Says he was instructed on which reporters he was allowed to call on.
It's truly frightening that half of America voted for this demented moron, but hey "Free Stuff!". As much as I would love to see this corrupt imbecile impeached, Kamala would be an even bigger disaster.
Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Until the people realize this and start resisting, the beatings will continue until the morale improves.
Originally Posted by sexman333
in a primary vote for the new person unless its the person your party wants as he/she will pay for their own campaign
example Christopher Carl Collin, GOP wanted him. GOP wanted him as partly he stated I will pay for my own run for the New York's 27th congressional district. GOP hated David Bellavia. Always made it hard for him to even get on a primary ballot. So David Bellavia was the right choice, but we got stuck with Chris that went down in flames
the GOP pick is not always bad, but most times is, nor the person that will pay their way. When its both its the wrong choice.
many times which ever party. the party's pick is the wrong pick
primary's important in both the major party's
Unless a DEM city like ROC. where the primary is the election. That never works out well. I bet true also if a city is GOP and the primary is the election. Will not go well
In the GOP primary voters trying to fight party. Sadly it seems in my view DEM voters march in tune with the DEM
at primary election time we would all get choices at election time. IF more voters say FUCK YOU to their own party at the primary
term limits would also help. try and move up or get the fuck out.