A little history about me , When I was 20 I flew to LA with a backpack and a credit card because I was 20 and broke eating ramen noodles . I had a mission , I wanted to be in adult magazines . I was not promiscuous I had only been with my high school sweetheart . I wanted to be a strong independent women that was able to take care of herself . So by the time I was 25 I had been in 21 adult magazines including playboy , not a centerfold but a layout . Mission accomplished . But it came with a price . When I came back to my hometown , everyone hated me . The gossip mill was going in full circle . From name calling to I was a home wrecker . So I did what I do best WORK . I purchased real estate property and invested my earnings . I would fix up a home and resale it . While I was trying to resale the home , I would have a open house and the neighbors would come and tell potential buyers my back story . Gossip mill running full speed ahead still lol . If I said it did not hurt my feelings I would be lying . Gossip hurts everyone's feelings if they are normal .
I have dealt with negative gossip my adult life and it does not get any easier . I just have learned to weed out those friends but it still hurts . Anyone who spread eagles for mens magazines you better be prepared for it . The whole US is able to see you if they chose to . Its public knowledge . So with that being said Im used to this behavior . No one should ever say they are used to being talked negatively about .
Guys if you see a women being slapped or bullied in parking lot and you do nothing about it . You are no better than the person doing it . Same goes for GOSSIP its mental abuse and knowing its going on and your a part of it makes it not right at all.
Since covid I have been bringing mental awareness to social media to talk about and help others . Suicide is up by 30% guys . This is a problem a huge problem . Be a person that is a solution not the problem . I really have found out who my real friends are through all of this for the past few weeks /months . You can keep your head down and say nothing , you can burry my thread and you can choose to continue to gossip about me . But just know I have thicker skin to this than some ladies , one day you could really damage a providers spirit and how do you want to feel about yourself at the end of the day when you lay your head down to sleep ???
Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
Yes you did go to LA and thats when you met the ole tomcat
Staff Edit - Biomed1 that your trying to get his twitter to harass him now. Not sure you understand he's the reason you and I met. He assaulted me. Not going to go into those details. He put me in touch with you and I went to work for you straight away in 2006. I shared with you 15 years ago he was a disrespectful pr**k! You said you knew he treated women badly but he was kind to you. he has never been kind to anyone! Not sure why you bully and name call on here and then try to spin it as your trying to make everyone get along. you cannot make anyone do anything. That statement is controlling. I am certainly not here to bully or name call. I remember disrinctly you asking my opinion if you should set up this nice girl with him 2 Summers ago. I said are you crazy?
Im grateful that encounter didn't happen. Now you want his twitter to go bully him. But somehow paint it as your concerned for other providers. You wanna portray your all the providers knight in shining armor to warn and save them. When you should have protected all the providers many many years ago! Now that you and
Staff Edit - Biomed1 are enemies you want his twitter. I don't know if you just believe your own lies but your covert ways you operate leaves me shaking my head. Its all fabricated all to your narrative. I will defend myself.