Waving goodbye to Americans stranded in Afghanistan

HDGristle's Avatar
I respect your posts and agree with some points and not others but to suggest trump didnt have a plan to take back our guns and equipment is simply an assumption on your part. Trump had an evac plan in place. Like so many other plans trump had, biden did regarded it to put his in place. Unless u have access to trumps evac plan, ur statement is nothing but an assumption. To suggest the hardware left at the military base is not useable is wrong, dead wrong Originally Posted by chizzy
Do you have a copy of Trump's plan? Bolton's gone on record saying Trump's plans wouldn't have been terribly different.

Self-serving warmonger or not, on the outs with Trump or not, I respect John Bolton as being consistent and transparent about his goals and vision for the country and its role in the world.

Don't reference the Contingecy and Crisis Response Bureau, either. That was vaporware.
berryberry's Avatar
A Senior State Dept official acknowledged for 1st time today that the majority of Afghans who helped the US Gov't over last 20 yrs didn't make it out of Kabul. Asked about SIV applicants left behind, the official said while they couldn't provide a number "it's the majority of them."
bambino's Avatar
Do you have a copy of Trump's plan? Bolton's gone on record saying Trump's plans wouldn't have been terribly different.

Self-serving warmonger or not, on the outs with Trump or not, I respect John Bolton as being consistent and transparent about his goals and vision for the country and its role in the world.

Don't reference the Contingecy and Crisis Response Bureau, either. That was vaporware. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Your respect for John Bolton means absolutely nothing. He wasn’t around when the Trump Administration devised their plan.

Are hanging your hat on this interview?


He just gave his opinion. No more, no less. What was Bolton’s plan? Nuke them?
HDGristle's Avatar
Keep digging. He's been on a talking spree the past few weeks for print and video interviews.

Has way more credibility than you or Berry on this, that's for sure.

So do Esper and McMaster. Read all of the stuff from last fall and winter related to Esper's assessments of the Afghan withdrawal plans.

Look for some of the Miller interviews about going to 800. The bullshit about a 75/25 Taliban control split and appeasing the Taliban by working to oust Ghani. The assessments of the Afghan government getting rolled with less than 2k troops to backstop them along with a larger NATO contingent.

Basically read more shit instead of just quoting it. Stop just scratching the surface. The Trump admin plan was doomed to fail because they had spent a substantial amount of time selling out the Ghani gov and appeasing the Taliban and Trump and Pompeo were neck deep in it.

I can start posting pics of Pompeo and Baradar with sparky captions if you want. We can go back over some more names that were part of the 5k Taliban that were released by Trump that haven't been mentioned yet.

Yeah, Biden owns the withdrawal. Blood is on his hands. There are other fingerprints all over this shit. And they don't belong to normal American voters.

I have found John Kirby go be a straight shooter. So when he talks about the efforts to disable the hardware at the airport I give him more leeway than Psaki. I don't just assume that Blackhawks seized because the Afghan forces gave up means those "Chinooks" at the airport were left in a functional or an easily repairable state
chizzy's Avatar
Do you have a copy of Trump's plan? Bolton's gone on record saying Trump's plans wouldn't have been terribly different.

Self-serving warmonger or not, on the outs with Trump or not, I respect John Bolton as being consistent and transparent about his goals and vision for the country and its role in the world.

Don't reference the Contingecy and Crisis Response Bureau, either. That was vaporware. Originally Posted by HDGristle
I do not have a copy and neither do you. I stand by what I said
you are making an assumption. I know one thing, it would be pretty hard to do worse than what bidens plan did
HDGristle's Avatar
I do not have a copy and neither do you. I stand by what I said
you are making an assumption. I know one thing, it would be pretty hard to do worse than what bidens plan did Originally Posted by chizzy
Chris Miller has talked a lot recently about some of the plans, as has an anonymous source from the Trump administration that validated some of that and another that threw cold water on it as wishful thinking. Miller has also contradicted several Trump assertions about the plans, including time tables and what the goals were.

Trump has said that we should have been out by May 1. How that was supposed to work if they were going to implement the 800 plan and oust Ghani for an interim gov with 75% Taliban control of the country. Josh Hawley was parroting that May 1 date not that long ago.

Which, makes no sense if Miller's assertions about May 1 being a goal post they never intended to meet are valid and they would keep part of Afghanistan while letting the Taliban control the government.

The floated notions of the CCRB that wasn't even a,legitimate functional bureau having a plan to ensure we collected the hardware and extracted to people... was also bullshit
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden's team persists to not help Americans left behind in Afghanistan

From Congressman Dan Crenshaw - America: right now there is a private effort to get a plane of US citizens and allies out of Afghanistan. They need Sec Blinken to help get clearance to land in a nearby country.

Biden’s State Department is refusing to actively assist.
berryberry's Avatar
NEW: The US has left behind the majority of Afghan allies who had applied for visas to escape reprisal from the Taliban


Actually it’s much worse than that: the US left wounded Afghan Special Operations soldiers in their hospital beds & disabled vets like one commander who has no legs. His wife is on the run being hunted by the Taliban while he waits for the terrorist executioners to come to his door.
berryberry's Avatar
Retired Army veteran whose wife Biden left behind in Afghanistan: it was a “nightmare" trying to get to the airport, "every single minute you’re waiting for death”

bambino's Avatar
Chris Miller has talked a lot recently about some of the plans, as has an anonymous source from the Trump administration that validated some of that and another that threw cold water on it as wishful thinking. Miller has also contradicted several Trump assertions about the plans, including time tables and what the goals were.

Trump has said that we should have been out by May 1. How that was supposed to work if they were going to implement the 800 plan and oust Ghani for an interim gov with 75% Taliban control of the country. Josh Hawley was parroting that May 1 date not that long ago.

Which, makes no sense if Miller's assertions about May 1 being a goal post they never intended to meet are valid and they would keep part of Afghanistan while letting the Taliban control the government.

The floated notions of the CCRB that wasn't even a,legitimate functional bureau having a plan to ensure we collected the hardware and extracted to people... was also bullshit Originally Posted by HDGristle
All conjecture.


Pompeo was physically with Trump when Trump warned the Taliban leader he would destroy him if one American was harmed. Trump has explained many times that he set conditions with the Afghan government AND the Taliban that Trumps conditions must be met. He would have evacuated Americans and Allies first. Remove weapons next and then withdraw the military. He would have destroyed bases on the way out. Biden let the Taliban secure the Kabul airport. Even though they offered to let the US Military secure the perimeter. Biden turned the security of our citizens over to the Taliban. Disgraceful. He abandoned Bagram in the middle of the night without telling Ghani or our allies. We now know Biden asked Ghani to lie about the conditions in Afghanistan for more Military support. Quid pro quo eh? Biden should be impeached for that phone call.
bambino's Avatar
��Just IMAGINE IF TRUMP asked a leader to LIE TO THE WORLD ABOUT a Militant group overrunning it's own country to save face..

��MEDIA would ride the story for MONTHS and push IMPEACHMENT..

��Joe DID THIS..

Join @jSolomonReports
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