
MJewel's Avatar
Good read MJ that was comical to read . You have a very distorted view of the truth . But your also 34 and you don’t know Arealone or Arkylegend and your account was hacked . Girl this is 2021 if anyone has told you that . In July 2021 you outed me in a video with you talking giving my real life info and a client that’s not on here . You sent it to a member on This board that barely new me at the time and had him forward it to me because I blocked you . I was going to turn it into P411 to have you banned . Outing real life information to clients is against all rules Macey . I told you I would call prosecutor for harassment if you did not leave me alone . So you then beat me to the punch and told the police department I was a prostitute that would not leave YOU alone . Good thing the officer thought you were nuts and put no more thought into it . Macey do you know what discrete means ??? You can not call police and tell them someone is a prostitute or out them in a video . This is the hobby it’s all about discretion . It’s complete unreal everything you have done including trashing me to clients and Alexa during your short friendship with her . You have crossed so many boundaries with trust and discretion. I have the video under lock and key and you you have absolutely pushed me to the limit with your lies and insanity . I should of turned the video over a long time ago to and this would not be going on today .

Now let’s get back on topic about gossip Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
Btw I am 51 and proud of it! That’s completely normal to put a younger age because I do not look my age. Same age as JLo and I am not afraid to disclose my age. My recent pics do not lie. 51 and proud of it.
MJewel's Avatar
Well for someone who has said they don't deal in gossip and dislike it it's all I have read in this thread. Someone, probably you as you started the accusations, put forth facts other than just innuendo.

I am beginning to believe this is nothing more than just trying to target another provider who you have a beef with. Wouldn't be the first time. Are we going to have a thread in couple weeks how everything is fine that you have kissed & made up? Do believe we have seen it happen not long ago! 🤷♂️ Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Absolutely will not make up with her. Unfortunately I have too many times. Accept her help and you WILL have a shits storm of drama. She lives for it hense the topic of the thread is by her, listen to her fake little girl voice she puts on when she converses with you. It’s all fake! She is strictly out for her own gain. I’m genuinely just DONE with her and she can no longer control me. That’s why she’s angry! I am the one that wants Absolutely nothing to do with her. The injury of being DONE is more then she could handle. Sucks for her because I am a genuine friend. Not just anyone deserves an empath that’s genuine.
MJewel's Avatar
I know in this business you will get drama . It just comes with it . But to get what I have been getting is unacceptable the past three months . It’s bullying and harassment and I am not going to keep staying quite . Let’s just go straight to the punchline and not beat around the bush . Arealone and Macey wooo I can only refer to them as Bonnie and Clyde . They are out to destroy me , Alexa Anderson and Ginger Doll . Arealone you have one side of a story which is Macey’s . Your a grown man acting like a toddler . How dare you message Noel Moss that your glad she’s no longer with me , that I will ruin her life life like me and Alexa did Macey’s . You are passing some damn text around about me , Alexa and Ginger doll saying where the axis of evil . You know how I know this ??? Because you showed it yo Macey and others and it got back to me . That’s why I just casually blocked you on Twitter . But you did not stop there . You keep contacting providers to talk about me . Do you not work during the day ??? Why are you so obsessed with me . Your cheap AF all you do is text gossip . I would never see you as a client thats why you have never met me . It’s just pitiful you believe Macey’s damsel in distress act . She put her big boobs in your face and you lost your mind . Your willing to talk badly about me to everyone over a provider that has outed me to people on this board , called the police on me and told them I was a prostitute that was harassing her , that takes deposits from clients , says she’s moving to FL as a sales tactic to get more business . She has literally made me miserable and you have helped her . The only person that is harassing is you Arealone and Macey . I hope her discounts she gave you on a session with her we’re worth it to blast me and Alexa and Ginger for her . You kept pushing me Arealone the past few months well now I’m not staying quite . I’m tired of turning the other cheek to people like you . Oh and guys on here Arealone shares everything you guys write with Macey . I would be careful … oh and one last thing Noel and I are wonderful friends always have been always will be . She is not with Stars crew she is on her own . I am helping her this week with a Twitter account and a ECCIE so she can be her own person on here and have a voice . I am sorry for any misspelled words as I wrote this on my phone on my lunch break and I was wee but irritated that I’m still being bullied by a grown man on here

