another accomplishment by the Biden administration

  • oeb11
  • 11-10-2021, 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by VitaMan

Trump hatred,
Trump fixation

Trump - teh democraticommunist excuse for all their own failings
Trump - No Longer POTUS

The indoctrinated democraticommunist marxist, racist mind - is a terrible thing to behold.
U.S. Inflation at 6.2% in October.

. Originally Posted by bambino
inflation during the jimmy carter years ranged around 15% to 18%

interest rates got as high as 22%

if the inflation rate was calculated now in the same manner as it was in 1980, the current rate of inflation on an annual basis would be 14.2%

but cd rates were good back then
VitaMan's Avatar
An yet nothings gonna get fixed , except friend makin money Hmm Originally Posted by rexdutchman

How many Trump associates is it so far that have been indicted for using their government position for personal gain ? It has gone beyond double digits.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Really on tilt. You couldn't even wait 30 minutes before posting again and begging for a reply.

Your sources:
daily beast a tabloid a libertarian publication, with a CEO named Zilvinas Silenas
washington times a conservative publication

Consider the sources.

Consider the Biden administration passed an infrastructure bill in less than a year.
The previous administration - didn't get it done in 4 years. Originally Posted by VitaMan

consider the source ... you.

  • oeb11
  • 11-10-2021, 09:20 AM
How many Trump associates is it so far that have been indicted for using their government position for personal gain ? It has gone beyond double digits. Originally Posted by VitaMan

nonsense - as usual - the democraticommunists provide no evidence, facts, reference, substantiation, truth, or reality - and such have NO CREDIBILITY!!!!!!

the prosecution of the democraticommunists is stymied by the subverted DOJ
That may just change before teh democraticommunists get their hands on total Power.

We will SEE

Buck fiden
From my cold dean hands
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump hatred,
Trump fixation

Trump - teh democraticommunist excuse for all their own failings
Trump - No Longer POTUS

The indoctrinated democraticommunist marxist, racist mind - is a terrible thing to behold. Originally Posted by oeb11

So many members have asked you to post something useful.
You continue to post the same dribble.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
When VM starts a thread about wasteful gumment spending as an accomplishment...that's says all you need to know about his thinking Originally Posted by bb1961
yer saying that VM is a scarecrow with no brain? that's cold!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
this thread is worth 1 star
Perfect. As expected.

Let's try this again. The Biden administration passes an infrastructure bill, in less than one year. The previous administration tried for 4 years, and didn't get it done. Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Well, mate - the "previous adminnistration" DIDN'T NEED
to pass infrastructure bills and what-not.

President Trump just fixed everything on His own!

And then - on the 7th day - He took a rest!

### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump hatred,
Trump fixation

Trump - teh democraticommunist excuse for all their own failings
Trump - No Longer POTUS

The indoctrinated democraticommunist marxist, racist mind - is a terrible thing to behold. Originally Posted by oeb11
nonsense - as usual - the democraticommunists provide no evidence, facts, reference, substantiation, truth, or reality - and such have NO CREDIBILITY!!!!!!

the prosecution of the democraticommunists is stymied by the subverted DOJ
That may just change before teh democraticommunists get their hands on total Power.

We will SEE

Buck fiden
From my cold dean hands Originally Posted by oeb11
What about DPST? You missed a "the" Oppsie

edit add: Missed two of thems

edit add2: missed 3? obie slippin
pfunkdenver's Avatar
... Well, mate - the "previous adminnistration" DIDN'T NEED to pass infrastructure bills and what-not.

President Trump just fixed everything on His own!

And then - on the 7th day - He took a rest!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
^^^^^^Is this what people mean by "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
^^^^^^Is this what people mean by "Trump Derangement Syndrome"? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

salty is just being .. salty .. but don't sneeze on the pepper.

but considering how the far left radical commies aka the DemonKKKrats tried to oppose Trump what he accomplished is rather impressive.

it's Mount Trumpmore worthy

bambino's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
As Trumpites are fond of saying:

"Trump has Mt. Rushmore inside his head."
"Trumps head is on Mt. Rushmore."

And they believe it, because they have never been there.

And Trump is fond of saying:

"Send in more of your money so I can be on Mt. Rushmore. At least my head."