris Tucker
Actually the last time was in 2016
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Actually the last time was in 2016 Originally Posted by brasil
I disagree, I clearly voted for mean tweets 3x. ops I skipped a primary, My area had nothing to vote for
in the primary WTF GOP wanted Jab, I was not going to vote for another Bush and and voted for mean tweets. shhhh wish Dr Ben did not drop out
I’m only making one post to refresh the memories of y’all right wing nut jobs…


“The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021“

Just following the plan left by your favorite reality star president, but it’s easier to just say it’s all someone else’s fault….
I’m only making one post to refresh the memories of y’all right wing nut jobs…
Originally Posted by bf0082
What you fail to understand (which was also very predictable) is that there were MANY conditions that needed to be met to proceed with the withdrawl. Those conditions were all being met until Jan 20.

After Jan 20, NONE of the conditions were being met.
Wanna guess why?
Because Biden is weak and the Taliban pushed him around.
That would NOT have happened with Trump in charge. PERIOD.

The withdrawl was null and void the moment the Taliban stopped meeting the conditions outlined by Trump.

Nice try though.....
Oblama blamed everything that went wrong for EIGHT fucking years on Dubya.....
Biden's only gonna get four years to blame everything on Trump....
Actual conditions being met: 0 ... Trump BS Meter: Over 9000.

The SecDef revealed Trump was trying to use the threat of Taliban rule to coerce Ghani into
allowing a permanent US counterterrorism base in Afghanistan.

"The hope was that the process would have allowed the United States, either through Ghani or
his replacement, to negotiate a new status-of-forces agreement to extend the U.S. troop presence
in Afghanistan under the guise of continued counterterrorism training.

There was going to be a new government. The Taliban wouldn’t exist as an independent entity.
That deal is no longer valid. We would have called it ‘security assistance,’ but we were going
to maintain [counterterrorism] strike and recon capability.

We were going to jam Ghani hard and make him cut a deal with the Taliban. It would have been
ugly. It wouldn’t have been great. But there was no plan to just leave."


Not only did Trump set it up to fail on purpose, even THAT plan failed.
Only choice the US had after that? Send in troops, forever, or just leave.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Actual conditions being met: 0 ... Trump BS Meter: Over 9000.

The SecDef revealed Trump was trying to use the threat of Taliban rule to coerce Ghani into
allowing a permanent US counterterrorism base in Afghanistan.

"The hope was that the process would have allowed the United States, either through Ghani or
his replacement, to negotiate a new status-of-forces agreement to extend the U.S. troop presence
in Afghanistan under the guise of continued counterterrorism training.

There was going to be a new government. The Taliban wouldn’t exist as an independent entity.
That deal is no longer valid. We would have called it ‘security assistance,’ but we were going
to maintain [counterterrorism] strike and recon capability.

We were going to jam Ghani hard and make him cut a deal with the Taliban. It would have been
ugly. It wouldn’t have been great. But there was no plan to just leave."


Not only did Trump set it up to fail on purpose, even THAT plan failed.
Only choice the US had after that? Send in troops, forever, or just leave. Originally Posted by Nubom70
leaving US contractors behind was not a plan unless Biden planned to FAIL
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The GOAT is on a rampage tonight.