Arealone this is not a hobby for Noel , Alexa , Ginger or me this is our livelihood as it is for every provider on here . I want you to sit and think if you have the compassion to do so , we ladies have to work in this environment stop making it toxic . Would you like to go to work every day in a toxic filled environment over a gossipmonger starting it . Stop this nonsense . No one likes this behavior Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
I have never seen Arealone. This is absolutely fabricated. No client has ever shown me texts. Back when my tryst was hacked I pm him to clear the air because he was jumping right in there with all the ravenous wolves and attacking me. He didnt believe I was hacked. He was rude to me in pm. so saying He & I are tight is a total fabrication. Out and out lie.
MJewel's Avatar
Good read MJ that was comical to read . You have a very distorted view of the truth . But your also 34 and you don’t know Arealone or Arkylegend and your account was hacked . Girl this is 2021 if anyone has told you that . In July 2021 you outed me in a video with you talking giving my real life info and a client that’s not on here . You sent it to a member on This board that barely new me at the time and had him forward it to me because I blocked you . I was going to turn it into P411 to have you banned . Outing real life information to clients is against all rules Macey . I told you I would call prosecutor for harassment if you did not leave me alone . So you then beat me to the punch and told the police department I was a prostitute that would not leave YOU alone . Good thing the officer thought you were nuts and put no more thought into it . Macey do you know what discrete means ??? You can not call police and tell them someone is a prostitute or out them in a video . This is the hobby it’s all about discretion . It’s complete unreal everything you have done including trashing me to clients and Alexa during your short friendship with her . You have crossed so many boundaries with trust and discretion. I have the video under lock and key and you you have absolutely pushed me to the limit with your lies and insanity . I should of turned the video over a long time ago to and this would not be going on today .

Now let’s get back on topic about gossip Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
Lauren Alexa cares about no one and she just stated that earlier in this very thread.. Which is why I want nothing to do with her, Never mentioned this till now but she robbed me of my cut in an appointment. I just left. lesson learned. No one is going to burn me twice! What your not aware of is she shared your fake as sh** ! She threw you under sooo many bussEs that weekend. Many many providers are coming forward about how fake you are.
MJewel's Avatar
A little history about me , When I was 20 I flew to LA with a backpack and a credit card because I was 20 and broke eating ramen noodles . I had a mission , I wanted to be in adult magazines . I was not promiscuous I had only been with my high school sweetheart . I wanted to be a strong independent women that was able to take care of herself . So by the time I was 25 I had been in 21 adult magazines including playboy , not a centerfold but a layout . Mission accomplished . But it came with a price . When I came back to my hometown , everyone hated me . The gossip mill was going in full circle . From name calling to I was a home wrecker . So I did what I do best WORK . I purchased real estate property and invested my earnings . I would fix up a home and resale it . While I was trying to resale the home , I would have a open house and the neighbors would come and tell potential buyers my back story . Gossip mill running full speed ahead still lol . If I said it did not hurt my feelings I would be lying . Gossip hurts everyone's feelings if they are normal .

I have dealt with negative gossip my adult life and it does not get any easier . I just have learned to weed out those friends but it still hurts . Anyone who spread eagles for mens magazines you better be prepared for it . The whole US is able to see you if they chose to . Its public knowledge . So with that being said Im used to this behavior . No one should ever say they are used to being talked negatively about .
Guys if you see a women being slapped or bullied in parking lot and you do nothing about it . You are no better than the person doing it . Same goes for GOSSIP its mental abuse and knowing its going on and your a part of it makes it not right at all.
Since covid I have been bringing mental awareness to social media to talk about and help others . Suicide is up by 30% guys . This is a problem a huge problem . Be a person that is a solution not the problem . I really have found out who my real friends are through all of this for the past few weeks /months . You can keep your head down and say nothing , you can burry my thread and you can choose to continue to gossip about me . But just know I have thicker skin to this than some ladies , one day you could really damage a providers spirit and how do you want to feel about yourself at the end of the day when you lay your head down to sleep ??? Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
Yes you did go to LA and thats when you met the ole tomcat Staff Edit - Biomed1 that your trying to get his twitter to harass him now. Not sure you understand he's the reason you and I met. He assaulted me. Not going to go into those details. He put me in touch with you and I went to work for you straight away in 2006. I shared with you 15 years ago he was a disrespectful pr**k! You said you knew he treated women badly but he was kind to you. he has never been kind to anyone! Not sure why you bully and name call on here and then try to spin it as your trying to make everyone get along. you cannot make anyone do anything. That statement is controlling. I am certainly not here to bully or name call. I remember disrinctly you asking my opinion if you should set up this nice girl with him 2 Summers ago. I said are you crazy?
Im grateful that encounter didn't happen. Now you want his twitter to go bully him. But somehow paint it as your concerned for other providers. You wanna portray your all the providers knight in shining armor to warn and save them. When you should have protected all the providers many many years ago! Now that you and Staff Edit - Biomed1 are enemies you want his twitter. I don't know if you just believe your own lies but your covert ways you operate leaves me shaking my head. Its all fabricated all to your narrative. I will defend myself.
MJewel's Avatar
Wow that's quite the read. Where is the thread "axis of evil" come's from? 😳

