The race is over

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar in Texas they have made 1rst time prostitution a FELONY.

Maybe it is Republicans who are fucking up the country Originally Posted by WTF
It's a strange thing with Republicans. They stand up for freedom and individual rights, yet do shit like this at the same time.

I support individual rights and the second amendment, but I don't like having giant prisons and illegal pot.
It means that AMERICA WASN'T GREAT during the
OBama years. It was shitty. A few of the lads
here could school you on that fact.

But, no worrys. TRUMP will repair all Biden's
damage when He WINS in 2024.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I’ve not had a bad year since I got outta school. Been making money no matter who was president. I expect that will remain the case.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
In China, you can live in financial abundance, but you still cannot criticize the government or step out of line, and all media and even public conversations are subject to censorship.

What I'm saying is economic and financial prosperity can exist in an oppressive system. If anything, the CCP might want to fatten you up and give you financial stability so you will allow them to do whatever they want in return.

In North Korea, many higher ups do not rebel, because the socialist party takes care of them, and they live relatively descent lives in exchange for their obedience. Relative to North Korean standards.

Just because one does not like the direction in which the country is going does not mean they are struggling financially.

It was a little strange to assume that.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I’ve not had a bad year since I got outta school. Been making money no matter who was president. I expect that will remain the case. Originally Posted by NoirMan

It's hard to imagine a time when lawyers don't do well. More chaos, more lawyers. Fucked up supply chain certainly isn't going to hurt you and the angrier Americans get, the more they turn to lawyers.

I'm kinda in the same situation. None of this crap really affects me. No job to worry about, no kids to worry about and while inflation may reduce the worth of the money I already have, I suspect I have enough to get me to the end unless there is a run on the banking system and then we are all fucked.

This is pretty much all an academic exercise for me.

I on the other hand do not believe "that will remain the case". Just like technology, we as a society are moving at a fast pace downhill in my opinion and I only see it getting worse but probably not for lawyers.

We have crossed the Rubicon.
HedonistForever's Avatar
America has been GREATER since January 20, 2021. Originally Posted by NoirMan

Pretty sure that is not what the entire British Parliament was saying when they stood in unison to condemn the Biden policy on Afghanistan. Pretty sure that isn't what other NATO allies were saying when they agreed that they may not need to include America in future plans if Biden is running the country.

Does 70,000 illegal aliens with perhaps millions more to come, make America greater than it was under Trump? Don't think so.

After achieving or nearly achieving energy independence under Trump, Biden is now hat in hand begging OPEC to produce more oil since we have decided not to. Are we then going to reduce our fuel consumption to make it a better planet? Nope, we are going to burn the same amount of oil whether we dig it up or the Arabs do, we will just pay more for it.

Does that make us greater? To have the ability to be energy independent and say no thanks, we would rather have to beg and pay more money to use something we have in abundance.

That's just stupid and makes America look stupid.

So no matter the problems and there are plenty, we are better off simply because Trump isn't in office so I guess it doesn't matter how far we fall, as long as Trump isn't in office.

That does not make America great but like you said, you're making money and Trump is out of office so who cares.

  • oeb11
  • 10-13-2021, 08:06 PM
- HF - Thank You - good Sir!