Withnail's Three Greatest Albums Ever

Elvis Costello - This Year's Model
Cheap Trick - In Color and Heaven Tonight

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Pleasuredome
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I listened to Exile on Main St all the way through today. Too much filler, actually genuine shit, on it for it to be placed in a class with all-time great albums.

I like the version of Robert Johnson's Stop Breaking Down Blues on this one however. A bunch of other good songs as well, but as I said a little too much garbage.
I listened to Exile on Main St all the way through today. Too much filler, actually genuine shit, on it for it to be placed in a class with all-time great albums.

I like the version of Robert Johnson's Stop Breaking Down Blues on this one however. A bunch of other good songs as well, but as I said a little too much garbage. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
I think EXILE is their last will and testament. It is a bit fat; I agree. Moments of brilliance.
rooster's Avatar
I have the same number 1 as Willie:

1. Beatles - Abbey Road \ White Album ... I can't decide.

2. Pink Floyd - DSOTM

3. Neil Young - Harvest

Honorable mention to the Dead's "American Beauty" - an aptly titled work, fer sure.

But but but.... whutta bouts Alice in Chains...
lilylivered's Avatar
Black Sabbath "Master of Reality"
Montrose "Montrose"
Van Halen "Van Halen"
rooster's Avatar
But but but.... whutta bouts Alice in Chains... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Unplugged....fuggin great...

"Here they come to snuff the rooster, ah yeah
Yeah here come the rooster, yeah
You know he ain't gonna die
No, no, no, ya know he ain't gonna die"

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Black Sabbath "Master of Reality"
Montrose "Montrose"
Van Halen "Van Halen" Originally Posted by lilylivered
I wore the grooves off of that record. I like all 3 of your choices. It's tough to put them in order, they all kick ass.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I have the same number 1 as Willie:

1. Beatles - Abbey Road \ White Album ... I can't decide.

2. Pink Floyd - DSOTM

3. Neil Young - Harvest

Honorable mention to the Dead's "American Beauty" - an aptly titled work, fer sure.

. Originally Posted by rooster
I'm late to the party on Neil Young. I wasn't into his stuff
in my younger years, but I'm all in now. "Cortez the Killer" puts me in a trance, it's so damn good.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I'm late to the party on Neil Young. I wasn't into his stuff
in my younger years, but I'm all in now. "Cortez the Killer" puts me in a trance, it's so damn good. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Thrasher, Powderfinger, throw in Cortez the Killer if you want.
rooster's Avatar
I'm late to the party on Neil Young. I wasn't into his stuff
in my younger years, but I'm all in now. "Cortez the Killer" puts me in a trance, it's so damn good. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Thrasher, Powderfinger, throw in Cortez the Killer if you want. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
"Down By The River" is positively primal. CSNY (Yesss, and Y) did a tour together in 1999. I lucked out and saw them in Toronto.

C, S, and N...though awesome in their own rite...were smart enough to get TF out of the way and just support Neil when he went off. As I said...smart to do so. Cuz the crowd would have stormed the stage if they did not.

Though David Crosby was quite excellent in that show too..

I heard Joe Walsh seriously dis Neil on Howard Stern's show once. Said the guy "sure knew how to fuck up a guitar solo."

Now....I love me some Joe. Especially James Gang stuff. But Joe...it's gotta be said...while you are excellent in your own way (heck, most ways) and you have had more than your share of legendary experiences...you ain't Neil. No one is.

Don't get me wrong, though. Neil has put out some absolute trash too. Lots of it. Should have had more discretion in what he has released, especially in the past 10-15 years, IMHO.

rooster's Avatar
Speaking of "primal"...I saw the Dark Star Orchestra a couple of weeks ago.

If you do not know who they are and you like the Grateful Dead even just a little, do not miss them when they come around next to your neighborhood. Incredible musicians, and they totally get the Dead thang. Can't say enuff...

Anyway, they did a bunch of super-old stuff for this last show I saw. And they did a version of "C.C. Rider" that was mutherfukkin primitive...sounded like it was beaten out on logs in the goddam Congo or sumthin. Whew. It was fukkin gooooood.....

Like I said, don't miss the DSO.

Willie Wanker's Avatar
I have the same number 1 as Willie:

1. Beatles - Abbey Road \ White Album ... I can't decide.

2. Pink Floyd - DSOTM

3. Neil Young - Harvest

Honorable mention to the Dead's "American Beauty" - an aptly titled work, fer sure.

. Originally Posted by rooster
Check out the 2019 Abbey Road 50th Anniversary Remaster. Its phenomenal. The Songs all decompressed and cleaned up. It sounds more natural and you can hear everything that got lost in the original mix. It's been remastered before, but this the best remaster I've ever heard.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Sheikh Yerbouti is very good. Once again not top-3 all time and not to be taken seriously but excellent.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Sheikh Yerbouti is very good. Once again not top-3 all time and not to be taken seriously but excellent. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
I had to look that one up, had no idea it was Zappa. I'm going to have to check it out. Its the same band that played on Baby Snakes, so I'll probably like it.