I went back and looked at the Macy thread & looks to me like Arealone was defending the OP & not Macy, maybe I am reading it wrong 🤔 Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Does OP stand for other provider? I have only ever had a pm with arealone and he was not nice to me. So how am I involved in any of this?
winn dixie's Avatar
Gals gals

Please do not wake the mods! They get cranky.
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Members who wish to discuss to topic of Gossip Mongering are free to do so in this Thread.

This thread IS NOT the place to bring your conflicts with another member.
#27 - Often times in online communities, members may display a tendency towards bringing their conflicts with other members to the board. This will be strongly discouraged and swift effort will be made to put it to rest. Additionally, staff will make every effort to stay uninvolved in conflicts and disputes between members off the board except in such cases where the board becomes directly affected.
  • Tam47
  • 10-26-2021, 07:59 PM
Btw I am 51 and proud of it! That’s completely normal to put a younger age because I do not look my age. Same age as JLo and I am not afraid to disclose my age. My recent pics do not lie. 51 and proud of it. Originally Posted by MJewel
I got no dog in this fight but I gotta say something about this…its false advertising and isn’t right. You’re a smoke show. But being disingenuous about your age to get guys in the door shouldn’t be acceptable and probably not even needed in your case.

Just my humble opinion…I’d probably see you no matter your age…you’re fucking hot. But knowing you have willfully deceived just because others do it would turn me away. Not much different then photoshopping photos in my opinion.

Sorry Biomed…I couldn’t leave it alone.
biomed1's Avatar
The Original Topic as Specified by the OP is Rumor Mongering . . .
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
MJewel's Avatar
I got no dog in this fight but I gotta say something about this…its false advertising and isn’t right. You’re a smoke show. But being disingenuous about your age to get guys in the door shouldn’t be acceptable and probably not even needed in your case.

Just my humble opinion…I’d probably see you no matter your age…you’re fucking hot. But knowing you have willfully deceived just because others do it would turn me away. Not much different then photoshopping photos in my opinion.

Sorry Biomed…I couldn’t leave it alone. Originally Posted by Tam47
Posting 34 yrs is not what I want for my age to be on my ads. It was reccomended by the OP years ago that I lie about my age. I am really wanting to be honest and transparent about my age. There's a recent review that states I am 51. As I always tell the client in person. But they don't believe me. It has already been changed to 42. But I do wanna be honest about it. I have every right to be proud of it
MJewel's Avatar
sorry biomed I'm leaving this thread alone. I am simply being honest and transparent.
Sxenthusiast00095's Avatar
WMJ4657's Avatar
The Original Topic as Specified by the OP is Rumor Mongering . . . Originally Posted by biomed1

So I guess it's OK to say that since Macey owned up to not being honest on age stated there are rumors there are at least one other provider in NWA who is not the age stated on her page, but much older than stated. Perhaps this gives her the opportunity to come clean but I doubt it.
MJewel's Avatar
So I guess it's OK to say that since Macey owned up to not being honest on age stated there are rumors there are at least one other provider in NWA who is not the age stated on her page, but much older than stated. Perhaps this gives her the opportunity to come clean but I doubt it. Originally Posted by WMJ4657
I am fairly new to the online profiles an such. It was said to me that we are selling a fantasy. But the hot MILF is a fantasy in my opinion. A very popular fantasy with the 20-29 something male clients. Older clients like my age too.